


Can you trust the US election polls?

How much attention should you pay to the polls ahead of election day? And what has and hasn’t changed since the surprise result in 2016?


Three months out from the US presidential election, Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden is easily leading President Donald Trump in all the major polls. Biden is ahead by 7.4 percentage points in the closely watched RealClearPolitics national polling average. Just as importantly, most polls show Biden is also leading by substantial margins in the key states that he will need to win in order to claim victory in the electoral college.

Despite this clear lead, there is a lot of scepticism about whether the polls can be trusted – and not just because the numbers could tighten between now and November 3. Mention Biden’s polling lead and someone will quickly respond, "The polls were wrong in 2016. How can we trust them now?"

Can you trust the US election polls?Credit: Fairfax Media

Traumatised by Hillary Clinton’s surprise loss four years ago, many Democrats are wary of polls showing their candidate in the lead. Meanwhile, Republicans are inclined to dismiss bad poll numbers for Trump as "fake news". The President himself has rejected the public polls showing him behind, saying that his campaign’s internal polls show him ahead in the states he needs to win.

The fact most polls failed to predict the 2016 Brexit referendum result and the Liberal Party's 2019 victory only added to the widespread scepticism about polling.

So how much attention should you pay to the flood of polls that will be released between now and election day? What has and hasn’t changed in the past four years?

Hillary Clinton concedes the presidential election supported by her husband, former president Bill Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine, in 2016.

Hillary Clinton concedes the presidential election supported by her husband, former president Bill Clinton and her running mate Tim Kaine, in 2016.Credit: Getty Images


Were the polls wrong in 2016?

Yes and no. The prevailing narrative is that the polls got the 2016 result catastrophically wrong. That's not so at a national level, where the polls were pretty much spot on. "The national polls were actually more accurate than usual," says leading pollster and election forecaster Rachel Bitecofer. In fact, the national polls were among the most accurate at predicting the popular vote result since the mid-1930s.

On election day, the RealClearPolitics national average showed Clinton defeating Trump by 3.2 percentage points. Clinton ended up winning the national popular vote by 2.1 per cent. If the US decided its president as most countries do – by the national popular vote – the polls would have accurately predicted the winner.

The problem is that the US uses its unique electoral college system to decide who wins the presidency. This means that the victor is determined by the results in a handful of battleground states. In a close election, this makes it important to look at the polling results in the key swing states as well as at a national level.

This is where things went haywire in 2016. "The state polls – particularly in the upper Midwest – did have a major miss and pointed to the wrong winner," says Pew Research survey director Courtney Kennedy, who served on a committee that conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the 2016 election polls. That review, by the American Association for Public Opinion Research, found that the 2016 state polls had an average error of 5.1 points – compared with an average error of 3.7 points over the previous four elections.

The final RealClearPolitics averages showed Clinton ahead in Michigan by 3.6 points, in Wisconsin by 6.5 points and in Pennsylvania by 2.1 points. In the end, Trump won these states by 0.3, 0.7 and 0.7 per cent points, respectively – enough to hand him a surprise victory in the electoral college.


Why were the state polls wrong?

Firstly, it is important to recognise that it is more difficult to conduct an accurate survey of a state rather than the national population. State polls tend to have fewer respondents, meaning that small sampling errors can easily distort the results. State polls also tend to be conducted by firms with less experience and fewer resources than the big national polling companies.

In 2016, experts agree there were two specific factors that undermined the accuracy of the battleground state polls. The first is that many pollsters did not adjust for the over-representation of college-educated respondents in their sample. In order to ensure that their results reflect the general population, pollsters usually weigh the data according to age, race and gender. They have not always done so for education levels, which didn’t matter much for presidential polling in the past. Traditionally, there has not been a clear correlation between educational attainment and whether someone votes Democratic or Republican. That changed in 2016: college graduates backed Clinton by a nine-point margin, while those without a college degree backed Trump by 52-44 per cent.

"People with higher education levels are more likely to participate in polls and in 2016 those folks were significantly more likely to break for Hillary Clinton," Kennedy says. "You had too many Clinton voters and that was the story with poll after poll in the upper Midwest." In other words, the state polls failed to capture Trump’s unusually high popularity among white voters without a college degree.

