

This was published 4 years ago

Trump doesn't care if he wins his fight with Twitter, he just wants the battle

By Matthew Knott

Washington: When Donald Trump signalled his plan to take action against social media companies following Twitter's unprecedented decision to fact-check him, there was good reason to be more sceptical than alarmed.

Trump regularly issues dramatic and headline-grabbing threats that later come to nothing. After threatening to rain down "fire and fury" on North Korea, he ended up cosying up to Kim Jong-un. A few weeks ago Trump threatened to unilaterally suspend Congress, then never spoke of it again. More recently he demanded state governors immediately reopen churches - something he has no constitutional power to order.

President Donald Trump holds up a copy of the New York Post as he speaks before signing an executive order aimed at curbing protections for social media giants.

President Donald Trump holds up a copy of the New York Post as he speaks before signing an executive order aimed at curbing protections for social media giants.Credit: AP

More often than not, Trump's goal is projecting an image of power rather than exercising it. As alarming as they find his rhetoric, the President's critics often express quiet relief that he doesn't have the attention span or interest in policy-making to turn his stated goals into reality.

The social media executive order Trump unveiled, at least for now, is the latest example of his bark being far worse than his bite. It's neither the mortal blow to freedom of speech that some had feared nor the bold action against social media companies that his supporters would like to celebrate.

That's because Trump's main goal is not to win his fight with Twitter. The point is to have the fight. Grievance politics are central to Trump's political brand and his appeal to conservatives. In his narrative, the media, the bureaucratic "deep state", university experts and social media companies are all part of a leftist conspiracy out to get him and his fellow Republicans.

Never mind that Trump has been a master at using Twitter and Facebook to bypass the mainstream media and communicate directly to voters. The platforms have given him carte blanche to say what he wants: just this week, Twitter said it would not take down Trump's tweets falsely suggesting that a prominent television host murdered a former employee.

But Twitter did attach an addendum to two tweets in which Trump suggested that mail-in-voting is prone to significant voter fraud. For Twitter, this crossed the line into a potentially harmful attempt to suppress participation in the November election.

Used to being able to say whatever he wants to on his favourite platform, Trump turned apoplectic and threatened retaliation. "This will be a Big Day for Social Media and FAIRNESS!" he tweeted on Thursday morning.


Later in the day the White House released his executive order, which focuses on Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This provision, passed in 1996, essentially gives social media companies legal immunity for defamatory content posted by their users.

Scrapping this rule would require social media companies to be far more interventionist and would dent their profitability. Trump, though, doesn't have the power to make Section 230 go away. Congress would have to pass legislation overturning it - and there is no prospect of that happening in gridlocked Washington.

So Trump has asked the Federal Communications Commission to investigate how it applies the rule. Even if the commission - which is answerable to Congress, not the President - did change its mind, there is the First Amendment of the US Constitution. A legal challenge would immediately ensue.

Constitutional law expert Laurence Tribe described the executive order as "a big nothingburger in terms of responding to what Twitter did to provoke Trump’s outrage".

Which is not to say it will have no effect. Even if Trump's threats may be mostly bluster, they can still frighten people into changing their behaviour. A vow to implement tariffs on Mexican imports, for example, spooked Mexico into cracking down on unauthorised border crossings.

Trump's threat looks like a classic example of "working the referee": if he can intimidate the umpire into not enforcing the rules, he doesn't need to change them. Next time Trump tweets about voter fraud will Twitter simply decide it isn't worth the pain of fact-checking?


Tim Wu, an expert in technology regulation at Columbia University, pointed out that Trump's move, if successful, would be self-defeating. If Twitter did become legally liable for Trump's tweets, it would be much more likely to take them down.

But changing the law isn't Trump's goal. It's to rile up his supporters, make life painful for those who dare to challenge him and to distract from other issues - like the 100,000 Americans who have died from COVID-19 in just three months. On that score, his executive order was a big success.

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