

This was published 8 years ago

Islamic State's attacks on Yazidis constitute genocide: report

By Adam Taylor

Washington: Islamic State has been and is continuing to perpetrate a genocide against the Yazidi minority in northern Iraq, a new US Holocaust Memorial Museum report says, citing a "preponderance of the evidence" found during a recent trip to the region.

The report, released on Wednesday, also details crimes against humanity that have been committed against other ethnic and religious minorities by the radical Sunni extremist group. The report will likely spark a renewed debate about both the fate of the Yazidi people and the use of the term genocide.

Yazidi boys wait to kiss the entrance of the Temple of Lalish, the holiest site of the Yazidi religion, last week in the Nineveh Province village of Lalish, Iraq.

Yazidi boys wait to kiss the entrance of the Temple of Lalish, the holiest site of the Yazidi religion, last week in the Nineveh Province village of Lalish, Iraq. Credit: Getty Images

The release of the report coincides with a new Kurdish offensive, backed by a US-led coalition, against the Islamic State in Sinjar, a town that once had a large Yazidi population. The city fell to Islamic State militants in August 2014, causing thousands of Yazidis to flee to Mount Sinjar, where they became trapped.

The Holocaust Museum's report notes that between 40,000 to 50,000 were trapped on the mountain and that hundreds may have died from starvation and dehydration.

Yazidi boys line up to pray at their religion's holiest temple last week in the Nineveh Province village of Lalish, Iraq.

Yazidi boys line up to pray at their religion's holiest temple last week in the Nineveh Province village of Lalish, Iraq.Credit: Getty Images

Last year, as the crisis on Mount Sinjar unfolded, US President Barack Obama had said that the world needed to prevent a genocide against the Yazidi people, but stopped short of saying that one was actually taking place. The United Nations humans rights office also released a report suggesting that the Islamic State "may have" committed genocide earlier this year.

The term genocide carries significant weight in the international community. It was coined by Polish Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin in the 1940s as a response to the Holocaust. The United Nations defines it as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group," including killing and forcibly transferring children from the group and the 1948 UN convention on genocide requires signatories to work to prevent genocide and punish perpetrators when they do occur.

Over the past half century, a number of events have been deemed genocides, including the mass killings in Cambodia, the former Yugoslavian state and Rwanda. The last time the Holocaust Museum deemed an event a genocide was a decade ago, during the Darfur crisis in South Sudan. The US government also labelled that situation a genocide, after months of investigation and disagreement within the State Department.


However, the use of the term is often contested. In 2013, Alex de Waal of the World Peace Foundation at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University urged caution in the use of the word, worrying that sometimes countries and institutions are guilty "playing the genocide card" and misdiagnosing problems.

Sheikh Mirza, 84, prays at the entrance to the temple of Lalis, the holiest site of the Yazidi religion last week in Nineveh Province, Iraq.

Sheikh Mirza, 84, prays at the entrance to the temple of Lalis, the holiest site of the Yazidi religion last week in Nineveh Province, Iraq. Credit: Getty Images

The Holocaust Museum's report relies on the research of Naomi Kikoler, deputy director of the Simon-Skjodt Centre for the Prevention of Genocide at the museum, who recently travelled to the region to investigate the effect on civilians of a summer 2014 Islamic State offensive in the Iraqi province of Ninewa.

Kikoler found that almost 800,000 members of minority groups had fled from the province since that date, leaving almost no one from these communities behind. A large number were killed during the violence and its possible that thousands remains hostages of the Islamic State, including women and children.

A Yazidi boy kisses a figure of a black snake at the entrance of the Temple of Lalish,in Nineveh Province, Iraq.

A Yazidi boy kisses a figure of a black snake at the entrance of the Temple of Lalish,in Nineveh Province, Iraq. Credit: Getty Images

While the report found that crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and war crimes had been committed against Christian, Turkmen, Shabak, Sabaean-Mandaean, and Kaka'i people by the Islamic State, it stated that only the Yazidis had a genocide perpetrated them, although the report did state that Shia Shabak and Shia Turkmen were at risk of genocide.

The 500,000 or so strong community of Yazidis in Northern Iraq -- followers of a unique 4000-year-old faith that draws upon Zoroastrianism, Islam and other religions -- have long faced persecution in the region, sometimes referred to as "devil-worshippers". Yazidis themselves say that throughout history there are said to have been 72 two other attempts to wipe out the group.

A Yazidi woman ties a knot in a scarf last week, as a way to make a wish in the temple of Lalis, in Lalish, Nineveh Province, Iraq.

A Yazidi woman ties a knot in a scarf last week, as a way to make a wish in the temple of Lalis, in Lalish, Nineveh Province, Iraq.Credit: Getty Images

Kikoler found that during the Islamic State's advance on Ninewa, which took place between June and August 2014, the Yazidis were attacked in ways that appeared to constitute a genocide. Possibly over a thousand were killed by Islamic State fighters during this period, including in massacres that may have killed up to 400. The kidnapping and sexual slavery of Yazidi women and children by the Islamic State amounted not only as an attempt to terrorise the community, but also an attempt to prevent new births into the group and to deprive children of the opportunity to grow up in their own culture.

Many of these women and children are still held by the Islamic State.

Crucially, Kikoler argues that Islamic State publications show this attempt to wipe of the Yazidis was planned by the Islamic State, and differed from how it treated other religions. "IS specifically notes that its treatment of the Yazidis differs from its treatment of ahl al kitab, the "people of the book", Christians and Jews, who had the option of paying the jizya (tax) to avoid conversion or death," Kikoler writes in the report. "By refusing Yazidis any option to avoid death or forced conversion, IS demonstrates that its actions were calculated with the intent of destroying the community and thereby different from its attacks against other minorities, which were part of a campaign of ethnic cleansing".

Washington Post

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