This was published 6 years ago
'Right on our doorstep': Papua New Guinea's health crises hit home
Papua New Guinea is Australia’s closest neighbour - and a major aid recipient - yet its health standards are slipping dramatically. Both countries should be worried.
By Matt Wade
Community health worker Jamie Gubego sits by a two-way radio at a remote medical centre in rural Papua New Guinea, explaining to a schoolteacher in a village eight hours' walk away how to help a woman in labour. She's come to the village by canoe and foot but no health worker is on hand, so the teacher is filling in as birth attendant. As medical emergencies go, it's the very definition of low tech.
"Please, please we need help," the teacher's worried voice comes over the radio.
Mougulu health worker Jamie Gubego assists a woman in labour over a two-way radio.Credit: Louise Kennerley
"Okay, don't panic," Gubego says as he calmly takes notes. He's in Mougulu, a settlement nestled in rugged forest about 630 kilometres north-west of Port Moresby, the nation's capital. There's no road network in this part of the country, so light aircraft such as the Cessna 12-seater we flew in on are the only connection to the outside world. Other than that, it's a six-day walk to the nearest hospital, high school and supermarket.
Gubego would typically be in Honinabi, the village where the woman is in labour, to oversee the birth. But he's travelled to Mougulu for training, leaving the village temporarily without a health worker. He puts down the radio receiver and tries to phone the only doctor at the district hospital – the one that's six days' walk away – but nobody's answering.
Sally Lloyd, an Australian consultant with the aid agency CARE Australia, who's showing us around Mougulu, is suddenly drawn into the situation. An energetic 55-year-old, Lloyd grew up in Mougulu and lives and works here. Her Christian missionary parents built the settlement's grassy airstrip in the 1970s and established health clinics and schools in the area. Lloyd manages to make contact with the doctor via Facebook and Gubego is soon speaking to him on an old Nokia mobile.
After hearing Gubego's description, the doctor orders a medical evacuation. The woman is stretchered to a nearby airfield; now all they need is an airplane. For several hours it's unclear whether any of the local air services will be able to make one available. Then a solution comes from the sky: a light aircraft loaded with barrels of generator fuel for a nearby communications tower makes an unexpected touchdown. Lloyd knows the pilot, who's been flying in the region for years. He agrees to take the pregnant woman to hospital once his cargo is unloaded.
"Just another typical day in Mougulu," shrugs Lloyd half an hour later, smiling as the plane takes off. "There are always challenges here but when you can make a difference, it can be very rewarding."
Next morning, as mists lift from the surrounding valleys, news filters back that the baby has been safely delivered by emergency caesarean. The doctor posts photos on his Facebook page of himself cradling the "bouncing baby boy weighing 2.8kg". Gubego's face lights up when he hears the news.
Many births don't have such happy endings in a country where women are 35 times more likely to die during pregnancy than in Australia, according to a report published this year by aid agency ChildFund. "Unlike many other developing countries in the region, where signs of progress in maternal and child health are evident, these rates are not improving," the report added. A recent PNG government review found that the share of mothers who gave birth at a health facility under trained supervision declined from 44 per cent in 2012 to 40 per cent in 2016. The proportion in PNG's Western Province, where Mougulu is located, was just 37 per cent.
A father, Mufuli, and mother, Oba, with their twin babies (including one with club feet) at the Mougulu health centre ward.Credit: Louise Kennerley
Women who give birth at home normally do so in dangerous, unsanitary conditions, with a sharpened piece of bamboo often used to cut the umbilical cord. Preventable causes of maternal death, including blood loss, infection and eclampsia, are far too common. Mothers in PNG also experience high rates of domestic violence. In ChildFund's assessment, Australia's nearest neighbour has become "one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a mother".
The risks involved with childbirth are not the only alarming health challenges facing PNG, where diseases that have been largely banished from Australian shores, including tuberculosis, polio, leprosy and malaria, are on the rise. Despite PNG's development challenges, the country will be in the global spotlight this weekend, when Port Moresby hosts the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) leaders meeting, expected to be attended by Chinese President Xi Jinping, US Vice-President Mike Pence, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, among others.
Given its proximity to Australia, there's concern some of PNG's health problems could, potentially, become ours, too. As the co-coordinator of PNG's national polio emergency response, Keith Feldon, notes: "This is only a plane ride away."
