

This was published 9 years ago

Paris terror attack: how the day unfolded

By Nick Miller

Paris: France's deadliest terrorist attack in half a century came in a hail of bullets, fired without hesitation or warning.

It was a busy morning at Charlie Hebdo.

Just before lunch, Hebdo illustrator Corinne Rey, known as Coco, had ducked out to pick up her daughter from a nearby playgroup. But at the office front door she encountered two men, wearing black masks and armed with automatic weapons.

"They brutally threatened us," she said. "They wanted to get in and go upstairs. I entered the code."

Tens of thousands poured into town and city squares, to mourn for the lost and to declare that the attack must not end press freedom.

Tens of thousands poured into town and city squares, to mourn for the lost and to declare that the attack must not end press freedom.Credit: AP

According to some reports, the men had already taken their first life: a maintenance worker in a nearby building who had been forced to reveal the location of the magazine's unmarked office.

As the killers entered Hebdo their next victim was a police officer appointed to guard the magazine's editor after previous death threats over the publication of the notorious Muhammad cartoons.

They then entered the editorial conference room and fired scores of bullets. Eight journalists and a guest died in that room, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said.


Some at Hebdo escaped, fleeing to the roof. Others did not.

Charlie Hebdo's editor Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb.

Charlie Hebdo's editor Stephane Charbonnier, known as Charb.Credit: Francois Guillot

Coco watched two of her colleagues die as she hid under a desk.

The bloodbath claimed a dozen lives, including the editor, Stephane Charbonnier, two of its best-known cartoonists, Wolinski and Cabu, and two policemen.

The gunmen who attacked the Charlie Hebdo office.

The gunmen who attacked the Charlie Hebdo office.

And as the nation begins a day of mourning after a night of demonstrations and vigils, France is left to ponder the consequences for national security, for a free press, and even for its founding principles as a the republic of freedom, equality and brotherhood.

Hebdo has a history of mocking Islamist extremism. Coco said the attackers claimed to be al-Qaeda. According to another report they said they represented al-Qaeda in Yemen.

Photos released by French police showing terror suspects Cherif Kouachi and his brother Said.

Photos released by French police showing terror suspects Cherif Kouachi and his brother Said.Credit: AFP/Handout

On leaving the building they were heard to yell the Arabic call "Allahu Akbar", God is great, and "Hey, we have avenged the prophet Muhammad, we've killed Charlie Hebdo."

Amateur video from a rooftop shows them firing up the street as they left the offices.


"At first I thought it was special forces chasing drug traffickers or something," one witness said.

They had left behind a scene of horror.

"It was absolute carnage," said Edouard Perrin, a former writer for the magazine who worked across the hall. Some were dead where they lay. Others needed CPR.

Outside, the attackers walked calmly to a black car. When they came under fire from a police officer they shot back immediately, wounding him, then approached him on the pavement.

"Do you want to kill me?" the policemen said, his arms held up. "OK, chief," one of the terrorists replied, and shot him in the head.

The attackers then returned to their car and sped away. They later commandeerd another car.

Newspapers, tourist attractions, schools, some public transport and nearby shopping centres were under lockdown and police guard after the attack.

President Francois Hollande, who visited the scene of the attack hours later, said it was "a terrorist attack, without a doubt".

"Journalists and police officers have been assassinated in cowardly fashion," he said. "France is in a state of shock."

"We are threatened because we are a country of liberty…We will punish the aggressors."

On Wednesday afternoon police sealed the area and began forensic examination of the offices.

They named the attackers as Said Kouachi, 34, and his brother Cherif, 32, Paris-born of Algerian descent.

In 2008 Cherif was been jailed for three years for recruiting for jihadist movements in Iraq.

Hamyd Mourad, 18, surrendered to police after being named as an accomplice.

The mood across France on Wednesday night was a defiant anger, as mourning mixed with solidarity for the attack's victims and a determination that the terrorists would not succeed in breaking France's spirit.

"We are Charlie," was the common theme.

Tens of thousands poured into town and city squares, to mourn for the lost and to declare that the attack must not end press freedom.

Parisian imam Hassen Chalghoumi visited the scene of the attack and said the shooters were "barbarians".

"They want terror, they want fear," he said. "We must not give in. I hope the French will come out in solidarity and not against the Muslim minority in Europe."

Mr Hollande declared that Thursday was to be a day of national mourning – only the nation's fifth in 50 years.

"Nothing can divide us, nothing should separate us. Freedom will always be stronger than barbarity," the president said.

His words were echoed around the world.

United States President Barack Obama called it a "cowardly, evil" assault, Pope Francis a "horrible attack" saying such violence, "whatever the motivation, is abominable, it is never justified".

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said it was a "horrific atrocity" that was "of a piece with what we saw in Martin Place [in Sydney]".

"We will defend our way of life, we will defend our values," he said. "What we can never do is compromise our values in defending them."

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