

This was published 9 years ago

Iraq launches major offensive to retake Tikrit from Islamic State

By Ruth Pollard

Erbil: In a fresh test of the Iraqi Army's ability as a fighting force and the willingness of Sunni tribal leaders to work with the army's Shiite militia backers, Iraq has launched a high-risk attack on the city of Tikrit in an attempt to take it back from Islamic State extremists.

The provincial capital of Salaheddin province, Tikrit sits along the banks of the Tigris River about 130 kilometres north of Baghdad and has been held by IS since last June, after it stormed across the border from Syria and took Mosul and then Tikrit in quick succession.

So far local reports indicated the army, backed by as many as 27,000 soldiers as well as Iraqi fighter jets and helicopters, had attacked the city from three sides but had yet to make it inside Tikrit.

Many analysts fear this operation could be another failed attempt to free the strategic city that lies on the road that runs from Baghdad to Mosul in the Sunni-dominated north of Iraq, or that it could prompt further targeting of Sunni Iraqis by Shiite militia bent on revenge over the decision of some Sunnis to join forces with IS.

Volunteer Shiite fighters fire an artillery canon near the city of Tikrit.

Volunteer Shiite fighters fire an artillery canon near the city of Tikrit.Credit: AFP

In a televised address on Monday, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced the military campaign to "liberate the citizens of Salaheddin province which includes Samarra, Dhuluiya, Balad, Dujail, al-Alam, al-Dour, and Tikrit and other areas in the province . . . from the oppression and terrorism of Daesh," he said, using the Arabic acronym for IS.

A day earlier he promised to pardon those Sunni tribal fighters who had joined the ranks of IS, offering them what he described as "the last chance" before the offensive began.

"I call upon those who have been misled or committed a mistake to lay down arms and join their people and security forces in order to liberate their cities," Dr Abadi said.

Many former members of Iraq's outlawed Baath Party joined IS as it fought its way through Iraq, gathering with it other Sunni fighters who have been disenfranchised and targeted by the US-backed Shiite-dominated government in Baghdad.

Members of the Iraqi security forces head towards al-Dawr, south of Tikrit.

Members of the Iraqi security forces head towards al-Dawr, south of Tikrit.Credit: AFP

Along with opening up a key supply route for any future military operation to take back Mosul from IS, the campaign in Tikrit will show the measure of the Iraqi Army, which suffered a humiliating defeat last June when thousands of its soldiers abandoned their posts to IS.

US military officials announced last week that it was preparing for a co-ordinated military campaign to retake Mosul set to begin in April or May, involving up to 25,000 Iraqi troops.

Iraqi government forces and allied militias fire against IS militants.

Iraqi government forces and allied militias fire against IS militants.Credit: AFP

But their statements were met with disbelief by some Iraqi military leaders, who expressed doubt that thousands of local soldiers would be ready within such a short timeframe. It is now understood a northern autumn offensive is much more likely.

IS has suffered some recent, significant defeats. After a fierce four months of fighting it was forced out of the Syrian Kurdish enclave of Kobane, also known as Ayn al-Arab, and just two days ago it lost Tel Hamis, near the Iraqi-Syrian border.

Iraqi security forces and Shiite fighters gather at Udhaim dam, north of Baghdad.

Iraqi security forces and Shiite fighters gather at Udhaim dam, north of Baghdad.Credit: Reuters

Both areas were liberated by the YPG or People's Protection Units - the armed wing of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) - with the help of air strikes from the US-led international coalition, and, in the case of Kobane, the added assistance of Iraqi Kurdish forces and Free Syrian Army fighters.

It is hoped Tikrit, the home town of Saddam Hussein, will be the next city to slip from IS's grasp, although so far there are no Kurdish forces involved in the campaign.

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There are also deep concerns that civilians will get caught in the crossfire, with the UN Secretary-General's special representative for Iraq, Nickolay Mladenov, urging all armed forces in Tikrit to ensure the safety of civilians.

"Military operations reinforced by international and Iraqi air support must be conducted with the utmost care to avoid civilian casualties and with full respect for fundamental human rights principles and humanitarian law", Mr Mladenov warned, calling for the urgent provision of desperately needed humanitarian aid and a safe passage for those fleeing the fighting.

The military commander of Salaheddin region, General Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi, told state TV the operation was "going on as planned", with fighting taking place outside Tikrit, mainly on its eastern side.

Iraqi forces battling near Tikrit are receiving tactical assistance from Iranian Major-General Qasim Suleimani, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported.

Tikrit was the scene of one of the first and largest massacres conducted by IS, when it kidnapped and murdered hundreds of Iraqi security forces from the nearby military base of Camp Speicher. An IS video released later showed the executions of dozens of Iraqi soldiers.

"This operation [in Tikrit] therefore likely has major support from Iraq's Shiite communities, which bore the brunt of these losses . . . and are therefore highly motivated to deal a counterblow in this symbolic area," the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War said.

Some Iraqi Sunnis, particularly those from the Jubur tribe who were forced from their lands by IS, are also taking part in the operation and "are similarly motivated to confront [IS]", the institute said.

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