The second factor was so-called "late deciders": voters who disliked both candidates and only opted at the very last minute to vote for Trump. Exit polls showed a substantial swing towards Trump in the final week of the campaign in the four states where he won most narrowly. This means the state polls were not necessarily terribly inaccurate; they were simply not able to detect the late surge in support for Trump among undecided voters. (Polling guru Nate Silver has argued that then-FBI director James Comey's decision to announce he was re-opening the investigation into Clinton's private email server cost her the election – a conclusion Clinton herself agrees with.)

Bitecofer says the high number of undecided voters was a warning sign that Clinton's victory was not guaranteed. "The polls were sending a clear signal that with, so many people unsettled, anything could happen. And anything did happen."

What about shy Trump voters?


You may have heard of the theory that the polls were wrong because a significant number of Trump's supporters were too embarrassed to tell a pollster that they supported him. Most polling experts say this phenomenon is vastly overhyped or almost totally irrelevant. The evaluation of the 2016 polls by the American Association for Public Opinion Research ran a number of tests and found no persuasive evidence to support the shy Trump voter hypothesis.

Joe Biden and wife Jill in Philadelphia in March, campaigning in the time of COVID.

Joe Biden and wife Jill in Philadelphia in March, campaigning in the time of COVID.Credit: Getty Images

Will the 2020 result be any easier to predict?

The New York Times polling analyst Nate Cohn believes there have been some improvements with the state polls since 2016. He found that 46 per cent of state pollsters appeared to now weight their results by self-reported education – up from about 20 per cent of battleground state pollsters in 2016.

He says the polls should also be more accurate this year because fewer voters say they are undecided or plan to vote for a third-party candidate. "At this point in 2016, about 20 per cent of voters either supported a minor-party candidate or said they were undecided," Cohn recently wrote. "Today, the number is about half that level."

John Miles Coleman, from the election forecasting service Sabato's Crystal Ball, says another difference this year is the stability of Biden's lead. The 2016 polls were more volatile than many people remember. In late July, Trump actually led Clinton in the RealClearPolitics national average and he remained in striking distance throughout September. Biden, by contrast, has always led Trump by at least four points and that lead has expanded during the coronavirus pandemic.

That said, there are still reasons for caution. The polls performed well in the 2018 midterm elections – almost exactly identifying the Democrats' eight-point popular vote margin of victory in the House of Representatives. But they got some high-profile races wrong. The RealClearPolitics average had Florida Democratic governor candidate Andrew Gillam ahead by 3.6 percentage points on election day. He lost by 0.4 per cent.


Any tips on understanding the polls?

  • Remember the margin of error. Polling companies themselves acknowledge that their survey results are unlikely to reflect public opinion with total accuracy. That is why they include a margin of error with their results: usually between 3 and 5 per cent (plus and negative) for respected pollsters. To be safe, you should interpret close polling results – those inside the margin of error – as a statistical tie or a toss-up.
  • … and the electoral college. As Hillary Clinton learnt the hard way, you can win the popular vote but lose the election. Don't interpret a narrow lead for either candidate in national polls as a guarantee they will win the election. That said, most experts believe a big popular vote win – say, a victory over six percentage points – would almost certainly produce a victory in the electoral college.
  • Don't over-interpret individual polls. Compared with Australia, the US has a dizzying number of different pollsters. Rather than focusing on individual poll results, which may be outliers, it is better to refer to the averages produced by respected a polling aggregator such as RealClearPolitics or FiveThirtyEight.
  • Beware of forecasts. A big reason so many people thought Clinton was guaranteed to win in 2016 was not just the polls but forecasting models that used the polls to assign a probability to the election outcome. The New York Times election needle, for example, put Clinton's chance of victory at 85 per cent on election day. There is evidence that such definitive predictions may not just be wrong but can deter people from voting.
  • The pandemic factor. The COVID-19 outbreak is likely to change how many Americans participate on election day. Voting by mail is expected to be vastly more popular and people who vote in-person may have to wait in long queues at understaffed polling centres. This could make it even harder than usually to predict who will turn out to vote in the election.
  • A final word. Courtney Kennedy, of Pew Research, says many people drew the mistaken conclusion from 2016 that polling is inherently broken. But it's a good thing if people are becoming more realistic about what such surveys can and can't do. "Polls are not up to the task of predicting the winner in a very close election," she says. "I hope people are beginning to realise that."

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