

This was published 9 years ago

The refugee crisis in the Mediterranean is a story of death and desperation

By Nick Miller

London: Hundreds of migrants were packed into the windowless hold of a fishing vessel as it chugged its way north from the African coast earlier this year.

The hold began to fill with fumes from the engine. Fearing suffocation, the occupants rushed for the upper deck.

Human cargo: Hundreds of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa arrive in Sicily in September.

Human cargo: Hundreds of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa arrive in Sicily in September.Credit: New York Times

That's when the fighting began. Fellow migrants became enemies. Some were killed.

This is just one story from the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean, told to Fairfax Media by the International Organisation for Migration, which works in southern Italy helping migrants and asylum seekers who survived the voyage.

Steady stream: An estimated 400 people in up to 20 boats make the crossing each day.

Steady stream: An estimated 400 people in up to 20 boats make the crossing each day.Credit: New York Times

It is the story of a handful of deaths among thousands of deaths, one boat among thousands of boats, in an unfolding tragedy that everyone agrees must be stopped - but there is an increasingly bitter divide over how.

"They are desperate," said IOM spokesman Flavio di Giacomo. "They know it is a very dangerous crossing. They know they may be subject to brutal violence by the traffickers. They know the boats provided by the traffickers are increasingly unsafe.

"They know because their friends have died, because they have been told by families and relatives that the boats can sink."

More than 3000 people have died at sea this year, trying to cross the Mediterranean.

Push factors: Refugees from Syria, Gambia, Eritrea, Iraq and other countries wait to be transferred to temporary accommodation after disembarking from an Italian navy ship.

Push factors: Refugees from Syria, Gambia, Eritrea, Iraq and other countries wait to be transferred to temporary accommodation after disembarking from an Italian navy ship.Credit: New York Times

But still they come, in unprecedented numbers – an estimated 400 people in up to 20 boats a day, three times the level of just a year ago.

Since hundreds drowned off the Italian island Lampedusa a year ago, the Italian Navy has mounted an operation called Mare Nostrum (Our Sea). Its ships sail into what it calls the 'hot zone', a day's sail south from Italy, from Malta down to within sight of the Libyan coast.

Processing: Refugees from Gambia, Nigeria, Ghana, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and other countries disembark an Italian commercial ship after being rescued at sea.

Processing: Refugees from Gambia, Nigeria, Ghana, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and other countries disembark an Italian commercial ship after being rescued at sea.Credit: New York Times

The navy's orders are to intercept boats and pick up passengers, whether or not they appear to be in immediate trouble. They have picked up 150,000 people in the past 12 months.

"The key is saving these people," an Italian navy officer told the BBC in June.

Perilous voyage: Refugees from Nigeria and Ghana wait on a bus to be taken to temporary accommodation after arriving to Sicily.

Perilous voyage: Refugees from Nigeria and Ghana wait on a bus to be taken to temporary accommodation after arriving to Sicily.Credit: New York Times

Italian navy officials told the BBC that migrants have said "we have been waiting for you" as the ships pull up alongside their vessel.

There are even reports that migrants are being loaded onto boats in Egypt or Libya with satellite phones provided by traffickers - an hour or so out to sea they are instructed to call the Italian coastguard to say they're on their way. One source said it was like "a taxi service" to the northern continent.

Endangered lives: Refugees on an Italian commercial ship after being intercepted and rescued at sea.

Endangered lives: Refugees on an Italian commercial ship after being intercepted and rescued at sea.Credit: New York Times

As of this weekend, the taxis may get harder to hail.

European leaders fear Mare Nostrum encourages people to attempt the voyage. The position was put bluntly by UK Foreign Office minister Baroness Anelay in October: "We do not support planned search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean. We believe that they create an unintended 'pull factor', encouraging more migrants to attempt the dangerous sea crossing and thereby leading to more tragic and unnecessary deaths."

Huge operation: Refugees are examined by workers with Medecins Sans Frontieres as they disembark from an Italian ship that rescued them at sea.

Huge operation: Refugees are examined by workers with Medecins Sans Frontieres as they disembark from an Italian ship that rescued them at sea.Credit: New York Times

Other European leaders share this view. And Italy is angry that it bears the brunt of the cost of a €9 million ($12.9 million) a month operation it believes is the responsibility of all Europe.

So as of November 1 the EU's Operation Triton begins. It is unclear how quickly Mare Nostrum will be wound down – there are conflicting messages from Italy - but it is clear that Triton, run by an EU agency called Frontex, is a very different operation.

Frontex spokeswoman Izabella Cooper told Fairfax Media it would cover Italy's territorial waters, and parts of Italy and Malta's area of sea rescue responsibility. She declined to be more specific (it would be information exploited by traffickers).

This is not a "turn back the boats" policy. Ms Cooper said if a boat was detected by Frontex it will be accompanied to the Italian shore for identification. "If a boat in distress is detected a search and rescue operation will be launched."

But Triton will be on a much smaller scale than Mare Nostrum. It will cost one-third as much, and will involve each month just two ocean patrol vessels, two coastal patrols ships, two planes and a helicopter. This contrasts to the 32 ships in the Italian navy's current operation.

One columnist in London's Telegraph called it a "drown an immigrant to save an immigrant" policy.

Migrant groups fear that, if there are fewer patrols out in the middle of the Mediterranean, more deaths will result.

"There will be the risk of more shipwrecks," Mr Giacomo said. "The flows of migrants are not decreasing. Triton will be less effective [than Mare Nostrum]."

He doubts the policy change will prove a disincentive.

"[The flow of migrants] is the result of a complex humanitarian crisis near to the EU borders," he said. Of the 138,000 immigrants who arrived this year, 32,000 were from Syria, and 32,000 from Eritrea. There is a growing number from Gaza.

When they arrive in Libya – whose economy used to rely on migrant labour - they find it almost as bad. "Talking to migrants, they told me life in Libya has become way too dangerous. They cannot walk freely and safely in the street. They are kidnapped, beaten. Everybody tells me they have no choice [but to try to reach Europe]."

The traffickers are well-organised, powerful, rich and ruthless. Part of Frontex's mission is to try and disrupt this network, but with Libya a virtual failed state, it will be a long and hard process.

Meanwhile, the refugees keep coming, and not just from Libya to Italy.

Recently the Refugee Action group told the story of Syamend, who lived in Damascus but fled Syria early in the northern summer and crossed into Turkey.

He told the Refugee Action group: "I left the camp with about 20 other people, including children as young as five, and we tried to get to Greece in an inflatable dinghy. The dinghy capsized not far from the coast of a Greek island, but luckily we were rescued by coast guards. Later, I found out that other Syrians I'd met, including whole families, drowned attempting to reach Greece via the same route."

It is a story both shocking and unexceptional, and one of a multitude.

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