

This was published 4 years ago


Trump's dangerous new world disorder

By the time waves of Iranian ballistic missiles slammed into two Iraqi bases hosting American forces on Wednesday, anyone who might have been injured by them had long been huddled in underground bunkers. Iran had forewarned Iraq of the attack in full knowledge that Iraq would pass on the intelligence to its American ally.

A long range S-200 missile test is conducted in the Iranian port city of Bushehr.

A long range S-200 missile test is conducted in the Iranian port city of Bushehr. Credit: ISNA

This effort to avoid casualties allowed leaders of both nations to step back from the very brink of war with their pride intact.

But few in Washington DC’s sprawling foreign policy establishment believe for a heartbeat that Iran’s vengeance for America’s drone assassination of its most venerated general, Qassem Soleimani, five days earlier is finished. Nor that the threat of war has receded far into the distance.

To understand why it helps to know a story about Cafe Milano, an Italian restaurant that is just posh, discreet and bland enough to maintain a high-end political and diplomatic clientele and which sits on a street a block back from the main drag of the DC suburb of Georgetown.

Back in 2011 US intelligence services, via the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency, learned of a plot so audacious that at first they found it hard to believe. An Iranian-American car dealer living in Texas named Manssor Arbabsiar had approached a man he believed to be connected to a Mexican drug cartel and offered him $1.5 million to murder Saudi Arabia’s then ambassador to the US, Adel al-Jubeir, by planting a bomb in Cafe Milano.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John Shakespeare Credit:

It turned out that the presumed cartel affiliate was a DEA informant who recorded conversations in the lead-up to the planned attack. At one point he asked if Arbabsiar was concerned that the blast might kill many high-profile bystanders.

“They want that guy done,” Arbabsiar said, according to court documents, referring to his Iranian handlers' insistence that Jubeir be killed. “If the hundred go with him, f--- 'em.”

Arbabsiar was arrested en route to Iran and is now serving a life sentence. He is believed to have been recruited by his cousin, a senior member of Iran’s Quds force, specialists in intelligence and unconventional warfare, commanded by Qassem Soleimani.


Soleimani is also known well and bitterly throughout the ranks of American armed services. According to a casualty estimate produced by the Pentagon last year, Iran was responsible for the deaths of 608 American troops in Iraq between 2003 and its withdrawal in 2011, or 17 per cent of all US casualties, as well as for the deaths of thousands of Iraqi soldiers and civilians.

They were killed mainly by Iranian-backed militias fighting with small arms, rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, rockets and roadside bombs provided by Iran, and specifically by the Quds force.

The most feared of these weapons was a particularly lethal form of improvised explosive device known as an explosively formed penetrator (EFP). These are typically convex shots of copper fired from a simple tube by an explosive charge. Once fired, the copper turns instantly into molten spears of metal that, travelling at over 2000 meters a second, can slice through the armour of American Humvees and even some of its most sophisticated tanks, cutting apart their crews inside. They cost Soleimani’s militants around $30 a throw.

Declassified military documents quoted by The Wall Street Journal quote one detainee telling US interrogators that "anyone can receive EFP training and Iran does not care who gets it … This is because of the availability and low cost of EFPs."

This is the sort of asymmetrical warfare that Soleimani has used to project Iranian power via proxies such as Hezbollah and Hamas throughout the region, particularly in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria, as well as in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Battered by American sanctions, the Iranian military might not be able to meet an American force on a battlefield, but Soleimani proved that it could inflict terrible damage on America’s armed forces and help reshape the region in Iran’s interests.

Soleimani’s expertise at killing far from the battlefield is what made him a target, and it is why so many analysts now presume that in time Iran will respond in kind – that at some stage in some place an American official will die, not in a military strike but at the hands of an assassin or in a terrorist bomb blast.


“I certainly would not be going out to many public places, because the risk of getting whacked or kidnapped is very high,” Sir John Jenkins, a former British ambassador in Saudi Arabia, told The New York Times when discussing Iran’s potential response.

