


US elections 2020: who’s lining up to be the next US president

The 2016 US election is still emblazoned in many minds but manoeuvring is well underway for 2020. A year out from the primary elections, who has put up their hand to trump Trump?

Trump is up for re-election next year.

Trump is up for re-election next year.Credit: Matthew Absalom-Wong

The field of Democratic contenders putting themselves forward to challenge Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election will be one of the biggest in the party’s history.

A year away from the first primaries, in which the Republican and Democratic candidates for president are selected, five senators have already declared they are running and more candidates are expected to nominate in coming weeks.

Unlike in the 2016 election – where Hillary Clinton was the dominant contender – there is no clear frontrunner and each candidate comes with a set of strengths and weaknesses.

The huge field of potential candidates reflects the optimism among Democrats that they can beat Trump. His approval ratings have never been over 50 per cent and Republicans suffered a big defeat at last year's midterm elections.

Meet the contenders – and probable contenders – for 2020 so far.

Elizabeth Warren.

Elizabeth Warren.Credit: Bloomberg

Elizabeth Warren


“An ultra-millionaire tax on America's 75,000 richest families … to build an economy that works for everyone.”

The two-term senator from Massachusetts is positioning herself as the policy wonk candidate in the field, reflecting her past experience as a bankruptcy law expert at Harvard University. Warren is from the progressive wing of the party and has put a proposed new tax on Americans with large fortunes at the centre of her campaign. She also wants to impose new regulations on the banks, introduce single-payer healthcare and make college more affordable.

While very much anti-Trump, Warren says the Democrats must do more than just remove him from office. “Donald Trump is the symptom of a badly broken system,” she said recently.

Warren has previously talked about native American ancestry being part of her life story, earning her the derisive nickname “Pocahontas” from Trump. Last October she released the results of a DNA test showing she had some native American DNA. Instead of clearing up the issue, the move angered native American tribes and continues to dog her to this day.

Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders.Credit: AP

Bernie Sanders

“Trump is somebody who clearly does not respect democracy.”


Along with Trump, the Senator from Vermont was the break-out star of the 2016 campaign and did better against Hillary Clinton in the primaries than anyone had expected. Sanders has played a major role in pushing the party to the left over recent years and his support for single-payer healthcare has now become mainstream in the party. His policy positions – such as making college free – have a cut-through clarity some of his rivals lack.

But it is unclear how much of Sanders’ support in 2016 came because he was the only viable alternative to Clinton. This time he faces a wide array of rivals including some, such as Warren, who are almost as left-wing as he is. Sanders also has a poor track record with minority voters. The fact he is technically an independent not a Democrat still rankles some in the party. And, at 77, he is even older than Biden.

Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris.Credit: AP

Kamala Harris

“Sitting across the table from the big banks, I witnessed the arrogance of power.”

A former prosecutor from California, Harris is hoping to appeal to two crucial constituencies in the Democratic Party coalition: women and African-American voters. The daughter of a Tamil Indian mother and Jamaican father, Harris launched her campaign on Martin Luther King jnr Day and has highlighted being a graduate of a black college.

Unlike Warren’s more ideological positioning, Harris has focused on broad themes such as a return to national unity and decency. She drew about 20,000 people to her campaign launch in Oakland, California, an achievement that solidified her status as one of the frontrunners for the nomination.


But Harris has only been in the Senate for two years, meaning she has less national experience than some of her rivals. Her past “tough on crime” positions as a prosecutor may also count against her with primary voters who prioritise criminal justice.

Amy Klobuchar.

Amy Klobuchar.Credit: Alamy

Amy Klobuchar

“My grandpa worked 1500 feet underground in the mines in Northern Minnesota.”

Another former prosecutor, Klobuchar hails from the midwestern state of Minnesota. She will highlight popularity there – including in rural areas that usually vote Republican – to argue that she can defeat Trump in key swing states such as Iowa and Wisconsin. Klobuchar has a record as a hard-working and productive senator with a more moderate outlook than some of the other candidates. She impressed during the hearings on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with her calm yet probing questioning.

But Klobuchar is still little known outside of her home state and needs to raise her profile. Reports have recently emerged that she treats her staff in a demeaning way, denting her “Minnesota nice” image. It remains unclear if she can appeal to left-wing and minority voters who make up large chunks of the Democratic primary electorate.

Cory Booker.

Cory Booker.Credit: Bloomberg


Cory Booker

“It’s not just about who’s our president – it’s about who we are. It’s time for us to pull together.”

