

This was published 3 years ago

Republicans appear to be falling out of love with Donald Trump

By Dan Balz

Washington: No one should underestimate former president Donald Trump’s standing within the Republican Party, especially the passionate allegiance of a substantial part of the GOP base. But there are signs that, since the assault on the Capitol last year, his support within the party may not be quite what it was.

The suggestion that he has slipped comes with a sizable caveat. Majorities of Republicans have bought into Trump’s false claims about the 2020 election. A Washington Post-University of Maryland survey, completed at the end of last year, found that more than 6 in 10 Republicans said there is solid evidence that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. Nearly 6 in 10 say President Joe Biden’s election was not legitimate.

Former president Donald Trump speaks to thousands of supporters at an outdoor rally in Florence, Arizona earlier this month.

Former president Donald Trump speaks to thousands of supporters at an outdoor rally in Florence, Arizona earlier this month.Credit: The Washington Post/Melina Mara

More Republicans say they want Trump to run again in 2024 than say they want another candidate. It’s not clear how widespread the enthusiasm for another Trump presidential campaign really is. But it’s even less clear that there is any Republican who could deny him the nomination, at least as things now stand.

Still, the Donald Trump of 2022 does not look quite like the Donald Trump of old. One indication of this change came with the release of a new poll from NBC News. Over the course of Trump’s presidency and since he left office, the poll has tracked attitudes of Republicans, asking them whether they see themselves mainly as supporters of Trump or mainly supporters of the party itself.

On the eve of the 2020 election, 54 per cent of Republicans and independents who lean Republican said they considered themselves more a supporter of Trump than of the Republican Party, compared with 38 per cent who said they considered themselves more a supporter of the Republican Party. By January 2021, views were evenly divided, with 46 per cent saying Trump and 46 per cent saying the GOP.

The latest poll, released last weekend, shows a reversal in attitudes, compared with the pre-election 2020 survey, and a further decline from last January. Today, 56 per cent of Republicans say they are more supporters of the party than of Trump, while 36 per cent say they are more supporters of Trump than the party.

A supporter dressed as Uncle Sam sits among the crowd at a rally for former president Donald Trump in Arizona.

A supporter dressed as Uncle Sam sits among the crowd at a rally for former president Donald Trump in Arizona.Credit: AP

This is just one data point for measuring Trump, but some of the shifts are striking. Since October 2020, he has lost 26 points among White Republicans without college degrees and 21 points among conservative Republicans. He has lost 18 points among Republican men and 17 points among Republican women. He has lost 23 points among Republicans ages 65 and older and 19 points among White evangelical Republicans.

For years, Trump bragged that his support was near-universal within his party. Tweet after tweet – before he was banned from Twitter – came forth proclaiming the rank and file’s love affair with their leader. He still has high favourable ratings among Republicans. After all, he did restore them to the presidency, if only for four years. But his current approval ratings are not quite what they were before January 6, 2021.


The latest Economist/YouGov poll finds that 82 per cent of Republicans have a favourable impression of Trump, including 59 per cent who view him very favourably. In December 2020, 91 per cent viewed him favourably, including 74 per cent who viewed him very favourably.


A new Marquette University Law School survey finds that 73 per cent of Republicans nationally view Trump favourably. Meanwhile, the poll shows that 63 per cent of Republicans and 51 per cent of Republican-leaning independents say they would like to see Trump run again in 2024.

“That’s an interesting gap between 73 per cent liking him but only about 60 per cent saying they would like him to run again,” said Charles Franklin, the director of the poll. “That still leaves him as the odds-on favourite in a primary today, but you can see a gap between continued affection for Trump in the party but the opportunity to think about future candidates rather than past candidates.”

To take this a step further, the Marquette Law School poll tested both Trump and Florida’s governor, Republican Ron DeSantis, in hypothetical 2024 matchups against President Biden. Both trail Biden in the survey, but DeSantis runs as well against the president as does Trump. The poll found that, if either of those pairings were the 2024 matchups, between a fifth and a quarter of the overall electorate say they would prefer another candidate or wouldn’t vote. It should be noted that some Republican strategists believe that in a straight-up, head-to-head test between Trump and Biden right now, the former president would be at rough parity with the incumbent.

DeSantis has made plenty of news as governor, especially as a critic of masks and vaccine requirements, but he is still far less known nationally than Trump. Accounting for that difference in familiarity, his favourable-to-unfavourable ratio among Republicans is 5 to 1 in the Marquette poll. For Trump, it’s 3 to 1. For former vice president Mike Pence, it’s 2 to 1. If DeSantis were to run for president in 2024, his ratio likely would change for the worse, but it is a marker that reminds Republican voters of the baggage that Trump would carry into a general election.

Trump has given every indication he plans to seek the Republican nomination in 2024, although there is plenty of time and the possibility of unforeseen events that might lower the odds of him running. If he runs, it will be difficult for anyone to deny him the nomination. As he proved in the 2016 primaries, he is skilled and ruthless in taking down challengers.


Still, the Republican Party would be taking a risk if Trump were simply handed the nomination without competition. Having lost the popular vote twice and the electoral college count once, Trump’s liabilities in a general election are obvious. Also, he will be 78 in 2024, younger than Biden if the president runs again but older than anyone ever elected to the presidency. Is that the future Republicans see for themselves?

It’s too early to know whether anyone will challenge Trump, but there are plenty of potential candidates. Some have said they would stay out if Trump seeks the nomination, notably former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley. Others, like former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, seem eager to challenge Trump. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, a Trump critic, continues to keep his profile high. Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo has slimmed down as if he’s ready to run.

And how would anyone run against him? DeSantis could run as a younger version of the former president - pugnacious and in-your-face to the elites. Trumpism without Trump. Christie, judging from his recent book, would run against Trump’s 2020 election lies and urge his party to move on from the Trump era. Texas senator Ted Cruz would likely skirt direct conflict with Trump and instead hope, as he did unsuccessfully in 2016, to be the alternative if Trump were to stumble.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has shown how a Republican can attract Trump admirers and Trump sceptics and Never Trumpers and win in a blue-trending state. Could Trump do that in 2024? Pence has been damaged by his break with Trump over January 6. But as a former vice president, he will always harbor presidential aspirations. And this is not necessarily an exhaustive list of possible GOP aspirants. There are many other possible candidates.

In the year since the attack on the Capitol, Trump’s standing across the breadth of his party has changed. Whether this is the beginning of something genuinely threatening to his standing or a minor hiccup that is of no real consequence is what all those Republicans with an eye on the White House want to know. For now, Trump remains the leader of the Republican Party and the nomination is his to lose – if he decides to run.

The Washington Post

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