

This was published 7 years ago

Manchester Arena attack: A scene of childish happiness turned into carnage

By Gordon Rayner

Ariana Grande had just finished the final song of her sell-out concert, and excited children clutching giant pink balloons or wearing kitten ears - Grande's trademark - were filing out of the Manchester Arena with parents eager to get them home to bed.

For many, it was their first concert, in some cases a birthday treat. They had come from all over the north of England and Scotland to see their idol, and some had made their way towards the exits early to beat the rush ahead of their long journeys home.

Just after 10.30pm, Salman Abedi walked into the scene of innocent joy and detonated a device laced with screws and bolts. The explosion shook the entire building, and seconds later 22 children and adults, the youngest aged just eight, lay dead or dying, with 119 others injured.

Abedi will go down as the most cowardly of all terrorists - the first in this country to deliberately target children.

Members of the public are escorted from the Manchester Arena following the blast.

Members of the public are escorted from the Manchester Arena following the blast. Credit: Getty Images

John Young, who was among those leaving slightly early with his wife and nine-year-old daughter, had made it through a foyer of the Arena that links it to Victoria railway station. He described hearing a "massive bang" and in the aftermath of the explosion "there were young children, terrified, crying their eyes out".

"My daughter was in absolute bits," he said. "No nine-year-old girl should see anything like that. It should have been the best day of her life, and it turned into the worst one."

Inside the 21,000-seater arena, panic took hold. Grande's fan base is predominantly young girls, and the auditorium was filled with children's screams as there was a rush for the exits.

Conor McCormick, an 18-year-old student from Glasgow, said: "She had just sung the last song - Dangerous Woman - and walked off stage and we heard this massive bang.

Roger Franklin laments in his piece that the attack was not against the ABC.

Roger Franklin laments in his piece that the attack was not against the ABC. Credit: AP

"You felt it. Everybody was silent for a moment looking in the same direction then you just heard everybody scream on the upper tiers and begin to run. It was complete panic, everybody was just running out of fear for their lives.

"Outside everybody was screaming and crying and looking for their kids. One woman was walking around with her toddler in her arms shouting for her daughter. It was just horrible. Cowardly is the only word I can think of. Whoever did this knew the sort of people that would be there."

Katrina, a survivor of the Manchester terror attack.

Katrina, a survivor of the Manchester terror attack.Credit: Nick Miller

Jane Pearson, 46, an English teacher from Chadderton, Greater Manchester, had gone to the concert with her daughter, Rachel, 21, as a birthday treat, and was in a block of seats near the site of the explosion.

She described a bang, "followed by a ton of smoke... then just absolute chaos, disbelief, everybody running over each other not quite knowing what had gone on".

Saffie Roussos, eight, died in the Manchester bombing.

Saffie Roussos, eight, died in the Manchester bombing.Credit: AP

She said there was a "mad chaotic rush to nearest exit, lots of people crying and wailing... there were people bleeding, and lots of people being separated". Others described being "trampled" by people trying get out.

Police received the first 999 calls at 10.33pm, and within minutes a fleet of 60 ambulances was on its way to the venue.

A young music fan leaves the arena following the attack.

A young music fan leaves the arena following the attack. Credit: Getty Images

Andy, a father who was waiting to pick up his wife and daughter from the concert, said: "As I was waiting an explosion went off and it threw me through the first set of doors about 30ft to the next set of doors.

"When I got up and looked around there was about 30 people scattered everywhere, some of them looked dead, they might have been unconscious but there was a lot of fatalities."

A woman is consoled as she looks at the floral tributes following an evening vigil outside the Town Hall in Manchester.

A woman is consoled as she looks at the floral tributes following an evening vigil outside the Town Hall in Manchester. Credit: Getty Images

He ran into the venue looking for his wife and daughter, and when he could not find them, "I looked at some of the bodies trying to find my family". He later found them safe and well outside.

A photograph of the aftermath showed bodies in the foyer and long streaks of blood on the floor as if a bleeding victim had been dragged away towards safety.

Members of the public at a vigil for the victims of the terror attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. The victims were primarily girls and women.

Members of the public at a vigil for the victims of the terror attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. The victims were primarily girls and women.Credit: Getty Images

Phil Dick, 54, was one of the first on the scene as he waited to collect his 17-year-old daughter and 15-year-old granddaughter from the gig.

He, too, was blown off his feet, and when he picked himself up - with "smoke and blood everywhere" - he began searching through the bodies for his loved ones.

They were not among the dead, but he said he saw the bomber's remains "at the centre of it all - only his legs were left".

After managing to contact his daughter and granddaughter, who were safe, he helped police to evacuate the wounded, using a table that was selling Ariana Grande merchandise as a makeshift stretcher.

Stories of heroism abounded. John Endsor, a retired bricklayer, was selling T-shirts outside the venue when he heard the explosion.

"I could tell straight away it was a bomb," he said. "You could smell it. It smelled like a firework - but much more pungent."

