This was published 9 years ago
Lahore massacre's depravity is a political story, but it challenges Islam too
Maher Mughrabi
Editor and senior writer"I've often heard Western leaders describe Islam as a 'religion of peace'. I wish more Muslim leaders would say that more often, and mean it."
An attack on Christian families observing the Easter holiday at a public park. It doesn't get much more repugnant than this. Those who wonder how much lower the Pakistani Taliban can stoop now have their answer: there is no limit.
Protesters burn pictures of Pakistani political leaders past and present in Lahore before this week's attack. Pakistan has become a bitterly divided nation.Credit: AP
But those who nodded when Tony Abbott made the above remark from the lofty heights of the prime minister's office last year - and who believe that Malcolm Turnbull is "soft" or "PC" when it comes to violence in the name of Islam - need to think again.
In English, the words "Islam is a religion of peace" are a platitude.
Pakistani civil society activists condemn Sunday's suicide bombing in a park in Lahore.Credit: AP
But as a high-ranking Indonesian imam reminded journalists from across Australia when they visited Jakarta’s Istiqlal Mosque earlier this month, the reason that Muslims do say this so frequently is that in Arabic the words “Islam” and “peace” are related to one another.
The word in red is "salam", or peace. The word next to it is "Islam is". This relationship not only gives the phrase - which rhymes - the force of self-evident truth, it also helps to explain why so many Muslims reject the carnage in Lahore as utterly unrelated to the faith in which they were raised.
The fact that Christians were targeted may seem telling, but the history of Taliban violence in Pakistan shows that it is not. In 2010 an attack in Lahore that killed more than 50 people and injured hundreds more targeted the Data Durbar shrine - a mosque. A few months earlier, Fairfax's correspondent in New Delhi had reported on the way that even devout Sunni Muslims were being cut down in the Taliban's quest for primacy.
Militants can always find a way to disqualify those they slaughter from consideration as human beings, so that somehow the many young Muslims killed in the Peshawar school massacre are recast as agents of the military and through it the state, or those who revere Sufi saints are reclassified as heretics. The point is not to privilege one religion over another, but to foster divisions and recriminations that leave the militant and his cadres as the strongest force standing.
Family members of victims comfort each other after suicide bombers attacked the Data Durbar shrine in Lahore in July 2010.Credit: AP
Twenty years ago, when my father and I lived in the United Arab Emirates, he was handed a pamphlet printed in English, Arabic and two South Asian languages. It urged Muslims not to join in the "heathen" celebration of Christmas.
My father - raised in a Muslim Palestinian household - couldn't grasp it. For many years his father, who ran a building company, had been the business partner of a Bedouin Christian civil engineer. They reached their partnership on a handshake and celebrated Christmas and Eid al-Adha at each other's homes.
A Muslim devotee dances at the shrine of Shah Hussain, a poet also regarded as a Sufi saint, during a festival to celebrate him in Lahore on Saturday.Credit: AP
When I was interviewed by a New Zealand radio station about Islamic State and how much they represent an authentic Islam, I said that there are two basic things we can say about Islam: one is that it is a religion of connection to other people, and the other is that it is meant to be an easy faith to follow, not harsh or restrictive.
Pakistan is home to this kind of Islam too, and Data Durbar serves as a powerful reminder of it. In a famous qawwali or sung recitation on the 11th-century saint buried in that shrine, the Pakistani musician Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan proclaims that rehmatuhu ka khazana - "his compassion is like a treasury".
The pamphlet handed to my father in the United Arab Emirates in the mid-1990s. Credit: Maher Mughrabi
At the beginning of everything Muslims do, they say bismillah al-rahman al-rahim - ”In the name of God, the compassionate and the merciful”. It is that Islam which will prevail over killers and torturers. The challenge for us all is to keep sight of it.