

This was published 8 years ago

Inside Fallujah's siege: Trapped with Islamic State

By Zaid Sabah

Washington: Abu Anas al-Falluji gives each of his three children a five-milligram tablet of Valium at bedtime to help them sleep through the thud of rocket and mortar fire as Iraqi forces battle Islamic State. And, he says, to dull any pain if the family's home is hit.

Life in Fallujah - the first Iraqi city to fall to the extremists and now a major test of their staying power - is full of grim routines. Each night, al-Falluji says goodbye to his wife, just in case. She wears trousers to bed. "Should we die and people have to dig us out of the rubble, her body and legs won't be exposed," he explains in a phone interview from the city.

The US-backed fight to recapture Fallujah is in its third week. Victory there would open the way for a campaign to liberate Mosul and eject Islamic State from its last major stronghold in OPEC's second-largest producer. But any setback could deal a fatal blow to Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi's government, already beset by popular protests and sectarian strains.

Fallujah has been central to more than a decade of violence in Iraq. It was the first city to rise up against the US occupation after the ouster of Saddam Hussein in 2003. In March 2004, four American Blackwater contractors were burned to death by extremists, their charred bodies dragged through Fallujah's streets and hung from a bridge. US forces bombed the city for months.

A soldier from Iraq's elite counterterrorism forces looks out from the gun turret of a Humvee as troops gather on the edge of the Shuhada neighbourhood in Islamic State-held Fallujah on Wednesday.

A soldier from Iraq's elite counterterrorism forces looks out from the gun turret of a Humvee as troops gather on the edge of the Shuhada neighbourhood in Islamic State-held Fallujah on Wednesday. Credit: AP

A decade later, sectarian tensions made it easy prey for Islamic State. The jihadist group benefited from the alienation and rage that Fallujah's Sunni Muslims felt toward the new Shiite rulers in Baghdad.

Islamic State's self-declared caliphate is under attack on several fronts. In Syria, government troops and Kurdish forces are advancing toward Raqqa, its de facto capital. The group's Libyan affiliate has suffered reverses.

But in each country, the groups fighting against Islamic State are divided among themselves.


In Fallujah, Shiite militias backed by Iran are playing a key role alongside the Iraqi army in the fight to recapture a largely Sunni region. That's raised concerns about a sectarian killing spree if the city is freed, since some Iraqi Shiites see all the country's Sunnis as being Islamic State collaborators.

Smoke rises in the distance as a soldier with Iraq's elite counterterrorism forces stands guard at the edge of the Shuhada neighbourhood in Islamic State-held Fallujah on Wednesday.

Smoke rises in the distance as a soldier with Iraq's elite counterterrorism forces stands guard at the edge of the Shuhada neighbourhood in Islamic State-held Fallujah on Wednesday. Credit: AP

In a video widely circulated on social media, Aws al-Khafaji, head of the Abu Fadhil al-Abbas militia, declared: "There are no patriots, no real religious people in Fallujah, it's our chance to clear Iraq by eradicating the cancer of Fallujah."

Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday that it had received "credible allegations" of summary executions, beatings and enforced "disappearances" by government forces since the battle for Fallujah began.

A soldier from Iraq's elite counter-terrorism forces monitors radio traffic from an armoured vehicle as special forces enter Shuhada.

A soldier from Iraq's elite counter-terrorism forces monitors radio traffic from an armoured vehicle as special forces enter Shuhada.Credit: AP

Iraq's top Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has urged restraint, while Abadi has ordered the arrest of fighters accused of abuses. In other towns captured from the jihadists, the worst fears mostly haven't been realised.

Iraq's soldiers and militiamen face an enemy that, according to residents, spent the past two years digging elaborate tunnels and underground bunkers from which it can stage surprise attacks.

Smoke rises after an airstrike by US-led coalition warplanes as Iraq's elite counterterrorism forces enter Shuhada.

Smoke rises after an airstrike by US-led coalition warplanes as Iraq's elite counterterrorism forces enter Shuhada.Credit: AP

Iraqi forces reached the outskirts of the city last week, then ran into fierce resistance and called in reinforcements. The US is supporting the campaign with airstrikes against Islamic State positions.

Inside the city, clashes intensify at about 8 pm every night. Some shells land but don't explode, and Islamic State fighters scramble to save the TNT, al-Falluji said.

Smoke rises from an Islamic State car bomb on the front line in Fallujah.

Smoke rises from an Islamic State car bomb on the front line in Fallujah.Credit: AP

Residents like him - his name has been changed to prevent retribution - are trapped. They're left hoping that a government victory won't be followed by a resurgence of the sectarian bloodshed that gripped Iraq after the US invasion.

There are as many as 90,000 people stuck in the city, according to the United Nations, even after thousands escaped in the past week. The UN says militants may be using human shields.

Islamic State is using plain force to keep the city's population from fleeing, al-Falluji said. "If they catch men trying to escape they hit them with sticks. And they order the women to go back."


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