Dr Adam Kamradt-Scott, a health security specialist at the University of Sydney, says diseases such as drug-resistant TB have already crossed our northern borders into remote Indigenous communities. "The spread of drug-resistant TB is arguably one of the biggest health challenges we face as an international community, and the high prevalence in PNG means it is right here on our doorstep," he says. "The vast majority of the Australian public is unaware of this being an issue or how big an issue it is." PNG doesn't need blame for this, Kamradt-Scott emphasises; it needs assistance, "and it needs it now".
TB is only one of the serious diseases causing concern. Global health authorities were shocked when a polio case was confirmed in the port city of Lae in June, nearly two decades after PNG was formally declared free of the virus, which can cause irreversible paralysis and, in some cases, death. Now 21 polio cases, including one death, have been confirmed across seven different provinces, including Port Moresby.
Feldon says a low vaccination rate is central to the outbreak: "The immunisation coverage has been suboptimal for many years." A national vaccination drive aiming to reach more than three million children is now being rolled out. But Justine McMahon, CARE's PNG country director, warns that the overburdened health system will struggle to keep immunisation rates up in isolated areas like Mougulu. "The cost of immunisation patrols to remote areas is prohibitive, so additional financial support is needed," she says.
Meanwhile, a recent survey by the PNG Institute of Medical Research showed a nine-fold increase in the number of malaria cases between 2014 and 2017. Health workers fear leprosy cases are also increasing: according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there were 583 new leprosy cases detected in PNG last year. The problems are exacerbated by the country's mountainous terrain and widely dispersed population. At least four-fifths of PNG's people live in rural and remote areas, where health clinics, if they exist, are rudimentary and more often than not, overstretched.
Mougulu's health centre is a case in point. Because it is the best facility within six days' walk in any direction, its many patients trek long distances to get here. But health worker Paul Islilowa says the centre is hampered by a lack of equipment, and that basic medicines sometimes run out. "We try our best to help everyone here but sometimes things are beyond our control," he says. "There are times when people die of curable diseases and we feel really sad about it."
A lack of supplies and medical know-how means simple complaints such as respiratory infections and even broken bones can result in death. Treatable snake bites often kill because health centres don't have antivenom. "A boy died at a village near here just a few days ago," says Sally Lloyd. "This kind of thing happens all the time."
The local Bedamuni tribe numbers about 12,000 but the single doctor who services them, the one who delivered the baby, is a 45-minute flight away. The children are often malnourished, particularly during the "hungry season" between harvests of bananas, yams, sago and corn. Half of all children in PNG are stunted by poor nutrition or repeated infection, according to the 2016 Global Nutrition Report, meaning their height-for-age is well below the standard set by the WHO.
Lloyd says there are no official figures on the rate of stunting in the Mougulu area, but she estimates it's "the same or worse" than the national average. "They call themselves 'the forgotten people', and in some ways they are."
It's really frightening, I've never seen it like this.
Sally Lloyd
When 12-year-old Jervis Efemai developed a strong cough, lost weight and had regular fevers, his family couldn't take him to their local aid post because it had been destroyed by February's earthquakes, which killed at least 150 people in the area. Instead, Jervis and his worried father Efemai Damubi walked to Mougulu in search of medical attention. A church pastor, Damubi was surprised when tuberculosis was suggested as the likely culprit. He'd been aware of one or two past cases in his village but had no idea how TB is spread or treated. "This is a new thing for us," he says.
Tuberculosis was rare in Mougulu until very recently, thanks to its remote inland location and difficult terrain. But Jervis is among at least half a dozen suspected TB patients now housed in a simple dormitory near the health centre. Locals call it a ward, although it has no medical equipment. "It's really frightening, I've never seen it like this," says Lloyd. "It looks like my next project is building a new room for the TB patients." There will be a long delay confirming Jervis's illness because there is no TB testing equipment in Mougulu. Samples must be flown to a major town, and it often takes months for a diagnosis to be confirmed.
About 36,000 of PNG's 8.4 million people fell ill with TB last year and there were 5300 TB-related deaths. About 930 of those who died also had HIV. Local health workers call TB and HIV "cousins" because they are so often found together. According to the WHO, the country has the 10th-highest prevalence of TB in the world.
There's an especially nasty twist to PNG's TB epidemic – children are disproportionately affected. On average, between 5 and 10 per cent of the world's TB sufferers are children. But the number leaps to about one-quarter in PNG, where malnourishment makes them particularly vulnerable.
