- Analysis
- World
- Oceania
- Right-wing extremism
This was published 5 years ago
Finding light in the long shadow of the Christchurch attack
To this day Abdul Aziz Wahabzada does not know the name of the man who attacked Christchurch’s mosques a year ago.
“I’m telling you the truth,” he said with a short laugh this week. “I remember his ugly face, I remember the hate on it, but I don’t know his name.”
That morning last March, Abdul Aziz was at prayer with his four sons at the Linwood mosque, the gunman’s second target, when the shooting started.
Frustrated at first that he could not find the entrance, the gunman murdered those he found outside and then began firing through a window. One of the first to die inside was kneeling by Abdul Aziz’s seven-year-old son when he was shot.
Abdul Aziz remembers each moment of the attack. He remembers how he charged at the gunman with the only weapon close to hand, an Eftpos card scanner he grabbed from a desk by the door.
He remembers ducking between parked cars outside as he ran into the gunfire yelling “I’m here!” to draw the gunman’s attention. He remembers his sons screaming inside, begging him to come back and take shelter with them. He remembers the gunman finally fleeing in his car, only to be rammed from the road moments later by two brave police who had uncannily picked an interception route using only gut instinct and long experience.
When Abdul Aziz first told his story to the Sun-Herald and Sunday Age it was just two days later and as we stood beneath the trees in the park opposite Christchurch Hospital two young men approached him as we spoke, taking it in turns to embrace him and kiss his cheek.
He did not know them but they knew him.
“You are a hero,” one said. “You saved our lives.”
“I was just doing my job,” Abdul Aziz, who owns an antiques and second-hand furniture shop, said this week.
He says he does not wake at night and feels solace rather than fear in the mosque these days. When he does think of the attack his only regret is that he did not act sooner. Seven people died at Linwood and he worries he might have saved more.
'You saved us': Abdul Aziz is embraced by a fellow Muslim two days after the massacre.Credit: Jason South
Abdul Aziz says life has not changed much since then, but when you speak for longer it becomes clear that nothing is the same.
The rest of the world learned that something terrible was unfolding on New Zealand’s South Island minutes later, when the New Zealand Police Commissioner fronted cameras at his headquarters in Wellington, the nation’s capital, and made a statement.
“I need to advise that this afternoon we are dealing with a very serious and tragic series of events in the Christchurch, Canterbury area,” he began.
“They involve an active shooter. They involve multiple fatalities. We have one person in custody but we are unsure if there are other people. The multiple fatalities are, as far as we know, at two locations - a mosque at Deans Avenue and another mosque at Linwood Avenue.
“I also want to ask you to stay indoors if you're in that location and I want to ask anyone thinking of going to a mosque anywhere in New Zealand not to go - to close your doors until you hear from us again.”
A policeman stands guard at al-Noor Mosque in Christchurch a week after the massacre.Credit: Jason South
It was hours before authorities lifted the lockdown and allowed people to leave their workplaces, collect their children and return to their homes.
The following morning was eerily quiet in central Christchurch.
Its famous parks, normally filled with families and sports teams on a Saturday, were empty save for the media and family members of the dead and wounded who hovered at the police tape near al-Noor Mosque, trying to make sense of the atrocity that had been visited upon them. It would be days before an accurate list of the victims could be published, but the hideous scale of the attack was clear. At first the death count was finalised at 50. In the end, 51 would die.
That day the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, set the tone of New Zealand’s response when she visited survivors gathered in a school near the hospital wearing a headscarf. Through the windows she could be seen embracing the disconsolate.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with members of Christchurch's Muslim community the day after the mosque attacks.Credit: Jason South
By then she had already made a brief public statement. “Many of those who will have been directly affected by this shooting may be migrants to New Zealand, they may even be refugees here,” she said. “They have chosen to make New Zealand their home, and it is their home.
“They are us. The person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not.”
Days later she began an address to New Zealand's parliament with the Arabic greeting used by Muslims, “al-salaam alaikum” (peace be upon you).
“He sought many things from his act of terror but one was notoriety, that is why you will never hear me mention his name,” Ardern said of the gunman. “He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist. But he will, when I speak, be nameless.”
In the days that followed Cantabrians, many of whom had been unaware that there was a Muslim community in their city, mourned with it. Oceans of flowers appeared at the hospital and alongside the police lines at the mosques. First the city’s florists were emptied of flowers and then its gardens.
The official response was fast and full.
Medical teams poured into Christchurch to relieve the staff who’d been battling around the clock to keep the wounded alive. Investigators and forensics resources arrived from around the country and the world to assist in investigation and identification and to ensure that the dead could be returned to their families for burial as swiftly as possible, in accordance with Islamic tradition.
A Muslim man walks past a makeshift memorial on the walls surrounding the al-Noor Mosque.Credit: Jason South
Immigration authorities fast-tracked visas for mourners and volunteers from around the world and then streamlined permanent residency applications for those affected by the attack.
Within days of the attack, parliament passed laws to ban semi-automatic weapons, though a second round of reforms has stalled.
