

This was published 8 years ago

Surge in Australians travelling for nips, tucks and a Hollywood smile

Medical tourism is growing in popularity but not everyone agrees that it's worth the risk.

By Rania Spooner

It's hard to miss the lounge and "concierge" for medical tourists at Kuala Lumpur's international airport, part of an aggressive push by its Ministry of Health to attract foreign patients.

Inside this airconditioned glass box the letters on glossy logos morph into stethoscopes, there are clinical leather couches and flat screen TVs spruiking "cutting edge" treatments.

An estimated 15,000 Australians headed overseas for major dental and cosmetic treatments last year.

An estimated 15,000 Australians headed overseas for major dental and cosmetic treatments last year.Credit: Gabriele Charotte

An estimated 15,000 Australians headed overseas for major dental and cosmetic treatments last year and Malaysia has been racing its Asian neighbours for a bigger piece of that growing trade.

German-headquartered medical travel agent Medigo recently set up an office in Sydney after watching enquiries from Australians rocket by nearly 70 per cent since the start of 2015.

Malaysia has become Australia's second most popular medical tourism destination, picking up more than 5 per cent of its market last year, while Thailand continues to dominate with more than 85 per cent, according to Medigo.

Speaking to foreign media in Kuala Lumpur recently, Malaysia's Health Minister, Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam, said it had attracted 800,000 "healthcare tourists" in 2015 and was expecting to reach 1.3 million this year.

Malaysia established a health tourism board within the Ministry of Health, which has been working with private hospitals, hotels and Malaysia Airlines to boost its position in the market since 2009. "I think the opportunity is huge with the market in Australia," Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council's chief executive Sherene Azli told Fairfax Media.

Flicking through the guest book at the DentalPro clinic in KL, dozens of testimonials scrawled by Australians date back more than a decade. "Will be returning on next visit," one Melbourne woman wrote, her hand-written thank-you followed by that of an Indonesian governor.

Foreign visitors like to fly in, get their teeth checked and casts made, and while veneers or implants are prepared spend a week on an island before having them fitted, chief executive Datin Rozita Talib said. They had been getting about 500 new international patients each year and Australians accounted for about 30 per cent of these.


Australians also make up about a quarter of the patients treated at the Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre each year; usually for several procedures, head of aesthetic medicine Dr Liow Tiong Sin said.

Australian doctors and lawyers warn that despite being attended to by a highly skilled surgeon in an internationally accredited practice, overseas procedures still go wrong because surgery has inherent risks, some heightened by flying, and patients can find themselves battling intermediaries to deal with complications or recover costs.

Australian surgeons are also reluctant to treat these patients once they've returned home, said Dr John Flynn, censor-in-chief at the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery.

"They're fearful that they'll be held accountable for the bad result, even though they didn't do it in first place," he said. "If you're the doctor that's trying to fix things up in Australia, and the patient still isn't entirely happy, and they want to sue, who do you think they're going to be looking at?

"Surgery for any reason is serious stuff and surgery and tourism shouldn't even occur in the same sentence ... it's crazy that someone would look at an elective surgical procedure as some sort of an add on to a holiday."

Maurice Blackburn's head of medical law Kathryn Booth said it was possible to sue a doctor in Malaysia but the process was complex, the compensation was low and enforcing it was a problem.

The most a family could get for a lost loved one was $10,000 Malaysian ringgit, or about $3300, she said, and the caps on claims for economic loss and suffering were "very limited".

"If you get a judgement here of $100,000 against that Malaysian doctor, you've got to enforce it and the Malaysian laws may not recognise and assist you in that judgment," Ms Booth said.

"Undertaking a cosmetic procedure in another country is to me is like taking a runway to risk. If there's complications you don't have the family support and you don't necessarily have the medical support and you may have added financial problems.

"Nobody every thinks the risk will eventuate for them, that they're going to be that case that goes wrong, but of course this does happen."

Slater and Gordon lawyer Nick Mann said as medical tourism had increased in popularity, so too had the inquiries his firm received from people seeking help when things went wrong.

He also it was "challenging" but possible to look at contracts signed with medical tourism operators or insurers and pursue bringing a claim for damages for injury based on breach of contract through the Australian courts.

"We have seen what can happen when cosmetic tourism goes wrong and we don't think it's a risk worth taking," he said.

The reporter travelled to Malaysia as a guest of the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council.

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