

This was published 3 years ago


Why don’t people believe Meghan Markle?

The reaction to Oprah’s interview of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan is deeply troubling for so many reasons. In the last 12 months, we’ve had a pandemic that has hit black communities hardest, riots and protests around the world over the treatment of black people at the hands of those with power, and yet we still find it so difficult to believe the stories of women of colour.

What it shows us is that when it comes to communicating the experiences and issues of race to a mass audience, it’s impossible for most people to sympathise. Even when there are examples, over decades, over centuries.

Prince Harry and Meghan’s interview with Oprah Winfrey aired explosive claims of racism and bullying within the British monarchy.

Prince Harry and Meghan’s interview with Oprah Winfrey aired explosive claims of racism and bullying within the British monarchy.Credit:

Here is a small list of the racist remarks (or gaffes, if you’d prefer to be cute) Prince Philip has made over the last century, lifted from the BBC.

He warned students they’d become “slitty-eyed” if they stayed in China too long. Upon seeing a fuse box that was old-fashioned he said, “It looks as if it was put in by an Indian.” He asked Aboriginal people if they were still throwing spears on a visit here. He met a Filipino nurse working a shift in a hospital and said the Philippines must be half empty because there were so many of her fellow compatriots working there. The list goes on.

So why is it so easy to question Markle’s version of events, as so many in the media have done after her revelations about the unfeeling and racist attitude of her in-laws when we know what this family is capable of saying even when they know they’re being recorded?

Broadcaster and television personality Piers Morgan, who it seems is obsessed with Meghan, used his Twitter feed to give us a stream of consciousness during the interview. He criticised the couple saying, “They only trashed the family who they know can’t publicly hit back.”

Why can’t “the Firm” respond? Why are they above correcting the record or defending the truth? Or even defending their newest member from a racist British media?

The British Parliament even called out the press for embarrassing “colonial” attitudes towards the Sussexes – so why couldn’t their own family?


Former pop icon Boy George joined the chorus defending the royals on Twitter saying, “not a single question about Meghan’s family? Is there a part two or is there, only financial mileage, in dissing our royal family?”

The notion that this institution is unable or unwilling to defend itself against her accusations is almost laughable.

As the author of White Tears/Brown Scars, Ruby Hamad says the real story of what’s going on here has been flipped on its head. Here is one of the most powerful families in the world somehow being posited as the victims of Meghan.

The royals are one of the most powerful families in the world. They are not the victim in the Markle story.

The royals are one of the most powerful families in the world. They are not the victim in the Markle story.Credit: AP

One of the criticisms levelled at her for doing this interview was the timing, given Prince Philip is in hospital. Hamad says, “this idea that she [Meghan] should always be so mindful of their feelings when no one has been mindful of hers. There’s an expectation that they [women of colour] should put other people ahead of them. Their feelings and wellbeing are always secondary to the needs of those around them.”

It’s the same narrative Meghan claims played out when she was at the end of her tether during her time as a “working” royal and considered suicide. Rather than give her the help she needed she says she was advised to suck it up because it would be a bad look for a member of the family to be hospitalised or to seek help. This, despite the other members of the royals constantly advocating for mental health awareness and treatment.

Consider that the prince and Meghan moved to the United States, while Donald Trump was president, to seek shelter from racism. The racism in the US is one thing, but colonial racism is something else entirely. It not only centres the white experience but puts it on a pedestal. Remember Britain is the nation (with its royals at its head) that went out into the world and said to Indigenous populations, our ideas, values, way of being is superior to yours.


The discourse surrounding Harry and Meghan’s relationship has, since the very beginning, played into the negative tropes black women in the public eye have always faced, finally landing on the most troubling version now being peddled in the British press with the bullying claims levelled against her just before the Oprah interview aired – the angry and aggressive black woman.

Just because the royals live in castles and don’t pay taxes it doesn’t mean they live in a fairy tale, some sort of made-up reality that exists outside the boundaries of our own. It is a powerful institution. Surely, they must be held to the same standards that other institutions are held to. If they’re outraged and upset about bullying claims then they should be equally, if not more, outraged and upset about the claims made in the Oprah interview.

The people who hated Meghan will continue to hate her but for everyone else, it’s a glimpse into the Windsors and how detached they are from regular citizens of the Commonwealth. And we don’t even have to wait for future seasons of The Crown.

Crisis support can be found at Lifeline: (13 11 14 and, the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467 and and beyondblue (1300 22 4636 and

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