Back in March 2016 a group of 122 senior Republican foreign policy experts were so concerned that their party was on the brink of nominating Donald Trump as its candidate for president that they signed an open letter saying they could not support a ticket with him at its top.

The group included former homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff, former deputy secretary of state Robert Zoellick, former homeland security adviser Frances Townsend and former undersecretary of defence Dov Zakheim, all of whom had served in Republican administrations.

“His vision of American influence and power in the world is wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle," they wrote. "He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence.”


One of those who helped draft the letter and gather its signatories was Bryan McGrath, a retired naval officer, security consultant and adjunct fellow the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank in DC.

Speaking to me on the phone this week, he said nothing about the Trump presidency had caused him to resile from a word, and further that he hoped the President would be removed either by ballot or by impeachment. Yet he supports Trump’s decision to strike Soleimani.

The current wave of tit-for-tat incidents between the US and Iran that led to the Soleimani strike began with Trump’s decision in May 2018 to abandon the nuclear deal carved out after years of negotiation between Iran and the permanent members of the UN security council as well as Germany, a group known as the P5+1. Barack Obama viewed the deal as a key achievement of his second term and Trump opposed it from the second he announced he was running from office.

Under the deal Iran agreed to suspend its nuclear program and extend access to inspectors to its nuclear sites in return for the P5+1 releasing $US50 billion ($72.8 billion) of Iranian money that was frozen in offshore accounts and ending crippling sanctions.

McGrath was one of many Republicans who believed it was too generous to Iran. Many of the terms of the deal had sunset clauses, so Iran got permanent sanctions relief in return for time-limited concessions. Worse, as far as critics like McGrath are concerned, Iran “got piles of money that could go back into revenue and be used [by Soleimani] to kill Americans,” he said this week.

He reckons the American show of force is an important signal to Iran. “Sometimes you’ve got to escalate to deter,” he says. It is not an uncommon view among Republican hawks.

But sometimes escalation is only escalation. When and if Iran takes further vengeance for Soleimani's death, its impulsive leader will have to chose yet another response. And the implications are dizzying in their complexity.

One of America’s leading experts on nuclear non-proliferation and Iran’s nuclear program is Matthew Bunn, who has served as a White House adviser on nuclear security and is now a professor Harvard University. He last saw the Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif during a meeting at Iran’s UN mission in Manhattan sometime before Trump abandoned the deal but after he had made his intentions clear.

“I had never seen him so depressed,” Bunn told me this week. “He was slumped down in his chair, his shoulders down.”

As Bunn explained, Iranian backers of the deal had just made difficult concessions. They had surrendered centrifuges and stockpiles of enriched uranium, opened sites to inspectors and poured concrete into a reactor.

“As soon as they had finished, America walked away from the deal,”  Bunn said.

As a result, potential reformists like Zarif and President Hassan Rouhani, who believed in engagement with the West, were undermined. Support for hardliners, such as Soliemani and his mentor, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, hardened.

Even before Iran fired off its retaliatory strike this week the government announced it would no longer adhere to the limits imposed on its nuclear program by the deal.

Meanwhile, America’s relationship with its European allies – who still back the deal – has been battered by Trump’s determination to destroy it.


This has been to the immediate benefit of Russia, which has considered fracturing the trans-Atlantic alliance as a key foreign policy goal since the end of World War II. At the same time Iran strengthened its ties with both China and Russia, with the three countries holding joint naval drills just before Christmas.

But even as the renewed American sanctions started to bite, hundreds of thousands of protesters in Iran took to the streets to vent anger at their own regime rather than at the US.

Such a spectacle is unimaginable now, after vast crowds at Soliemani’s funeral chanted death to America in the same streets.

And then there is the simple and sometimes terrible reality of living in a world of increased distrust and fingers on the hair triggers of sophisticated weaponry.

Hours after troops emerged unscathed from their bunkers on Iraqi bases a Ukranian airliner crashed after takeoff from Iran’s capital, Tehran, killing 176 passengers and crew.

The early evidence suggests that the dead, who had nothing to do with the geopolitical game being played around them, were victims of an Iranian air-defence system on its highest alert, which mistakenly blasted the aircraft out of the sky.

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