

This was published 5 years ago

'Holding our breath': Trump's trade war with China gets real for businesses, consumers

By Matthew Knott

New York: May should be a happy month for Ryan Zagata and Brooklyn Bicycle Co, the commuter bike business he founded eight years ago.

It's spring in New York: cherry blossoms in bloom, sunbathers in Central Park, memories of sub-zero temperatures drifting away on the breeze. The time of year, in other words, when people typically decide to buy a bike.

Ryan Zagata, founder of Brooklyn Bicycle Co, at the company's offices in New York.

Ryan Zagata, founder of Brooklyn Bicycle Co, at the company's offices in New York. Credit: Diana Hubbell

But Zagata suddenly feels anxious and uncertain about his company's future.

The storm clouds appeared out of nowhere on Sunday when Donald Trump reignited his trade war with China.

In a pair of tweets the US President said he was angry at the slow pace of trade negotiations with the rival superpower - so angry that, in just five days, he would increase tariffs on $US200 billion ($289 billion) worth of Chinese goods from 10 to 25 per cent.

This set of tariffs covers a vast range of imports from China: live eels, pet food, mattresses, soldering irons, chemicals, woven fabrics. And bicycles.

"We are holding our breath to see what happens," Zagata says in Brooklyn Bicycle Co's offices. "Is this a negotiating tactic or is it reality? No one knows."

Like most observers, Zagata thought the US-China trade talks were steadily progressing towards a final deal - perhaps as early as this week. He was hopeful that the existing tariffs would soon be removed; instead they were being more than doubled.


There is really no domestic bike manufacturing left in the United States, There is no industry to protect here.

Brooklyn Bicycle Co. founder Ryan Zagata

He wasn't alone in being alarmed. The S&P 500, the benchmark US stock market index, dropped 2.5 per cent this week, putting it on track for its worst weekly performance of the year.


All of Brooklyn Bicycle Co's bikes are made in China and Taiwan before being shipped to the US for sale. It's a business model the company shares with virtually all American bike brands. Ninety-four per cent of bicycles sold in the US each year are imported from these two countries, with two-thirds coming from mainland China.

"There is really no domestic bike manufacturing left in the United States," Zagata says. "There is no industry to protect here."

When the tariffs came into effect last September, Brooklyn Bicycle Co and most other bicycle companies modestly increased their prices. Those that couldn't went out of business.

"A couple of brands that operate in our space disappeared overnight," Zagata says.

While the initial 10 per cent tariff was painful, Zagata says a 25 per cent impost would be "massive, an utter game changer".

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his United States counterpart Donald Trump in 2017.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and his United States counterpart Donald Trump in 2017.Credit: AP

He would have to increase prices, he says, by $US40 to $US50 per bike. "We are going into summer so people are looking at bikes right now. They will say, 'That was $499 last weekend; why has it gone to $549 this weekend?'

"They're not getting anything extra for that money - it's exactly the same bike - so it's a hard story to tell."

Even the handful of companies that do manufacture bikes in America will be hit hard by the tariff hike. Almost all the parts necessary to assemble a bike - tyres, rims, spokes, hubs, chains - are made in China, meaning they attract tariffs too.

"The volatility caused by the trade war has thrown a wrench in my company’s domestic ambitions," Arnold Kamler, chair of New Jersey-based bicycle company Kent International, wrote this week.

"These measures punish American businesses that have done nothing wrong."

And it's not just cyclists who will pay a price. The Trade Partnership, a Washington consulting firm, estimates that the 25 per cent tariff will cost the average family of four an extra $US767 a year.

"A sudden tariff increase with less than a week’s notice would severely disrupt US businesses, especially small companies that have limited resources to mitigate the impact," David French, senior vice president of government relations at the National Retail Federation, said. "American consumers will face higher prices, and US jobs will be lost."

The true outcome

According to Trump, his tariffs have been a giant tax on China. "For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA," he wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

“We have billions of dollars coming into our Treasury - billions - from China," he wrote previously.

A bay of shipping containers on board a ship at the Port of Savannah in Georgia, US.

A bay of shipping containers on board a ship at the Port of Savannah in Georgia, US.Credit: AP

But the tariffs are not paid by China. They are paid by US importers of Chinese goods and most of them have passed on some, if not all, of the impost on to consumers.

