

This was published 7 years ago

Japan's protest over Korean 'comfort woman' statue over for now

By Motoko Rich

Tokyo: Japan has allowed its envoy to South Korea to return to Seoul, three months after he was recalled in a dispute arising from the sensitive issue of Korean women forced into sexual servitude for Japanese soldiers during World War II.

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said Ambassador Yasumasa Nagamine would return to his post on Tuesday, as would Yasuhiro Morimoto, the consul general in Busan, South Korea's second-largest city. Both were recalled in January as a protest to a statue commemorating the so-called comfort women, which Korean activists had erected outside the Busan consulate.

Members of a civic group unveil a statue symbolising women forced into wartime military brothels in front of the Japanese Consulate in Busan, South Korea, in December.

Members of a civic group unveil a statue symbolising women forced into wartime military brothels in front of the Japanese Consulate in Busan, South Korea, in December.Credit: AAP

The statue - a life-size, bronze figure of a barefoot girl wearing traditional Korean dress - remains in place, and the countries have reached no agreement about it.

But Mr Kishida said the diplomats would return nevertheless, citing a pressing need "for close communication with the South Korean government" to help deal with North Korea's advancing nuclear and missile development.

A statue of a girl symbolising the issue of "comfort women" in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea in 2015.

A statue of a girl symbolising the issue of "comfort women" in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea in 2015.Credit: Getty Images

The announcement came as Japan, South Korea and the United States began a three-day naval exercise in waters between South Korea and Japan, a show of strength aimed at North Korea.

Mr Kishida said Japan also needed to prepare for the election of a new South Korean president in May to replace Park Geun-hye, who was removed from office last month and jailed on corruption charges on Friday.

There was no immediate official response from South Korea to Japan's announcement.

The two countries have long battled over the legacy of Japan's brutal colonial rule of Korea and its wartime history, particularly in relation to the comfort women, a euphemism that both countries have used.

Japanese Ambassador Yasumasa Nagamine, centre, leaves Seoul after being summoned in protest over a "comfort woman" statue outside its consulate in Busan.

Japanese Ambassador Yasumasa Nagamine, centre, leaves Seoul after being summoned in protest over a "comfort woman" statue outside its consulate in Busan. Credit: AP

Japan withdrew its diplomats over what it saw as a violation of a December 2015 agreement between the two countries, meant to resolve the long-standing dispute. Many South Koreans had accused Japan of failing to fully accept responsibility for what happened to the women and demanded that Tokyo compensate survivors.

In the 2015 agreement, Japan apologised and promised to pay $US8.3 million ($10.9 million) into a fund for surviving comfort women in South Korea. In return, South Korea promised not to press any future claims and agreed to discuss Japan's protests with activists who had erected the statue.

An activist put his coat on a Comfort Woman statue before protests in front of Japanese embassy in Seoul in 2014.

An activist put his coat on a Comfort Woman statue before protests in front of Japanese embassy in Seoul in 2014.Credit: Woohae Cho

When activists erected the statue in December police removed it, but it was quickly reinstated after public pressure. Tokyo said it would have an "unfavourable impact" on the countries' ties.

Japan said in January that its recall of the diplomats was temporary. But as their absence went on longer than many analysts had expected, the recall started to look like a stand-off.

In the end, more pressing geopolitical concerns trumped the quarrel.

"North Korea has just hijacked all the issues," said Ken Jimbo, an associate professor of policy management at Keio University in Tokyo. He said there was "no choice for Tokyo and Seoul but to collaborate with each other."

Other analysts said Japan had made a tactical error in recalling the ambassador in the first place. Yoshiki Mine, a former official with the Foreign Ministry in Japan, said the dispute over the statue was an isolated issue that should not define all relations between Japan and South Korea.

"The relationship between the two countries is very complicated and wide ranging," said Mine, now head of the Institute for Peaceful Diplomacy, a research organisation. "Therefore we should not make one issue a hostage item."

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