

This was published 21 years ago

Polls apart on whether this is a conflict worth waging

Call it "friendly fire".

In January, according to ACNielsen, opposition to the sort of war that is now being fought looked overwhelming. No fewer than 92 per cent of those polled said that "Australia should be involved in a war against Iraq only as part of a United Nations-approved force" (62 per cent) or that "Australia should not be involved in a war against Iraq" (30 per cent).

Now it looks like opinion about the war is fairly evenly divided: 48 per cent are against the war either on the grounds that "Australia should not be involved in the war against Iraq because it has not been approved by the United Nations" (27 per cent) or because "Australia should not be involved in the war against Iraq at all" (21 per cent); 44 per cent support the war even though the UN has not approved it.

In mid-March, when war was still "hypothetical", Newspoll asked whether, "if the United Nations did not support military action", respondents would be "in favour or against Australian troops being involved in military action against Iraq". Only 25 per cent said they would be in favour of our involvement under those circumstances; 68 per cent said they would be against.

A few days later, after the Prime Minister indicated Australia would join the war, Newspoll reported a division of opinion almost identical to that now reported by ACNielsen: 47 per cent against "Australian troops being involved in military action against Iraq"; 45 per cent in favour.


Newspoll's result was trumpeted in The Weekend Australian (March 22-23) as signifying a "dramatic shift in sentiment over the war", a turnaround in favour of the war of 20 percentage points in less than a week.

Today's Herald-ACNielsen poll suggests an even more dramatic shift, after allowing for the fact that the previous poll was in January while the earlier Newspoll was conducted in March. In January, ACNielsen reported that only 6 per cent were prepared to countenance a war under present circumstances; now they say the true figure is 44 per cent, a turnaround of 38 percentage points.

Has opinion really shifted that much? Hardly.

The trouble with The Australian's interpretation of the Newspoll data was that the questions it compared are incommensurate. A question that explicitly refers to going to war without a UN mandate is not the same as a question asked - without reference to a UN mandate - about going to war, even when the UN has not given an explicit mandate.

The problem with comparing the two ACNielsen questions is less obvious but equally real. In January, the question was designed to tap an absolute: no UN support, no war. But respondents weren't playing. What the question elicited from most of the "no UN, no war" group, ACNielsen's new poll suggests, was a statement of preference for a war mandated by the UN, not a stand against a war that the UN might fail to mandate. When the UN said no, but America, Britain and Australia said yes, this preference was simply made manifest.

That opinion has undergone no dramatic transformation is also suggested by Morgan polls. On March 19-20, when Newspoll was asking its new question, Morgan was repeating a question it had asked in December: "If military force is used to depose Saddam Hussein, do you approve or disapprove of Australians being part of the American military force?" Nearly as many (45 per cent) approved an Australian commitment as opposed it (52 per cent).

Just after the start of war, Morgan's figures suggest little had changed. As with Newspoll, and now ACNielsen, opinion looked fairly evenly divided. Since then, both Morgan and Newspoll have pointed to an increase in support for the war; but nothing dramatic.

In Iraq, two of the coalition forces have suffered from "friendly fire". Back home, two of the polls have as well.

Professor Murray Goot, co-editor of Australia's Gulf War (MUP, 1992), is in the Department of Politics and International Relations, Macquarie University.

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