In Christchurch case workers were assigned to every family affected to ensure they could access any service they needed. Widows were taught to drive and manage household budgets, special English-language courses were established, free medical care was extended to those who had not yet achieved permanent residence. Trauma counselling was - and is - provided not only to survivors but to emergency workers, some of whom had climbed over piles of the dead to rescue the dying.
The warmth of the response and the shared horror of the broader community was immediately obvious to the grieving, many of whom commented on it to the Sun-Herald and Sunday Age in the days that followed.
During the first memorial, a week after the attack, imam Gamal Fouda, who survived the attack on al-Noor Mosque that killed 41 people, told 20,000 people gathered in a park across the road: “Last Friday I stood in this mosque and saw hatred and rage in the eyes of the terrorist … Today, from the same place I look out and I see the love and compassion in the eyes of thousands of fellow New Zealanders and human beings from across the globe who fill the hearts of millions.”
The March 29, 2019 memorial service in Hagley Park for the victims of the massacre.Credit: AP
Addressing Ardern, he said: “To our prime minister, thank you. Thank you for your leadership. It has been a lesson for the world’s leaders. Thank you for holding our families close and honouring us with a simple scarf.
“To the people of New Zealand, thank you for your peace. Thank you for your haka. Thank you for your flowers. Thank you for your love and compassion.”
In what some in the audience heard as a rebuke to some Australian politicians, he called on "governments around the world, including New Zealand’s and its neighbouring countries" to bring an "end to hate speech and the politics of fear”.
Watching in the park, Abdul Aziz observed of the gunman: "That coward, he tried to divide us, but now we are together and he is alone.”
That day the burials began in waves at the Memorial Park Cemetery, where groundskeepers had earlier dug 50 graves. "Please my brothers step back, six to eight brothers only," a host urged the mourners time and again, explaining that there was not enough room for all those who wanted to help carry the dead to the earth.
Mourners carry the coffin of Hussein Moustafa after the Christchurch massacre.Credit: Jason South
Dr Megan Woods, the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration, says the government response has gone well and the ties between the Muslim and wider community are far greater today than they once were. Many case workers assigned to families have built close friendships with them, far beyond the scope of their work, she says. However she adds that she does not believe that “racism dissolved that day”.
Last June Brenton Tarrant, an unremarkable young man from Grafton in New South Wales, formally pleaded not guilty to 51 charges of murder, 40 of attempted murder and one of engaging in a terrorist act. His trial will begin this May.
The impact of his crime was felt around the world immediately, not least among far-right hate groups.
In the following two weeks an immediate uptick in overt anti-Muslim attacks and online statements was detected in Australia by Islamophobia Register Australia, founded in 2014 to track racist incidents, says Dr Derya Iner of Charles Sturt University’s Centre for Islamic Studies and Civilisation.
In one example of 85 incidents reported to the register, the fortnight after the attack an Australian man posted an image of himself holding a rifle and vowing to kill 10 Muslims a day “when the civil war begins”.
The public outpouring of support following Christchurch suggests that in the wake of significant crises and bloodshed Australians are appalled by racist attacks, but incidents of anti-Muslim racism - such as women being taunted or assaulted for wearing their scarves - is still not uncommon on Australian streets, says Iner. Further, there is evidence that while Australians report such incidents after the fact, they often remain unwilling to interrupt them as they happen.
A month after the attack Rita Katz, director of the SITE Intelligence Group in Washington DC, said the wave of online support that the Christchurch attack had attracted from far-right extremists was unprecedented.
“Attacks always spark reactions from different extremist communities, but when it comes to the far right, there was never anything like the response to the Christchurch attack,” she told the Sun-Herald and Sunday Age at the time.
Brenton Tarrant appears in court.Credit: AP
This week she said that a year after the massacre, Tarrant is still viewed as an inspiration to racist terrorists. “On far-right havens like Telegram, they still make posters of him, quote his manifesto, distribute footage from his attack and discuss ways to make him ‘proud’.”
Julia Ebner, an Austrian researcher into new waves of extremism with the London-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue, said that Tarrant has created a kind of “gamification” in terrorist attacks, inspiring killers in the US and Europe to record and livestream their attacks and their online fans to discuss their “scores”.
Last month the director-general of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), Mike Burgess, delivered the agency's first ever "annual threat assessment" speech, saying that Australia was not only targeted by foreiegn powers but threatened by domestic right-wing extremists.
"In Australia the extreme right-wing threat is real and growing," he said. "In suburbs around Australia, small cells regularly meet to salute Nazi flags, inspect weapons, train in combat and share their hateful ideology."
He said the threat had been brought into “sharp terrible focus” by the Christchurch attack.
In the weeks after the massacre, Abdul Aziz closed his furniture store and focused on his volunteer work at the Linwood mosque. He helped with the repairs and the refitting, cleansing the place of blood stains and bulletholes. He gave his time to any family that needed any help that he could muster. He joined the volunteer roster of security guards the two Christchurch mosques now maintain during prayer times. The man who hunted off a killer with an Eftpos scanner became the local Islamic centre’s treasurer.
His time away from work hit his store hard and soon he will close it completely. He plans to focus on his work with the mosque.
His eight children are well, but the two youngest boys are quieter than they once were.
The youngest, Mohammed Yusef, no longer goes to the mosque for prayer.