A study by economists at the University of Chicago found that US consumers have spent an extra $US1.5 billion a year on washers and dryers since Trump introduced a tariff on washing machine imports last January. That amounts to an extra $US86 for each washing machine and $US92 for each dryer.

The tariffs appear to have had a perverse outcome. Not only did prices rise for imported washing machines; the price of dryers and American-made washing machines also increased even though they were not affected by the tariffs.

Steel coils sit outside at the US Steel Corp Granite City Works facility in Granite City, Illinois.

Steel coils sit outside at the US Steel Corp Granite City Works facility in Granite City, Illinois.Credit: Bloomberg

"Given that many consumers buy these goods in a bundle, the price increases were partially hidden by raising the price of dryers,” Felix Tintelnot, one of the study's authors, said.

The washing machine tariffs have created jobs: 1800 of them, but at an extremely high price. The study found each new job cost $US815,000.

It's the same story with the tariffs on steel and aluminium imports that Trump introduced last year. US consumers and businesses have paid more than $US900,000 a year for every job saved or created because of the tariffs, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics.


American farmers, a key component of Trump's supporter base, have also been impacted by China's retaliatory tariffs on American imports. US soybean exports to China have dropped to their lowest level since 2008, causing prices to plummet. China has also increased tariffs on US bourbon, pork and orange juice exports.

Yet so far, Trump's trade policies have not caused him serious political damage. At the November midterm elections Republicans actually made gains in the rural areas that have been hit hardest by China's tariffs.

For many rural voters, their commitment to Trump's nationalist agenda overrides their economic self-interest.

"Many farmers see it as a sacrifice they are willing to make because they believe Trump needs to stand up to China," says Mary Lovely, an expert in trade policy at Syracuse University.

Trump has also faced little criticism from the place you'd most expect to find it: the leaders of the Democratic Party.

When Trump announced tariffs on $US50 billion worth of Chinese products last June, Democratic Senate leader Charles Schumer said that the President was "right on target".

"China is our real trade enemy, and their theft of intellectual property and their refusal to let our companies compete fairly threatens millions of future American jobs," he said.

On Sunday, when Trump sent out his tariff hike tweets, Schumer again encouraged him. "Hang tough on China, President @realDonaldTrump," Schumer wrote. "Don’t back down. Strength is the only way to win with China."

Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi has also welcomed Trump's tariff decisions and urged him to do even more to combat "China’s brazenly unfair trade policies".


"On both the left and the right, there is a view that China has taken advantage of us and that it is worth experiencing some short-term pain for a long-term win," Lovely says.

Neither has there been an outcry from ordinary Americans, who are currently enjoying the best economic conditions for decades. Gross domestic product grew by an impressive 3.2 per cent in the first quarter of this year, unemployment sits at just 3.6 per cent and wages are increasing.

"The price rises so far have been hard for people to see," Lovely says. "Manufacturers see the increases but most consumers haven't registered them."

That will all change, she says, if Trump carries out the second part of his Twitter threat: to "shortly" apply a 25 per cent tariff to all Chinese imports. "That would affect products people buy regularly, what I call the Walmart and Target stuff," she says. "Smartphones, clothing, shoes, sporting goods, toys.

"Consumers will notice the higher prices and retailers will not be shy in explaining why they have gone up."

The Trade Partnership estimates that a 25 per cent tariff on all Chinese imports would cost a typical four-person American family $US2294 a year.

'We are in maybe-land'

While Trump's tariffs have hit the bike sector hard, Ryan Zagata says they have been a successful negotiating tactic with China.

Despite Trump's latest tariff announcement, Chinese officials still travelled to Washington for scheduled talks this week - highlighting their determination to do a deal.

"Companies I correspond with in China say business is down, people aren't attending their trade shows. They are worried about US companies shifting production to other countries like Vietnam or Cambodia."

While he is hoping for the tariffs to be removed, Zagata says what he most longs for is an end to the uncertainty, the sudden changes in policy direction.

"Right now we are not in yes-land or no-land," he says. "We are in maybe-land and that's a really hard place to make long-term business decisions."

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