

This was published 4 years ago

Bloomberg's big bet on beating Trump stuns pundits, wows voters

By Matthew Knott

Nashville, Tennessee: Wednesday was a torrential night in Nashville - pelting rain, huge gusts of wind - but it was cosy inside Rocketown, just a few blocks from the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Johnny Cash Museum.

Founded by Christian musician Michael Smith, Rocketown describes itself as a "multi-faceted oasis for youth". A "skate church" is held here each week for young people who want to use the indoor skate ramp, eat free pizza and learn about God.

But on this night people were pouring into the venue to hear billionaire businessman and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg speak about his bid for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.

Bloomberg's campaign has hired thousands of campaign staffers in recent weeks, and is paying them nearly twice as much as other candidates. It shows. The level of slickness on display exceeded anything you find at the other Democratic candidate events.

Democratic presidential candidate and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Democratic presidential candidate and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg.Credit: AP

There was free food - slow-cooked pork, beans, coleslaw, corn bread - from one of the top local BBQ joints. There was free iced tea (sweet or not). You could take home as many free "Tennessee for Mike" T-shirts and badges as you wanted. At other candidate events there's no food, and you have to buy the merchandise.

The fact Bloomberg was in Nashville at all shows how unconventional his campaign is.

Mike Bloomberg supporter Bob Allen at a campaign event in Nashville, Tennessee.

Mike Bloomberg supporter Bob Allen at a campaign event in Nashville, Tennessee.Credit: Matthew Knott

It's common to bump into country music stars like Keith Urban or Taylor Swift in this part of the world, but rare to see a Democratic presidential contender.


Bloomberg only entered the race in November, meaning he was not on the ballot in early states like Iowa and New Hampshire. This has allowed him to spend his time and money in places that Democrats traditionally ignore. Where they're zigging, he's zagging.


When the other candidates were in New Hampshire last week, Bloomberg was campaigning in Oklahoma alongside Judy Sheindlin, better known as Judge Judy. When his rivals were in Nevada this week, Bloomberg had the spotlight to himself in Tennessee and North Carolina.

Speaking at the event in Nashville, Bloomberg said he was glad to be campaigning off the beaten track. "I think this campaign needs less hot air and more hot chicken," he told the crowd.

In his speeches, Bloomberg appears sharper than Joe Biden, the famously meandering former vice-president. But he's no soaring orator.

He sounds like a chief executive speaking to a gathering of shareholders: there's a lot of talk about "workable, sensible solutions" and holding yourself accountable for results.

Bloomberg proudly describes himself as "the un-Trump", contrasting his self-made wealth, belief in science and mellow demeanour to the President's inherited fortune, climate denialism and outlandish tweets.

'I think this campaign needs less hot air and more hot chicken.'

Michael Bloomberg, in Nashville

He often refers to Trump by his first name - reflecting their long history as two of New York's most famous businessmen. "I can't spell but then neither can Donald," he quipped in Nashville. "I'm not afraid of Donald Trump, Donald Trump's afraid of me ... There's nothing Trump can say or do that can hurt me."

'We have never seen anything like this before'

Last week Larry Sabato, one of America's best-known political analysts, was sick, so he spent the day at home. Flicking between different television channels, he was amazed by what he saw.

Sabato lives in Virginia, a state that will send a big chunk of delegates to the Democratic Party's presidential convention in July.

"I saw at least 30 ads for Mike Bloomberg and none for any of the other candidates," Sabato says. "It is unbelievable what he is doing. We have never seen anything like this before."

If you turn on a television set in America for even a short amount of time you will see an advertisement for Bloomberg's presidential campaign.

There he is working with Barack Obama to tackle gun violence. There he is touting his success at shutting down coal-fired power plants. There he is declaring, without a hint of doubt in his voice, that he will beat Donald Trump in November.

Bloomberg has already spent an astonishing $US310 million ($460 million) on political advertising since entering the race. That's more than double what all the other Democratic candidates - plus Trump - have spent during the same period combined.

