Several Philippine newspapers were caught out on Wednesday by the last-minute execution reprieve for Mary Jane Veloso, running front-page headlines bidding her farewell and accusing the government of failing to save her.
"Death came before dawn" read the Philippine Daily Inquirer's dramatic headline, above a large photograph of Veloso, 30, whose plight has captivated the nation.
Manila's best-selling Filipino-language tabloid, Abante, ran a black-themed front page together with a picture of Veloso, head bowed, and a headline in capitals that translates as: "Farewell, Mary Jane".
Indonesia defied global anger to execute eight drug smugglers by firing squad early on Wednesday, but spared Veloso at the 11th hour in a decision her ecstatic family welcomed as a "miracle".
A number of Philippines newspapers jumped the gun on Mary Jane Veloso's execution, publishing headlines bidding her farewell.Credit: AFP/Getty
Veloso had always claimed an international trafficking gang tricked her into bringing 2.6kg of heroin to Indonesia from Malaysia five years ago as she chased a nonexistent job as a domestic worker.
The Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, granted the reprieve after Cristina Sergio, suspected of recruiting Veloso, turned herself in to authorities in the Philippines.
However, the news of the cancelled midnight execution came too late for most Filipino newspapers rushing to put out their final print editions.
"PNOY is to blame" the tabloid Standard's headline read, referring to criticism over the supposed "negligence" of the government of Benigno Aquino, using media shorthand for his nickname, president Noynoy.
A campaign to save convicted Filipina drug smuggler Mary-Jane Veloso.
"All hopes fade" was the Manila Times' headline, and the Manila Bulletin reflected the drama across three editions with the evolving headlines "We're hoping for a miracle", "No delay in execution" and, finally, "Veloso granted reprieve".
The erroneous print-edition headlines swiftly became fodder for ridicule; the online news site Coconuts Media ran an item chiding the media for "killing" Veloso.
Mary Jane Veloso in March, before her eleventh hour reprieve.Credit: AFP
One Facebook user posted a composite picture of the front page snafu together with one of the US president-elect Harry Truman holding a copy of the famous Chicago Tribune headline "Dewey defeats Truman".
"Proof that journalism hasn't really changed much in the past six decades," the caption read.