Before entering the Senate in 2013, Booker was the mayor of Newark, a New Jersey city with high levels of poverty. His parents were among the first black executives at IBM, a fact he often mentions in his speeches. Like Barack Obama, he served as a community organiser and attended a prestigious Ivy League college before entering politics. He projects an optimistic outlook – “love” is one of his favourite words – and has championed criminal justice reform to reduce the number of people in prison.

At age 49, Booker would be one of the youngest presidents in US history. He would also be the first vegan president and just the third unmarried president (19th-century presidents James Buchanan and Grover Cleveland were bachelors, although Cleveland married while in office). Not afraid of the limelight, some find Booker too over-the-top – most notably in the Brett Kavanaugh hearings when he compared himself with Spartacus.

Kirsten Gillibrand.

Kirsten Gillibrand.Credit: Alamy

Kirsten Gillibrand

“To turn up the volume on your voice, we have to take on the people who profit from the status quo.”


The senator from New York is running on an explicitly feminist platform in an attempt to capitalise on the growing importance of female voters to the Democratic Party. Gillibrand, 52, has highlighted both the fact that she is a working mother and her work to prevent sexual harassment in the military. She has the most anti-Trump voting record of anyone in the Senate, which could endear her to the party’s left wing.

Gillibrand’s role in the #MeToo movement, however, could count against her. Some Democrats have not forgiven her for playing a leading role in the ousting of popular senator Al Franken when he was accused of sexual harassment. She also has a lower public profile than some of her rivals.

Joe Biden.

Joe Biden.Credit: AP

Joe Biden

“If we were in high school, I'd take [Trump] behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”

The former vice-president has the highest profile of any potential candidate, having previously served for 35 years in the Senate before Barack Obama selected him as his running mate. Biden, who hails from Delaware, prides himself on his strong rapport with the white working-class voters who delivered Trump victory in 2016. He is also likely to receive strong support from African-American primary voters because of his close friendship with Obama.

The downside for Biden is that he is already 76 years old: if elected he would be the oldest person to become president. He may face resistance from young, progressive Democrats who don’t want “another old white guy” in the White House. Biden also has a history of making gaffes – such as when he described Obama as the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”.

Beto O'Rourke on stage with Oprah Winfrey.

Beto O'Rourke on stage with Oprah Winfrey.Credit: AP

Beto O’Rourke

“We’ve conflated the war on terror, the war on drugs, with immigration.”

The former congressman from El Paso was the rock star of the 2018 midterms as “Betomania” spread through the country. Handsome and charming, O’Rourke raised an extraordinary $US70 million in donations in his bid to win a Texas Senate seat. He ran far to the left of most Democrats in Texas and drew adoring crowds at his rallies. O’Rourke lost to Republican Ted Cruz but his vote share – 48.9 per cent – was way up on what Texan Democrats had previously achieved.

On March 14 he announced he would run, pledging "a positive campaign that seeks to bring out the very best from every single one of us, that seeks to unite a very divided country".

Having served only three terms in the US House of Representatives, O’Rourke is less experienced than many of the other candidates. And it would be unusual for the party to elevate him to the presidency given he didn’t win his most recent electoral contest.

A handful of Republicans may run.

A handful of Republicans may run.Credit: Matthew Absalom-Wong

Potential Republican challengers

In US history, only one candidate has challenged a sitting president and gone on to win the White House. With approval ratings nudging 90 per cent among Republicans, it looks unlikely that Trump would lose the party's nomination. But if he suffers an earth-shattering scandal – or the economy goes downhill – a more moderate challenger may gain some momentum.

John Kasich

The Ohio governor has said he is “seriously considering” another run for president. In the 2016 Republican primaries Kasich won only one state - Ohio - but he was the last man standing against Trump. He is a leading figure among “Never Trump” Republicans: Kasich did not endorse Trump for president and is believed to have written in John McCain's name on his ballot paper. An opponent of abortion and supporter of low taxes, Kasich has traditional Republican views but a far less inflammatory style than Trump.

Larry Hogan

The Maryland governor easily won re-election last year despite his state being solidly Democratic at most levels of government. He is a centrist Republican who has put restrictions on guns and supports same-sex marriage. Asked whether he could run against Trump, he has said: “Never say never.”

Mitt Romney

The 2012 Republican presidential candidate, who lost to Barack Obama, entered the Senate last year as a representative for Utah. He has freely criticised Trump on many issues and could use his platform to launch a primary challenge.

The battle for president, and occupancy of the White House, is soon to begin in earnest.

The battle for president, and occupancy of the White House, is soon to begin in earnest.Credit: Bloomberg

What's next?

The primary season will begin in February 2020 in Iowa. From there, the field will be whittled down until the party's presidential candidate is anointed at a convention in July. The candidate will then compete in several debates with Trump – assuming Trump is re-nominated by the Republicans – before the presidential election in November.

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