

This was published 8 years ago

San Bernardino shooting: violence shakes city once warned 'Lock your doors and load your guns'

By Michael Idato

San Bernardino: Just a few years ago, amid staffing and budget cuts to police and emergency services brought on by San Bernardino's looming bankruptcy, one of the city's attorneys issued a chilling warning: "Lock your doors and load your guns."

James F. Penman's words, said during a packed council meeting and intended to bring home the point that the city would struggle to meet the needs of the community with an underfunded police force, took on a chilling resonance yesterday after a shooting spree left 14 dead and 17 wounded.

A decade earlier San Bernardino's record had been held as an exemplar of law enforcement. Its homicide rate had been cut by nearly half since it peaked in 2005. But in the wake of cuts to police manpower in 2013, all of that gained ground was lost.

And this week, as "domestic terrorism" finally came knocking on its door, waking the sleepy, suburban streets of this already exhausted city with a frightening jolt, those numbers coalesced into something more disturbing: a genuine fear that the streets were no longer safe.

San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan led the "spectacular" response to the mass shooting.

San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan led the "spectacular" response to the mass shooting.Credit: Chris Carlson

In truth this crime doesn't quite fit the lone-shooter model of what has depressingly become America's "typical" shooting spree. And the response of the San Bernardino Police Department, underfunded and undermanned as it is, seemed to be nothing short of spectacular.

The shooters - Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27 - were captured and taken down within a few hours. The improvised bombs they left behind dismantled or detonated safely in record time. And the first pieces of a mosaic which will ultimately form a motive seemed to surface.

In hours, it seemed, San Bernardino's beleaguered police force had done what other cities, bigger cities, better funded cities, when they grappled with equally unfathomable crimes, had taken days to do.


But there is still a pervading air of unease in this community about the growing disconnect between the city's diminishing resources, and the expectation that anyone should be free to walk the city's streets, or indeed as happened in this case, attend its Christmas parties, without fear of being shot.

A couple embraces following the shooting.

A couple embraces following the shooting.Credit: Los Angeles Times

After the budget cuts, implemented between 2009 and 2012, there were just over 200 sworn officers in the city's police department. That number seems impossibly small when you consider that San Bernardino, sitting on the eastern fringe of greater Los Angeles, is a city of almost a quarter of a million people.

And it is compounded by everything that comes with a city's bankruptcy: rising unemployment, increased crime, particularly gang crime, which has filtered in from rougher areas east of central Los Angeles, and, inevitably, the prevalence of guns in a society which largely believes the right to bear them was written into the narrative on which America's "union" was founded.

The Black SUV involved in a police shootout with suspects, that shocked a suburban neighbourhood,

The Black SUV involved in a police shootout with suspects, that shocked a suburban neighbourhood, Credit: AP

There are signs, interestingly, that in the wake of the San Bernardino shootings, something is shifting.

Terrorism, hitherto considered by America's media to be a foreign thing, is suddenly being talked about in domestic terms, as though the media, and perhaps America with it, finally understand that the enemy long seen as a foreign invader might be dwarfed by a bigger enemy within.

That is little consolation to the residents of this city, who retreated indoors this afternoon as confusion reigned over the crossfire, and media reports seemed never quite certain of how many gunmen there were, or whether one or more remained on the loose.

Like most such stories of our time, they are reduced to television soap operas on rolling news channels, an amalgam of police press conferences, calls to prayer from politicians who are too afraid to put good policy ahead of hollow platitudes and an unending lineup of reporters, in coats and scarves, clustered at the intersection of Waterman Avenue and Vanderbilt Way, saying the same things over and over again to cameras as the clock ticks long into the night.

Nearby, rows and rows of tree-lined streets, with quiet houses, lit dimly from within by the flicker of television sets, begin to wink out. They're done. And why wouldn't they be. The day has been long, and the news almost too much to endure. Only one thing is certain: tonight, in San Bernardino, few will sleep easy.

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