

This was published 8 years ago

Nuclear option: Was North Korea's hydrogen bomb test a deliberate distraction?

By Daniel Flitton

Last time, North Korea launched a "dishwasher wrapped in tinfoil" strapped to the top of a rocket that was supposed to splash down in the ocean somewhere north of Australia.

But there won't be many laughs now if the Stalinist regime has truly taken its "nuclear might to the next level", as a typically bombastic state media bragged on Wednesday, and with "perfect success" tested a miniaturised hydrogen bomb.

The prospect of North Korea armed with a nuclear warhead – as opposed to making atoms explode under carefully controlled settings at the bottom of an isolated cave in its previous three nuclear tests – adds another complication to an already unstable region.

But that's no doubt the point. North Korea has deliberately stoked crisis in the past in order to win concessions from international sanctions and help the regime shore up domestic control by ensuring unrelenting hostility from the world outside.

A South Korean army soldier watches a TV screen showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, after North Korea said on Wednesday it had conducted a hydrogen bomb test.

A South Korean army soldier watches a TV screen showing North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, after North Korea said on Wednesday it had conducted a hydrogen bomb test.Credit: Ahn Young-joon

It's a dangerous game. Australian foreign ministers since the days of Alexander Downer have warned about the potential threat of North Korean nuclear missiles one day reaching Australia.

This apprehension always appeared overblown, more a bid to emphasise the seriousness of the challenge rather than a true fear Australia could be a target.

Yet who can say for certain what lies at the heart of North Korea's nuclear ambitions, given the secrecy of the regime.


Pyongyang claims its nuclear ambition is entirely defensive, to deter any US attack on its territory.

But the hyper-suspicious regime has also lashed out unpredictably in the past, notably in 2010 when it torpedoed a South Korean corvette, killing 47 sailors, and subsequently shelled a disputed island.

There is always suspicion North Korea will not take any provocative action without at least the tacit consent of neighbouring China. With Japan and South Korea making nice about historical differences stretching back to the Second World War, and given the heavy criticism of Beijing's territorial ambitions,, some will doubtless ask whether North Korea's unexpected nuclear test was ticked off by China as a deliberate distraction.

That seems doubtful. China was evidently frustrated enough with North Korea to allow the United Nations Security Council to debate the regime's appalling human rights abuses without exercising the veto.

More obviously, North Korea's pattern of nuclear defiance stretches back decades.

We don't quite know what Pyongyang has managed to achieve with this latest test – that rocket with the tin-foil-dishwasher exploded 90 seconds after launch, illustrating the limits of North Korean technology.

But the regime has survived decades by learning from failure, regardless of cost.

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