

This was published 9 years ago

Refugee crisis: Croatia shuts border crossings as Hungary plans to extend fence

By William Booth

Zagreb: European nations bickered on Friday over who should be responsible for thousands of asylum seekers streaming toward their territory, as Hungary announced plans to extend a border fence and Croatia said it would no longer obey European Union rules over refugees.

The intense pressure of tens of thousands of people trying to reach Western Europe has challenged every country along the way amid deep divisions over how - or even whether - to extend a helping hand to people fleeing years of conflict in Syria and elsewhere.

Increasing border controls across the Balkans - including plans for military reinforcements by Hungary - could bring huge humanitarian challenges with asylum seekers stranded in makeshift camps farther down the migrants routes in Serbia and Macedonia.

"You aren't going to solve these problems by closing borders," said a spokesman for the UN's refu­gee agency, Adrian Edwards, noting concerns over a bottleneck in Serbia.

The long way round: Migrants trek through a field in order to get to Serbia's border with Croatia.

The long way round: Migrants trek through a field in order to get to Serbia's border with Croatia.Credit: AP

It also raised risks that refugees could shift from roads to fields and forests, which could be littered with land mines left over from the Balkans wars in the 1990s.

In recent days, each nation has been left largely on its own as EU leaders struggle to find a common strategy. Croatia became the latest to buckle under the strain of asylum seekers trying to reach havens such as Germany and Sweden.

More than 14,000 migrants had entered the nation of four million, and the country shut all but one border crossing with Serbia in an attempt to halt the crush.


Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said his country was stretched "far beyond our capabilities" and that it would no longer try to register people in line with EU rules. He encouraged migrants to move onward to attempt to enter Slovenia and Hungary.

A woman carries a child at a train station near the Hungarian border in Croatia.

A woman carries a child at a train station near the Hungarian border in Croatia. Credit: AP

"We have a heart, but we also have a brain," he said.

But the consequences of the shift remained unclear. Neither Slovenia nor Hungary is welcoming the asylum seekers. To the north, Slovenia was forcing them to remain in Croatia.

Migrants wait in a line to board buses at Tovarnik train station in Serbia.

Migrants wait in a line to board buses at Tovarnik train station in Serbia.Credit: Getty Images

Hungary started to build a new razor-wire fence along its border with Croatia, adding to the 173-kilometre span along its Serbian frontier. The new effort, announced by Hungary's anti-immigrant Prime Minister Viktor Orban, is an attempt to force back refugees who might try to bypass the fence facing Serbia, a border that was sealed earlier this week and began the scene of clashes.

"There will be no dune, no molehill to hide behind for anyone to hope to enter the territory of Hungary illegally," Orban told Hungarian state radio on Friday.

Migrants gesture and shout as they wait to board buses at Tovarnik train station.

Migrants gesture and shout as they wait to board buses at Tovarnik train station.Credit: Getty Images

He said the first stage of the 40-kilometre fence with Croatia would be completed within the day, and that 1100 troops would be deployed along the border by day's end. It was unclear whether Hungary would take further measures along its long border with Croatia.

Czech authorities, meanwhile, said they were planning a military drill along the borders to test preparedness for a rush of migrants.

Migrants climb on a platform at a train station in Beli Manastir, near the Hungarian border, in north-east Croatia.

Migrants climb on a platform at a train station in Beli Manastir, near the Hungarian border, in north-east Croatia.Credit: AP

The stubborn response has infuriated the leaders of other nations that are shouldering far more of the burden.

Migrants try to board a train in Tovarnik, Croatia.

Migrants try to board a train in Tovarnik, Croatia.Credit: AP

Central and Eastern European countries have blocked EU attempts to spread asylum seekers throughout the continent. But Germany alone expects to take in 800,000 asylum seekers this year, and possibly up to one million.

The disparity has some German leaders suggesting that they force the wayward EU nations to take in refugees. Imposing requirements by majority rule, rather than by consensus, is an option under EU laws, but it has never before been used for an issue of such sensitivity.

"It cannot be that Germany, Austria, Sweden and Italy bear the burden alone. European solidarity does not work that way," German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Germany's Passauer Neue Presse newspaper. "If all else fails, we should seriously consider applying the instrument of the majority decision."

Germany itself is mulling an option to slash benefits for migrants. The German measures would overhaul asylum codes to stem the massive flow of migrants into Europe, scaling back the generous policies that have made Germany a beacon for desperate war refugees and economic migrants pouring out of the Middle East, Africa and beyond.

In a 128-page draft law produced by the German Interior Ministry and obtained by The Washington Post, the government would speed asylum procedures, cut cash benefits, hasten deportations and punish those with false claims and phony paperwork.

The proposed German law would provide food and a ticket to return to the first EU Union country the asylum seeker entered - often Greece or Italy - instead of offering housing and cash benefits. That could mean far fewer people would win protection in Germany or elsewhere in Europe, since countries such as Hungary are generally declining to award refugee status.

In addition, asylum seekers deemed to be withholding vital information - such as their passports or proof of their country of origin - would be denied benefits. Asylum seekers also would need to remain in crowded reception centres for six months, rather than three, before earning the right to subsidised housing.

Those who failed to comply with orders to leave Germany could be subject to forced removal without advance notice.

It was unclear whether the proposed German law, which must be approved by Parliament before it can take effect, would continue to make exceptions for Syrians fleeing civil war.

"This draft counteracts the new German welcome culture," said Karl Kopp, spokesman for the pro-refugee organisation ProAsyl. "It contains a toughness and populism that is not acceptable."

UNHCR spokesman Adrian Edwards said migrant numbers in Europe will build up in coming days and their flows may fragment further into new routes, urging the European Union to grasp a last chance to resolve the refugee crisis next week.


He said a meeting of justice and home affairs ministers on Tuesday and a European Council meeting on Wednesday would be "crucially important".

Washington Post, Reuters

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