Bloomberg has been unloading an average $US1 million on Facebook ads a day - three times as much as the Trump campaign spent leading up to the 2016 election.

His campaign is also paying social media influencers to upload supportive posts and has commissioned meme-makers to poke fun at the 77-year-old on Instagram.

The splurge is all the more remarkable given Bloomberg, who has an estimated net worth of $US62 billion, is not on the ballot until the "Super Tuesday" primaries on March 3. As well as Iowa and New Hampshire, he is sitting out the contests in Nevada and South Carolina. He has not participated in a single Democratic presidential debate, and has given few media interviews.

'We have never had a Democratic candidate skip the first four states and go straight into Super Tuesday.'

Caitlin Jewitt, assistant professor political sciences, author

"This is completely unprecedented," says Caitlin Jewitt, the author of The Primary Rules: Parties, Voters And Presidential Nominations. "We have never had a Democratic candidate skip the first four states and go straight into Super Tuesday."

From long-shot to top-tier

When Bloomberg announced his candidacy, he was viewed as a long-shot chance of winning the nomination. The field didn't look like it needed another old white man, let alone one who ran for mayor as a Republican.


Biden was leading in the polls and appeared to have the support of moderate and non-white Democrats locked down. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were thrilling progressives by promising to reduce the power of the billionaire class.

But then came Biden's calamitous fourth and fifth-place finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire. Leading the delegate count so far are Sanders - a 78-year-old democratic socialist - and Pete Buttigieg, 38, who recently quit his job as mayor of the fourth-biggest city in Indiana - South Bend, population 102,000.

This has opened up a plausible, if narrow, path for Bloomberg to seize the nomination. The latest Quinnipiac University national poll, released this week, shows him surging into third place with 15 per cent support.

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg speaks at a campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg speaks at a campaign event in Raleigh, North Carolina.Credit: AP

"He has defined his own candidacy while the others have been ripping each other apart," says Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic strategist and former Bloomberg adviser.

"I have spoken to a lot of senior Democrats who want to do whatever they can to stop Sanders winning the nomination," says Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Centre for Politics. "They think he would be a disaster, but they don't believe Buttigieg is experienced enough to win a general election.

"They are willing to support Bloomberg if that's what it takes."

'He's trying to make amends'

Watching in the crowd in Nashville was environmental activist Sherry Sloan, a 59-year old white woman wearing an "I like Mike" T-shirt. "I was sad when he didn't run in 2016 and I was sad when he said he wouldn't run this time," she says. "I had tears in my eyes when he changed his mind. He would bring being presidential back to the presidency."

Sherry Sloan and friend Debbie Young at a Mike Bloomberg campaign event in Nashville, Tennessee.

Sherry Sloan and friend Debbie Young at a Mike Bloomberg campaign event in Nashville, Tennessee.Credit: Matthew Knott

About one in six people in the crowd at Rocketown were black - reflecting the demographics of the city. Polls have shown Bloomberg's popularity with older African-Americans soaring in recent weeks.

Calvin Jones, an African-American alderman, says: "I like that he's funding his own campaign not taking donations from anyone.

"And the commercials with Obama don't hurt."

Cable news broadcasters had spent much of the day discussing a newly-unearthed tape of Bloomberg defending the controversial "stop-and-frisk" technique New York City police used during his time as mayor. Under the policy, black and Hispanic men were targeted for police searches and it has since been deemed unconstitutional.


But Clevette Smith and Elaine Cato, who are both African-American, said it would not put them off voting for Bloomberg. "It is what it is," Smith says. "He has apologised and he's trying to make amends," Cato says.

Their priority is finding a candidate who can beat Trump, not one with a perfect record on race relations.

Sanders, who has united progressives behind him and boasts a nationwide support network, still looks like the most likely Democratic nominee.

For Bloomberg to win, he would have to excel on Super Tuesday and quickly consolidate more moderate voters behind him. It's a difficult task, but no longer an impossible one.

"It was a gamble for him to enter the race so late," Sabato says. "But he could just pull it off."

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