

This was published 6 years ago

'Rogue newcomers to politics': Iranian president slams Trump after UN speech

By Paul McGeough

Washington: Hassan Rouhani got a lot off his chest when he spoke at the UN General Assembly in New York on Wednesday, but the Iranian president's most intriguing observation was that if Washington was to walk away from such a hard-won deal as the Iran nuclear pact, why would others bother to even enter negotiations with the US?

"By violating its international commitments, the new US administration only destroys its own credibility and undermines international confidence in negotiating with it, or accepting its word or promise," Rouhani said during a sweeping rejection of Donald Trump's condemnation of Iran and the nuclear deal, just 24 hours earlier, from the same lectern.

Analysts grappled with the same question in the more pressing context of what to do about the North Korean nuclear program. If Washington was to abandon the Tehran deal, why would Pyongyang meet American officials for negotiations Trump insists must take place?

Rouhani described Trump as "ignorant, absurd and hateful", but did not mention him by name, referring merely to "rogue newcomers to the world of politics".

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at a news conference at the United Nations on Wednesday.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at a news conference at the United Nations on Wednesday.Credit: AP

In his Tuesday speech to UN leaders, Trump denounced Tehran as a "murderous regime" and the nuclear deal it signed in 2015 with the Obama administration and five other world powers, as an embarrassment.

"One of the worst and most one-sided transactions the US has ever entered into," Trump said.

Asked on Wednesday if he had decided what to do in the context of an October 15 deadline by which he is obliged to re-certify Washington's acceptance that Tehran is complying with the terms of the deal, as the other signatories and the International Atomic Energy Agency insist it is, Trump was coy – yes, he had made a decision, but he would not reveal it.

Given Trump's repeated threats to back out of the Iran deal, Wendy Sherman, an Obama official who was its chief negotiator, echoed Rouhani with this blunt warning: "It will make diplomacy on North Korea almost impossible because US credibility will be shot".

Iranian expats in the US protest against Iranian President Hassan Rouhani outside the UN General Assembly in New York with signs that read "free Iran".

Iranian expats in the US protest against Iranian President Hassan Rouhani outside the UN General Assembly in New York with signs that read "free Iran".Credit: Bloomberg

But revealing some of the contours of Washington's lobbing of its co-signatories, administration insiders revealed on Wednesday that the White House was casting its push as a bid to renegotiate, not to walk away from the deal as Trump has repeatedly threatened. And later, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson claimed the other signatories now were "looking more carefully" at the US position.

The hesitancy that Tillerson claimed to have detected was not, however, apparent in comments by Federica Mogherini, the foreign minister for the European Union who had chaired a meeting of all the parties to the Iran deal.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani delivers his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani delivers his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday.Credit: AP

"The international community cannot afford dismantling an agreement that is working and delivering," she told reporters outside the UN Security Council chamber.

"This is an agreement that prevented a nuclear program and potentially prevented military intervention. Let's not forget that. There is no need to renegotiate parts of the agreement, because the agreement is working."

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, right, greets Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, right, greets Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.Credit: AP

Iran remains under sanctions that were separate from the nuclear row. But in agreeing to curb its nuclear program and to allow international verification of its compliance, it won access to huge reserves of its own cash that had been frozen for years in foreign banks. It is again selling oil and trading with other countries.

Trump seemingly wants to walk away from Washington's commitment to all that, at the same time as he is telling sanction-crippled Pyongyang that it too will be welcomed back into the world community if it agrees to disarm.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined the Pyongyang and Tehran dots explicitly for Trump and at the same time rejected Trump's threat of the total destruction of North Korea as "absolutely inappropriate".

Declaring "we clearly disagree with the US president", Merkel used a radio interview to invoke her standing as one of the signatories, and to invoke the Iran nuclear deal as a blueprint for defusing the North Korea crisis.

"We took part in negotiating with the Iran agreement, which I think is good, and better than having no agreement at all. It took many years, but in the end it did limit Iran's possibilities for nuclear armament," she said.

"And I think we must take the same path or a similar one, with Russia, with China, together with the US, also in the case of North Korea."

Trump's objection to the deal with Iran focuses on the exclusion, from what is a nuclear deal, of a range of non-nuclear issues and a 10-year sunset clause, by which it expires in 2025. US Tillerson described to reporters on Wednesday as a "countdown clock to when Iran can resume its nuclear weapons programs, its nuclear activities".