Sally Lloyd arrived in Mougulu as a toddler with her missionary parents in 1968. At the time, the Bedamuni tribe had little contact with the outside world and cannibalism was still practised – cases were reported in the area until the 1980s. "Any of the old men you meet around here have eaten people," one local tells me.
Lloyd went to school in PNG and speaks the Bedamuni language, one of more than 800 across the country.
Today Lloyd makes regular visits to Brisbane, where her husband Ian is a schoolteacher (she also has three adult children) but lives most of the time in the wooden house her parents built in Mougulu. Designed in the local style, with an elevated living area and open verandah, the home is perched on a hill with stunning views of the highlands. The facilities are simple: there's no electricity except when a generator comes on for a few hours after dark. The house is near the health centre and airstrip. Nearby, too, is the grave of Lloyd's brother Roy, who died in 1994 when the plane he was flying crashed in the PNG highlands.
"I grew up here and feel a strong sense of belonging," she says. "Life in PNG is all about relationships. My heart is here."
Soon after I arrived in Mougulu, Lloyd is called to see Sabodame Sebado, a mother of five who has been carried to the health centre on a makeshift stretcher from her village, a difficult four-hour walk away. The nurse diagnoses her with liver cirrhosis, possibly caused by hepatitis B, although a lack of equipment means that can't be confirmed. Health workers say this condition is affecting a growing number of locals.
Sally Lloyd at work in Mougulu’s clinic.Credit: Louise Kennerley
In her late 30s, with dark eyes and a gaunt face, Sabodame takes medication to ease the swelling around her liver but the health centre is not stocked with the drugs needed to fully relieve her pain. We find her lying on the floor moaning in agony. She begs to be sent to the hospital so the ache in her bloated abdomen can be "cut out". Sabodame's husband, Wagela Gogosele, rubs a stinging nettle leaf on her stomach, a local form of pain remedy. "I don't want my wife to be like this but I don't know where else I can go," he says. "I've been told her liver is rotten."
Lloyd sits with Sabodame, holding her hand and answering the family's questions. She gently explains that the health staff are doing all they can. A few weeks earlier, liver cirrhosis, caused by hepatitis B, had claimed the life of a much-loved church pastor in his 40s. "People here have been very isolated," Lloyd says. "I can give a sense of connectivity to the outside world. But it's frustrating at times … it often feels like you are struggling on alone. It feels like we've taken a bit of a step backwards on health." That said, she insists she's energised rather than disheartened by the challenges the country faces. "I'm always hopeful. We've got so many really good people here trying to make a difference."
Cuts to the country's health funding, linked to a downturn in a mining sector that is crucial to the country's tax base, are part of the problem. Professor Stephen Howes, director of the Australian National University's Development Policy Centre, says funding for health services increased prior to 2014 then slumped 37 per cent in real terms between 2014 and 2016.
"The health sector has been in decline for a long time and now we are seeing that play out in terms of outcomes," says Howes. "That long-term decline, plus the recent fiscal crunch and decline in health spending, has led to this deterioration."
But it's not just a funding issue. Howes says corruption in the health sector and a tendency for the government not to sufficiently prioritise health has also contributed. "There are deeper questions around governance in the health sector and the way in which it is run. The government has had its priorities elsewhere."
Political turmoil in recent years has been a distraction. In 2011, PNG was rocked by a debilitating constitutional crisis when political rivals Peter O'Neill and Michael Somare both declared themselves to be the rightful prime minister. The impasse was finally resolved when O'Neill won elections in 2012, but his tenure has been plagued by allegations of corruption, which have sparked protest and unrest. Despite these controversies, O'Neill won a second term last year, his governing coalition prevailing in fractious elections. Improving health care was among his key election commitments.
Australian National University academic Dr Colin Wiltshire has conducted extensive field research in PNG in a bid to assess the state of the country's health services. His research, published two years ago, found the nation's network of health clinics "provide fewer services now than a decade ago and are poorly equipped to meet patient demands".
Despite population growth, Wiltshire found the number of health workers attending work at frontline clinics has stagnated. "Health infrastructure and utilities such as reliable water and power and transport are poor, leaving clinics unable to deliver the most basic services," his study found.
While health services are primarily funded by the PNG government, about a third are delivered by church-run hospitals and clinics. CARE's McMahon agrees that the system is struggling to meet the formidable needs of impoverished communities.
