

This was published 9 months ago


American democracy is at DEFCON 1. A Trump win may seal its fate

Two years shy of its 250th birthday, America is about to face one of the most fateful decisions in its history. Presidential candidates quadrennially serve up the platitude that voters confront the most consequential choice of their lifetimes. But in 2024 it’s no drill. This truly is an epochal election. DEFCON 1 for democracy. A harbinger, feasibly, of an American form of dictatorship.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis

Illustration by Jim PavlidisCredit:

Certainly, this election is markedly different than the previous two contests involving Donald Trump. In 2016, he was an unknown quantity, and for all his bluster and braggadocio, there was a sense that assuming the powers of the presidency would have a humbling effect. “I believe that every man whoever occupied it, within his inner self, was humble enough to realise that no living mortal has ever possessed all the required qualifications,” President Lyndon Johnson once observed. Trump, however, experienced the opposite of imposter syndrome. In his first television interview after taking office in 2017, he immediately compared himself to Abraham Lincoln.

By the 2020 election, voters had a clear sense of what a Trump presidency looked like. The norm-busting. The rule-flouting. The threats to wipe entire countries off the map (although he did not start any wars). The adulation of authoritarians, such as Vladimir Putin. The self-satire of his appearance on the White House balcony after recovering from COVID-19, when he adopted the buffoonery of an American Il Duce.

Donald Trump arrives for a Fox News Channel town hall in Des Moines, Iowa on Thursday.

Donald Trump arrives for a Fox News Channel town hall in Des Moines, Iowa on Thursday.Credit: AP

Still, voters in 2020 had little idea that January 6 was in the offing: an American insurrection incited by a sitting US president. Now, then, they are not only being asked to cast judgment on his four years in office, but also the four criminal indictments against him, two of which stem from his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

So this year, the road to the White House will be more like a mammoth multi-lane freeway. Some paths will go through the traditional caucus and primary states, such as Iowa, which kicks off the Republican nominating process on Monday. Others will go through the courts. At various points these ribbons of highway will intersect. On the eve of Super Tuesday – a red letter day in the primary calendar when 15 states hold contests – Trump’s trial for allegedly conspiring to defraud the United States in his bid to overturn the 2020 election is due to begin in Washington DC. If, as Trump’s legal team hopes, those proceedings are delayed, they could well start in late-July, just after the Republican convention.

Each day, it seems, brings extra layers of legal complication. Two states, Colorado and Maine, are already trying to remove the former president from their primary ballots, citing a provision of the 14th Amendment ratified after the Civil War which was designed to disqualify from office candidates who supported the rebel confederacy. That has brought into early play the US Supreme Court, the country’s conservative-dominated constitutional adjudicator, which will consider the Colorado case in early February. Legally, then, we are already witnessing something of a demolition derby. It brings to mind the Florida pile-up in 2000, when right-wing justices appointed by Republican presidents ruled along nakedly partisan lines to hand George W. Bush victory. That ended up being a milestone in America’s democratic decline and the diminution of its rule of law. Dressed in their black jurist robes, it felt like the Supreme Court’s conservative majority had pulled off an electoral heist.

Faced with the jailhouse rather than the White House, Trump’s legal and political strategies have become entwined. His hope is to delay the trials against him until after the election. As president, his hand-picked attorney-general could instruct the Justice Department pursuing the federal cases against him to drop the charges. Alternatively, he could try to pardon himself, which would take us into a constitutional grey area. In Georgia, where he has been targeted by state prosecutors beyond the control of Washington and where presidential pardon powers do not apply, he would hope the convention that sitting presidents should not face trial while in office would be upheld.


If, as seems likely, at least some of the trials take place in the run-up to the election, Trump will aim to turn the courthouses into the equivalent of stadium rallies: arenas in which to commune with his base. The presidential race would become a courtroom drama, a historical passion play where he can portray himself as a MAGA martyr. “In the end, they are not coming for me,” he told a rally last June, “they’re coming after you - and I’m just standing in their way.” It is a typically brilliant Trumpian formulation, which taps into the persecution complex he shares with supporters. Trump is seeking to override a fact-based criminal justice system with a feelings-based political process.

Joe Biden on the hustings in Charleston, South Carolina, on Sunday.

Joe Biden on the hustings in Charleston, South Carolina, on Sunday. Credit: AP

The prosecution of Trump will help him win the Republican presidential nomination. But polls suggest that guilty verdicts would damage his chances of regaining the presidency, although, constitutionally, that would not automatically disqualify him either from running or taking office.

In assessing his electability, naturally we tend to focus on his cult-like MAGA followers, his sycophantic enablers on Capitol Hill and the near 70 per cent of Republicans who believe – without any factual basis – that Biden somehow “stole” the 2020 election. However, it is the 30 per cent of Republicans who have not bought into Trump’s big lie who could decide the contest. They formed part of the sensible majority that asserted itself at the congressional midterm elections in 2022, when Trump-backed election deniers underperformed, as did the Republican Party as a whole. Suburban women, especially, have rejected Trump’s craziness and ugliness, and they make up a crucial swing demographic that regularly decides presidential elections.

Yet much has happened in the 18 months since those midterm elections. Now aged 81, Biden is a year-and-a-half older for a start. He also has the worst approval rating of any president seeking re-election at this point in the electoral cycle.


Nor is January 6 so fresh in the minds of voters. “As a Biden campaign theme, I think the threat to democracy pitch is a bust,” the Republican Senator and Trump critic Mitt Romney told the New York Times. “Biden needs fresh material, a new attack, rather than kicking a dead political horse.”

The Biden campaign, not to mention prosecutors in the January 6-related cases against Trump, will hope to remind voters of that day’s myriad horrors – although proceedings in the federal trials will not be televised, which could reduce their impact.

Besides, for some Democratic voters January 6 is now of less consequence than October 7. To many Muslim voters, 83 per cent of whom voted Democratic in 2020, Biden’s support for Israel’s brutal response is more galvanising than Trump’s Islamophobia. The Gaza war has become an overriding issue. And while they will not necessarily end up voting for a former president who vowed repeatedly to ban Muslims from entering the United States, the problem for Biden is that they might boycott the election.

Within the multi-ethnic and multi-generational coalition that secured Biden victory four years ago, there are further signs of fraying. Trump has been polling unexpectedly well among young voters, as well as black men and Latinos.


In 2024, moreover, disaffected voters have more options. Robert Kennedy Jr. is a fringe candidate, but one born with that most valuable of political assets: instant name recognition. The African-American academic Cornel West, who is also running, could tap campus discontent. The Greens candidate Jill Stein – who did well enough in 2016 to deprive Hillary Clinton of victory in the vital battleground states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan – is running again.

Though under attack on multiple fronts, Biden should win the nationwide popular vote, as Democratic candidates have done in seven of the last eight presidential elections. However, given the flaws of the Electoral College, which was designed by founding fathers who feared what they called an excess of democracy, that will not be enough – as Al Gore and Hillary Clinton can attest.

I still want to believe that America harbours a sensible majority alert to the risks that Trump poses to democracy. But an overriding question in 2024 is whether those voters will outnumber Trump supporters in the six key battleground states where America’s future will be determined.

Nick Bryant, a former BBC Washington correspondent, is the author of When America Stopped Being Great: A History of the Present.

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