In an interview with The New York Times last year, Trump expressly cited as failings the deal's omission of curbs on Iran's missile capability, the jailing of Americans in Iran and Tehran's support for Middle Eastern groups designated as terrorists.

On Wednesday, Tillerson was more specific, citing a series of charges which he insisted contravened the expectations of the non-Iranian signatories to the deal. These included Tehran's support for the Assad regime in Syria; its engagement in "malicious" cyber activity; its "aggressive" ballistic missile tests, in defiance of the UN Security Council, which were a threat to US security; its arming and training of forces fighting in Yemen, in Syria and Iraq; and its provocative operations against US ships in the Gulf.

Asked about American credibility on any negotiations with North Korea if Washington does walk away from the Iran deal, Tillerson answered a different question, arguing that the US would be seeking a different kind of agreement with Pyongyang – the issues and the two countries were different, he said.

"The threat is the same, but the nature of the agreements are going to be quite different in terms of what's necessary to achieve the objective: a denuclearised North Korea, an Iran that never pursues nuclear weapons. So the endpoints, obviously, are the same, but the elements that allow you to achieve that are very, very different."

Tillerson had earlier met with all the signatories to the deal, for what he said was a "political" discussion – "there was no yelling, we didn't throw shoes at one another," he said of the encounter, which was his first with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

And despite their widely reported resistance to undoing the Iran nuclear deal, Tillerson said:

"We believe they're now looking more carefully and seriously at that as a means to push back on this other behaviour of Iran's that they agree with us is just simply unacceptable."

Russia and China are unlikely to side with Trump against Iran – they've said as much. And though Britain and France say they are willing to seek a renegotiation, Tehran has said no way, prompting this from French President Emmanuel Macron when he spoke to reporters in New York on Wednesday: "I think it would be a mistake just to abandon the nuclear agreement without that".

Since becoming president, Trump has twice certified Iran's compliance with the terms of the deal – and this week Tillerson conceded that Tehran was "technically" in compliance, but the administration vents about Iran's non-nuclear missile program, its support for Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran's expansionist ambitions in the region.

On Tuesday, Tillerson was adamant, telling Fox News: "If we're going to stick with the Iran deal there has to be changes made to it".

The administration is countering the argument of reduced US credibility, with claims that the Iran deal was a lesson for North Korea, that the US could be duped into agreeing on a temporary fix.

Trump's ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, insisted that Trump's General Assembly speech was less a "clear signal he plans to withdraw", and more an indication he was "clearly not happy" with it.

"I think what [Rouhani] needs to do is instead of focusing on us leaving the agreement, he needs to start following the rules," she told CBS News.

"He's got to stop smuggling arms, he's got to stop all of the meddling they're doing over the Middle East, stop the ballistic missile testing. He is not keeping his end of the deal, and what he's trying to do is put it on us. But we have to keep it on him."

But in his Fox News interview, Tillerson said: "The President really wants to redo that deal", although he acknowledged the lack of support from Washington's co-signatories.

"We do need the support, I think, of our allies, the European allies and others, to make the case as well to Iran that this deal really has to be revisited."

New Jersey governor and informal Trump adviser Chris Christie, however, expects the President to pull out of the Iran deal.

"I am just telling you that I know the guy for the last 15 years," he reportedly said, "and if I had to guess, that's my guess of what's going to happen, because of what I've heard him say during the campaign and what I think he believes philosophically, which is a bad deal is worse than no deal."

Back at the General Assembly, at UN headquarters on the banks of New York's East River, Rouhani parsed the nuclear deal as a pact with six world powers, which the UN Security Council had signed off, before declaring: "It belongs to the international community in its entirety and not only to one or two countries".

In the event of Washington retreating from the deal, he said that Iran might increase its enrichment of uranium for use in its reactors, but: "Iran will never seek a nuclear weapon".

Recalling that European governments and businesses had defied sanctions in the 1990s, he said that Iran's response ultimately would depend on the response of the other signatories.

"The actions they take in the future will be very effective as far as the decision we take."


Rouhani sought to enlist the support of American taxpayers, invoking the George W Bush-led invasion of Iraq and the regional chaos that ensued, to counter Trump's charge that Iran is a destabilising force in the wider Middle East. By contrast, he said, the nuclear deal had made the region safer.

"Imagine for a moment how the Middle East would have looked had the [nuclear deal] not been concluded," he said before advising Americans to ask why the billions of dollars of their money spent in the region had not brought peace – "only war, misery, poverty [and] the rise of extremism to the region".

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