Thanks for joining us for another day of live coverage of the US presidential campaign. We can now say we’re in the final week.
Kamala Harris gave what she called a “closing address” in Washington DC where she framed next week’s election as a referendum on Donald Trump and a chance for Americans to put the past few years of disunity behind them.
Kamala Harris gives her speech on the Ellipse of the White HouseCredit: Bloomberg
Donald Trump campaigned in Pennsylvania where he tried to demonstrate that comments made by a comedian at a rally in New York earlier this week had not damaged his standing with Puerto Ricans.
J-Lo, who was born in Puerto Rico, is due to hit the campaign trail for Kamala Harris in the next couple of days. No doubt she will have thoughts.
In tomorrow’s blog we will cover Donald Trump’s swing through two key states, North Carolina and Wisconsin, and Kamala Harris’ visit to the also important Pennsylvania. We look forward to your company again. Until then, enjoy your afternoon and evening.