This year's presidential race is set to be the first billion-dollar election. George Bush and John Kerry have raised more than $US500 million ($690 million), double the previous record, set in 2000.
Allies and surrogates operating through a loophole in the campaign finance laws have amassed a further $US330 million and are still sucking in cash, most of which will fund attack advertisements.
Add in the $US150 million in federal funds provided to the candidates, and the considerable sums spent by the party machines, and it is clear that a once unthinkable financial benchmark has fallen by the wayside.
"It's fairly safe to say now that the billion dollar mark is going to be passed," said Derek Willis, of the Centre for Public Integrity. "[It] is more than I ever thought two candidates would raise."
This is also one of the most closely contested campaigns in money terms. Republican candidates normally outspend Democrats by large margins. President Bush has raised more money than any candidate before him, but Senator Kerry has stayed in contention. The Democratic challenger has collected more than $US236 million, against the president's $US264 million.
Furthermore, Senator Kerry has well-financed allies, liberal support groups whose expenditure does not show up in the official figures and who are easily outspending their conservative counterparts.
"Last time Bush had twice the money [Al] Gore had. This time they're close enough that money isn't going to make any real difference," said Larry Noble, the head of an independent monitoring organisation, the Centre for Responsive Politics.
The Democrats have the President partly to thank for their unusually full pockets. Fury at the Bush Administration among wealthy liberals, including the billionaire financier George Soros, the insurance magnate Peter Lewis and leading Hollywood moguls such as Stephen Bing has opened some fat wallets.
As one Democratic fund-raiser put it: "This is a nasty and even campaign, so people are coming out and spending more money. The Howard Dean campaign [in the Democratic primaries] galvanised the angry people, and there is one thing that angry people will do. Angry people will write cheques."
This year's flood of political contributions is the perverse consequence of a legislative attempt two years ago to curb the influence of corporate money.
The McCain-Feingold law, promoted by two senators from either side of the political divide, outlawed "soft money" - big contributions to the parties which escaped federal limits as long as the adverts they funded were about "issues" rather than candidates. In practice, it was clear what side a soft money ad was on. To compensate, the law doubled the legal limit on "hard money" individual contributions to $US2000.
Consequently, both campaigns have raised far more hard money, but the flow of soft money has not been staunched. Instead of going to the parties, it has gone to political groups known as "527" committees after a clause in the campaign finance rules which allows "independent' organisations to raise unlimited funds with few restrictions, as long as they do not formally co-ordinate their activities with the parties.
The Democrats were the first to see the huge potential of the loophole, and leading liberal figures set up an array of anti-Bush 527 groups. For example, Harold Ickes, a former aide to Bill Clinton and a veteran Democratic strategist, helps run the Media Fund, which has run a series of scathing anti-Bush advertisements. Jim Jordan, Senator Kerry's former campaign manager, has become the chief spokesman for America Coming Together, which sponsors ads and mobilises liberal voters.
The Republicans argued that it was absurd for Mr Jordan, who only months before had been running the Democratic challenge, to claim he had no knowledge of what the Kerry campaign was doing.
"He'd have to have a lobotomy to avoid violating the law," complained Ed Gillespie, the Republican chairman.
Since it became clear that the federal election commission was not going to ban 527s, the Republicans have been scrambling to catch up.
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a virulently anti-Kerry group, has produced blistering advertisements questioning his war record.
Tom Synhorst, a longstanding business associate of Karl Rove, the president's chief political adviser, set up a pro-Bush 527 called Progress for America. Within four months it had raised more than $US32 million, almost as much as Mr Ickes's Media Fund achieved in twice the period.
It has been helped by $US5 million cheques from backers including Roland Arnall, the head of Ameriquest Capital, an investment fund, and Alexander Spanos, the owner of the San Diego Chargers American football team.
The 527 groups are likely to be the most significant institutional legacy of this election. They are likely to become powerbrokers, complicating the political scene and ensuring that, whatever the rules, big money has its say.
The Guardian