Seeing a man terribly injured by shrapnel, "I just tied a lot of T-shirts round him. I put one round his arm and two round his leg and shouted for a paramedic.

"A security guard came over with a belt and tied it around his leg - the blood was just pumping out. His daughter was hysterical. I just kept putting my arm round her and telling her 'it will be all right sweetheart'."

As the injured were ferried to hospital, parents who had become separated from their children, or who had allowed them to go to the concert with friends, frantically tried to find them. As every minute passed, they became more desperate.

Many turned to social media when they could not get answers from their children's mobile phones.

"Everyone pls share this, my little sister Emma was at the Ari concert tonight in #Manchester and she isn't answering her phone, pls help me," said one message posted alongside a picture of a blonde-haired girl with flowers in her hair.

Another Twitter user urged people to help him find his sister: "She's wearing a pink sweatshirt and blue jeans. Her name is Whitney."

Charlotte Campbell, whose 15-year-old daughter Olivia was missing, went on television to appeal for help. She said: "I'm heartbroken at the moment because I don't know where she is. Olivia - mummy loves you, please just phone me and come home please.

"I daren't leave the house just in case she somehow gets home."

Grande herself tweeted: "Broken. From the bottom of my heart, I am so so sorry. I don't have words."

In Downing Street, Theresa May was kept abreast of developments throughout the night. She called Jeremy Corbyn at 4am and they agreed to halt the general election campaign as it became clear that this was the deadliest terrorist attack in Britain since the 7/7 suicide bombings that killed 52 people in 2005.

Flags were lowered to half mast above Number 10 and Mrs May arranged a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee for 9am.

As dawn broke, Ian Hopkins, chief constable of Greater Manchester Police, confirmed that a suicide bomber was behind the attack.

He said: "This has been the most horrific incident we have had to face in Greater Manchester and one that we all hoped we would never see."

He said 59 people had been taken to eight hospitals across Greater Manchester, including 12 children under 16.

Some were undergoing surgery yesterday to remove nuts and bolts that had been strapped to the bomb.

Another 60 people were treated as "walking wounded".

With sheer chance dictating who lived and who died, there were plenty of tales of lucky escapes.

Abby Mullen, 17, who was at the concert with her mother Lisa Kane, appeared to have been saved by her high heels. Ms Kane said: "As it was the final song I said to Abby 'why don't we start walking before the crowd starts building?'

"Abby had high heels on so she walked in front of me while I held her waist to steady her.

"That's why we're alive - because she was wearing the high heels she wasn't moving as fast - that saved us.

"As we got to the top through the doors we got flung back in. I don't know how we're alive. There was a woman lying next to me and I'm pretty sure she was dead."

Miss Mullen, from Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, gave a glimpse of the horror she had seen as she described "that sound, the blood and those who were running around clueless with body parts and bits of skin missing".

Manchester itself is no stranger to terrorism. The Arena is just half a mile from the Arndale Centre which was destroyed by an IRA bomb in June 1996. A 3,300lb bomb, the largest ever exploded on the British mainland, injured 200 people and devastated the city centre.

Andy Burnham, elected mayor of Greater Manchester only this month, said Mancunians were strong people but "this is going to be a hard and difficult time that will test every ounce of that strength".

The city quickly came together, with people offering rooms in their homes for those unable to get home.

Taxi drivers worked for free, and Manchester City football club opened the doors of its Etihad Stadium to be used as a liaison centre for families who feared they had relations among the dead or injured.

The wife of the club's manager, Pep Guardiola, and two of their three daughters were at the concert and escaped unharmed.

In the US, Fox News' Geraldo Rivera tweeted that Manchester was a "hotbed of Islamic radicals", prompting one user to respond: "Manchester Muslim doctors working through the night, Manchester Muslim taxi drivers taking people home for free. You don't know Manchester."

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fanatics claimed responsibility, hailing it as a victory against "the crusaders" of the West. In one video an English-speaking extremist held up a home-made sign with the word "Manchester" and the date of the attack. The fact that it happened on the fourth anniversary of the murder of Lee Rigby by Islamist terrorists was seen by some as significant.

Mrs May spoke outside Downing Street after the Cobra meeting, saying: "It is now beyond doubt that the people of Manchester and of this country have fallen victim to a callous terrorist attack, an attack that targeted some of the youngest people in our society with cold calculation."

The Prime Minister said the attack "stands out for its appalling, sickening cowardice - deliberately targeting innocent defenceless children and young people who should have been enjoying one of the most memorable nights of their lives."

She later flew to Manchester to be briefed by the chief constable and visited some of the injured in hospital.

In a letter to the Lord-Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, the Queen praised the "humanity and compassion" of the people of Manchester.

She called the attack an "act of barbarity" and said "the whole nation has been shocked by the death and injury of so many people, adults and children, who had just been enjoying a concert".


At Buckingham Palace, the Queen decided to go ahead with a scheduled garden party for people who have served their communities, and led them in a minute's silence for those who had lost their lives on one of Britain's darkest peacetime days.

The Telegraph, London

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