

This was published 9 years ago

Syrian war: Russia's support for Bashar al-Assad explained

By Ruth Pollard

Russia began bombing targets in Syria only days after President Vladimir Putin outlined Russia's worldview in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, his first in more than a decade.

With air forces from Russia, France, Australia and the US active over Syria, Putin's stance has divided Western leaders and prompted warnings of further bloodshed.

Why is Russia so supportive of Syria and its president, Bashar al-Assad?

The simple answer is arms and influence.

Although Russia does not publish details, some monitoring groups estimate that Syria accounts for up to 10 per cent of Russia's arms sales.

Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks support for ally Bashar al-Assad.

Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks support for ally Bashar al-Assad.Credit: Bloomberg

(Since the Syrian civil war began, the European Union, Turkey, the Arab League and the United States maintained arms embargoes against the Syrian Government – Russia and Iran, however, continue to supply it with arms.)

For the last four decades, Syria has also played host to Russia's only naval base in the Middle East at the port of Tartus on the Mediterranean Sea. Although the base is small and limited in its operations, it represents the last remnants of Russian influence in the Middle East.


"It is very important for Russia to show the world that it is still a great power," Pieter Wezeman, a senior researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Institute told the Anadolu Agency. "Support for the beleaguered Assad regime is an important means for the Russian government to do this, even when it must provide the funds for the regime to make the arms purchases."

Russian arms sales also go hand-in-hand with its efforts to influence energy projects in Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Turkey and Cyprus, according to Stephen Blank, a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council.

Islamic State fighters parade in Raqqa, Syria.

Islamic State fighters parade in Raqqa, Syria.Credit: AP

Add to that, Russia is genuinely concerned about the rise of Islamic extremism near its borders, as well as the large number of Russian fighters – an estimated 1500 – involved in the so-called Islamic State group.

How significant is the Russian military build-up in Syria?

In the past three weeks, Russia has deployed at least 28 fighter jets, 14 helicopters, dozens of tanks, anti-aircraft missile systems and about 2000 troops into north-western Syria.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must be part of the solution to defeating Islamic State.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must be part of the solution to defeating Islamic State.Credit: AP

The Russian deployment severely constrains Western options within Syria and may challenge the US' ability to operate in Iraq as well, according to analysis published on Monday by the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War.

"Russian aircraft flying around Syria gives Moscow absolute veto power over any attempt to establish any sort of no-fly zone or IS-free zone, unless the US and its partners are prepared to risk aerial combat with the Russian Air Force," the institute says.

"Russian planes can escort Syrian Air Force aircraft on missions, fly combat air patrols to protect Syrian helicopters engaged in barrel-bombing, and harass US or NATO aircraft or drones attempting to enforce ISIS-free zones."

What does Vladimir Putin want?

In an interview with US television on Sunday he flagged the idea of "a common platform for collective action against the terrorists".

But this would come at a price: Mr Assad would remain in power, a situation other world leaders have been desperate to avoid.

"There's no other solution to the Syrian crisis other than strengthening the effective government structures and rendering them help in fighting terrorism," Putin told 60 Minutes.

He rejected the overwhelming evidence that Mr Assad's forces have been deliberately massacring Syrian civilians with their indiscriminate use of barrel bombs as "anti-Syrian propaganda".

His interview came as Iraq announced it had entered an agreement with Russia, Syria and Iran to co-operate in the fight against Islamic State.

What about Islamic State?

Mr Putin has made it clear he is not intervening in Syria solely to attack IS.

"His stated goal and posture is to support the Assad regime and Bashar al-Assad in particular," the Institute for the Study of War analysis says.

Russia does not distinguish between Islamic State and the other armed rebel group fighting to overthrow the Assad regime so they too would be vulnerable to any Russian military action.

What do other world powers say about Assad?

After spending the past three years demanding that Mr Assad step down in order to bring an end to the bitter civil war that has torn Syria apart, Western leaders now appear to be divided on whether Assad could play a role in a "transitional" government.

A UK government source indicated Prime Minister David Cameron was open to a short-term role for Assad in a unity government in Syria.

Even so, Mr Cameron insisted: "He's butchered his own people, he's helped create this conflict and this migration crisis, he's one of the great recruiting sergeants for ISIL … He can't be a part of Syria's long-term future."

Last week, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she believed it was necessary to talk to Assad. "We will have to talk with many actors … Assad will be part of that, but also others like the US and Russia as well as important regional partners like Iran or Saudi Arabia."

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, however, rejected any role for Assad, saying Syrians would not accept it after the years of violence perpetrated by his government.

Experts have despaired at the apparent change of heart.

Charles Lister, an expert on extremist groups at the Brookings Doha Centre, says accommodating Russian demands for Assad's survival "will only prolong and intensify the conflict and will almost certainly spark a jihadist mobilisation the like of which the world has never seen".

Who poses a greater threat, Assad or Islamic State?

At least 250,000 people have died in Syria's 4½-year war, more than 4 million have fled the country and 7.6 million have been displaced inside Syria.

Along with the Syrian regime forces and the rebel opposition forces, there are now Islamist groups such as the al-Qaeda affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State fighting for territory.

Amidst all this, civilians continue to pay the price.

An analysis of data gathered by the Syrian Network of Human Rights, a London-based organisation that analyses on-the-ground reports following attacks, found three-quarters of all civilian deaths in the conflict were caused by Syrian regime warplanes as well as their indiscriminate use of barrel bombs. (The Syrian regime is the only group involved in the civil war with air capabilities.)

"Virtually all the Syrians I have spoken with agree that stopping Assad's barrel bombs is now the most urgent task to reduce their suffering – and the flow of refugees," writes Ken Roth of Human Rights Watch.

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