

This was published 3 years ago

Israel and Hamas Gaza truce begins

By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Dan Williams

Gaza: A truce between Israel and Hamas began on Friday at the hour set by Egyptian mediators, and US President Joe Biden pledged to salve the devastation of the worst fighting in years with humanitarian aid for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In the countdown to the 2am (9am AEST) cease-fire, whose timing Hamas had confirmed but Israel did not, Palestinian rocket salvoes continued and Israel carried out at least one air strike.

A man holds a child’s shoe as he inspects buildings destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza.

A man holds a child’s shoe as he inspects buildings destroyed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza.Credit: AP

Each side said it stood ready to retaliate for any truce violations by the other. Cairo said it would send two delegations to monitor the ceasefire.

Hamas, the Islamist militant group that rules the Gaza Strip, scheduled public celebrations for what it deemed a victory over a militarily and economically stronger foe.

In Israel, relief was bittersweet.


“It’s good that the conflict will end, but unfortunately I don’t feel like we have much time before the next escalation,” Eiv Izyaev, a 30-year-old software engineer, said in Tel Aviv.

Since the fighting began on May 10, health officials in Gaza said 232 Palestinians, including 65 children, had been killed and more than 1900 wounded in aerial bombardments. Israel said it had killed at least 160 combatants in Gaza.

Authorities put the death toll in Israel at 12, with hundreds of people treated for injuries in rocket attacks that caused panic and sent people rushing into shelters.


Amid growing global alarm, Biden had urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to seek de-escalation, while Egypt, Qatar and the United Nations sought to mediate.


In a televised address on Thursday, Biden extended condolences to bereaved Israelis and Palestinians and said Washington would work with the United Nations “and other international stakeholders to provide rapid humanitarian assistance” for Gaza and its reconstruction.

Biden said aid would be coordinated with the Palestinian Authority - run by Hamas’ rival, President Mahmoud Abbas, and based in the Israeli-occupied West Bank - “in a manner that does not permit Hamas to simply restock its military arsenal”.

Hamas is deemed a terrorist group in the West and by Israel, which it refuses to recognise.

The violence was triggered by Palestinian anger at what they assailed as Israeli curbs on their rights in Jerusalem, including during police confrontations with protesters at Al-Aqsa mosque.

An Iron Dome anti-missile rocket launches to intercept a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip in Ashdod, Israel.

An Iron Dome anti-missile rocket launches to intercept a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip in Ashdod, Israel. Credit: Getty

Hamas previously demanded that any halt to the Gaza fighting be accompanied by Israeli drawdowns in Jerusalem. An Israeli official told Reuters there was no such condition in the truce.

“The Palestinian resistance will abide by this agreement as long as the Occupation (Israel) does the same,” Taher Al-Nono, media adviser to Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, told Reuters.

In a televised speech Abu Ubaida, spokesman of the Hamas armed wing, said: “With the help of God, we were able to humiliate the enemy, its fragile entity and its savage army.”

He threatened Hamas rocket fire that would reach throughout Israel if it violated the truce or struck Gaza before the hour of implementation.

Damage inside homes in North Gaza City.

Damage inside homes in North Gaza City. Credit: Getty

Counting the cost

Gaza’s housing ministry said on Thursday that 16,800 housing units had been damaged. Of those, 1800 had become unfit for living and 1000 were destroyed completely.

Residents were estimated to be getting 3-4 hours of power versus 12 hours before the hostilities, said Mohammad Thabet, spokesman for the Gaza Strip’s power distribution plant.

The Hamas media office estimated the bombardments had caused $US40 million in damage to factories and the strip’s industrial zone and other industrial facilities, in addition to $US22 million in damage to the energy sector.


Gaza’s agriculture ministry estimated around $27 million in damage that included greenhouses, agricultural lands and poultry farms.

The United Nations and aid groups said Palestinians now had limited or no access to water facilities.

“Families in Gaza, and our staff, are telling us that they are at breaking point,” said Jason Lee, country director with aid group Save the Children.

“Now basic supplies and power are running low, compounding and further fuelling this humanitarian catastrophe.”

UNRWA, the UN’s refugee agency for Palestinians, launched an appeal on Thursday for an additional $US38 million in funding to cover urgent humanitarian needs in both Gaza and the Israeli-occupied West Bank, a scene of further unrest in recent days.

Israel’s economy contracted by 6.5 per cent in the first quarter in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, the Central Bureau of Statistics said, and economists have warned that the fighting between Israel and Palestinian militants could curb its economic recovery from the health crisis.

Israel’s manufacturers association said on May 13 that the loss to the economy between May 11-13 reached 540 million shekels ($213 million) because the south and centre of the country came under intense rocket fire from Gaza. That figure excluded any damage to factories.

“Israeli industry continues to produce under fire and with a low turnout of workers,” its president Ron Tomer said last week.

Israel’s central bank, finance ministry and manufacturers association said they did not as of yet have up-to-date data on full economic damage caused by rockets from Gaza.

Trade and shipping sources have said some tankers had to divert to other Israeli ports because of the rockets, delaying delivery of fuel.

Last week a pipeline belonging to an Israeli state-owned energy company was hit in a rocket attack.

Many international airlines suspended flights to and from Israel’s main Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, while others were diverted to Ramon Airport near Eilat, several hours drive away.

During the last major hostilities between Israel and Hamas, a 2014 war that lasted seven weeks, Israel’s central bank estimated the country’s economy took a 3.5 billion shekel hit, plus nearly the same amount in damage to the tourism sector.


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