

This was published 3 years ago


Be repelled by Trump, by all means, but don't dismiss him

It would be as reckless as Donald Trump to dismiss the just-defeated American President as a crazy aberration who two years of Joe Biden can correct. There are plenty of others who can dissect Trump's policy legacy; few presidents get much done in four years and he was, as usual, a mixed bag. His lessons for politics will endure for longer.

His political achievement was remarkable: a showy businessman who came out of nowhere to win the nomination over much more seasoned and known quantities, such as John McCain. (More of him later.)

President Donald Trump gives two thumbs up to supporters outside his golf club after losing the presidential election.

President Donald Trump gives two thumbs up to supporters outside his golf club after losing the presidential election.Credit: AP

His size, energy and horrifyingly brash frankness repelled many but won many friends. He was called out for his history, his promises, his threats and personal attacks, time and time again; all that did was fuel the Trump fire and propel him to victory.

Trump, the proud outsider, has much to teach us about campaigning. Lesson No. 1 is Big Personalities, people with few shades of grey, have enormous appeal. Voters like to think they know what they’re getting. In a mass market, complexities are confusing. Think Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Bob Hawke. While deeply flawed, voters believed they knew and understood them and even took those flaws as evidence of authenticity.

Trump also confirmed that shamelessness is no impediment to political success. I don’t recall him ever apologising for either his past or his pronouncements. While many of us writhed with anger or embarrassment, others saw his no-regrets policy as reassuringly honest and self-confident, in a way reasoned backflips were not.


But mostly what Donald Trump represented was attack, personal attack. His mouthiness, his exaggerated attacks on his opponents, beginning with Republican competitors and later Hillary Clinton, endeared him to conservatives and unaligned alike. For years they had felt belittled by the sneering of political insiders and progressive advocates who made them feel intellectually and morally inferior. They'd been reminded far too often that their opinions were not legitimate but distasteful. They were the "deplorables", as Hillary Clinton so kindly described them.

America had long been divided. Trump just made it public.

His challenge to media outlets was another lesson for followers and enemies alike. Most elected representatives accept the media’s fair and unfair character assassinations and reporting as part of the price of public office. Trump attacked that sadomasochistic relationship as "fake news" and it resonated. Suddenly, politics was a blood sport where the blood flowed on both sides of the microphone.


Of course, Trump would not have been endurable by any electorate in earlier times. However, social media has normalised personal attack. His tweets and posts do not seem all that out of line alongside all the terrible trolling. Trump went a step further than many of these nameless cowards: he owned his nastiness and clearly 70 million people thought that was great.


It was when he turned the nastiness on his own side, on Republican Gods like John McCain, that people began to worry, and he needlessly lost states like Arizona.

Trump Version 2.0, if he comes back for another go, will likely introduce more charm and target those attacks more skilfully. It would keep the mouthiness, the energy and most of the brashness. In Australia, there’s already a lot of it on our many cross-benches. In time, the major parties will make sure they have their own. Finding someone with the personal ego of Trump, but who was also prepared to listen will not be easy, but they are out there.

Unless social media is banned, it is hard to see politics evolving in any other way. In an age when human rights have never had greater prominence, it is extraordinary that tolerance for other people’s views has become so brittle. It would take a concerted bipartisanship to force change. Maybe that’s another lesson. Maybe they should.

The leadership test Trump failed most profoundly appears to have been his disastrous take on the coronavirus. In a country like the US, where the states run public health on the smell of an oily rag, COVID-9 was his opportunity to brush them aside with a national cabinet and squillions of dollars. That the world’s leading contrarian decided instead to ignore it, and to overstate the chances of a cure, was a huge misstep and probably cost the votes of working-class families who had voted for him and the promise of jobs in 2016, but now had the most to fear.

So, there’s another lesson: know the difference between fake news and life or death. Finally, the Great Trump Card was trumped himself.

Pru Goward is a former sex discrimination commissioner and NSW Liberal minister. She is a professor at Western Sydney University and a director with Taylor Fry, data analysts and actuaries.

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