"The workforce is ageing and supervisory visits are infrequent, which impacts on standards," she says. "There are problems with regular delivery of medicine and consumables, meaning centres are frequently without basic supplies. Morale is often low, which impacts on activities like immunisation patrols, and infrastructure is old and often inadequate." On the "plus side", there are the many committed people who work in difficult and often remote conditions, whom McMahon calls "heroes".
Papua New Guinea's Health Secretary, Pascoe Kase, agrees that diseases like TB and polio are being "keenly felt" in his country. "We are not shying away from these issues, but we can't do this alone," he says. "We are working together with the international community, including our development partners, to share information and learn from others."
Australia's foreign aid to PNG is set to reach $572 million this financial year, making it our biggest aid recipient, and about one-fifth of that total will be spent on health. "The problems are pretty difficult to deal with," Howes says. "But we can't afford to walk away from it."
In September, Australia's Foreign Minister, Marise Payne, acknowledged health risks to Australia when she announced an extra $10 million to support PNG's polio vaccination campaign and help combat other diseases. "Outbreaks of infectious diseases are a threat to both PNG's and Australia's health security," she said. In a sign of how seriously the Australian Government views the re-emergence of polio in PNG, Payne announced a further $6 million to help combat the outbreak a few weeks later.
Young mothers Sula Savya (at front), 16, and Lamancha dKalau, 20, with their babies. Credit: Louise Kennerley
Howes believes Australia should invest more in the delivery of basic health services and encourage the PNG government to do the same. "If PNG has a weak health system, and clearly it does, then there is a risk that something highly infectious and perhaps hard to detect does come across to Australia," he says. "That is a real risk for the future and it's something we should be worried about."
PNG's Health Secretary Kase says his country has made progress in providing antiretroviral medication to those with HIV, stabilising malaria and "addressing issues" around tuberculosis, and says there's now a focus on lifting the standard of primary health care. "I believe we have an opportunity in the next five to 10 years to support improved health outcomes, as long as we get the right systems in place to address the issues we know too well," he says. "I'm confident that, through a co-ordinated approach, we will continue to see improvement."
Millions have been spent sprucing up Port Moresby for the APEC leaders' summit, but the makeover can't hide health problems. In dusty laneways on the outskirts of the city, health workers have been going door to door since September, vaccinating children against polio after a six-year-old boy in a poor neighbourhood not far from the city's international airport contracted the virus. At Port Moresby General Hospital, ward 1D, for children with tuberculosis and malnutrition, is overflowing. Many also have HIV: with 48,000 cases, PNG has the highest prevalence of HIV in the Pacific region, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS).
Five-year-old Victoria Ben lies motionless on a bed, stricken by TB meningitis, a form of tuberculosis that affects the brain. There are dark rings under her eyes and she is being fed through a tube in her nose. Victoria has been in hospital for five months but remains gravely ill. "We have a lot of cases like this, unfortunately," says Dr Henry Welch, an American paediatrician who has been working at the hospital for five years. "Sometimes kids are staying in hospital for a year or more. Unfortunately, they often deteriorate."
Victoria's mother is dead but her grandmother, Lillian Ronnie, a grey-haired Sunday school teacher, sits by her bed with a Bible open, reading from Psalms. More than 90 per cent of Papua New Guineans identify with a Christian denomination and she has marked comforting verses with a highlighter pen. The family's belongings are neatly stacked at the end of the bed. "The sickness has affected her brain," says Lillian, looking at her grandchild. "But I am still hopeful for her recovery in the name of Jesus."
Welch has seen many children with TB lose consciousness and never recover. "They die slowly over a long period of time," he says.
Port Moresby is one of PNG's tuberculosis hot spots, but there are some success stories. When 13-year-old Karua Seseka arrived at the hospital, he was in a coma and scans revealed the tuberculosis infection had caused a huge "ring-enhanced lesion" in his brain. He responded well to treatment and is now playing happily with other children in a special isolation ward for those with drug-resistant TB.
"He has made an amazing recovery," says Dr Kone Sobi, the hospital's director of paediatric services. Still, many children who survive TB are left with permanent health problems. Thirteen-year-old Sylvester Begame sits on one of the hospital beds with two oxygen tubes in his nose. His condition has improved since he was brought to the hospital unconscious nearly a year ago. TB, however, has damaged his lungs and to breathe he needs an oxygen concentrator that costs around $2000.
"We just can't afford that," explains his mother, Tharesa Pakora. "So we will just have to wait."
Matt Wade and Louise Kennerley travelled to Papua New Guinea courtesy of CARE Australia. Donations towards CARE’s work in PNG can be made here.
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