The last full week of Indonesia’s presidential election campaign kicked off with a debate about the very future of the country’s fledgling democracy.
Former army strongman Prabowo Subianto started it by observing that Indonesia’s politics was burdened by Western values, and that direct presidential elections were too expensive and not in keeping with Indonesia's preferred “consensus style” of politics.
Direct elections for president were only introduced in 2002, after the fall of Suharto, but Prabowo’s platform calls for a return to the simple, hastily written 1945 constitution, and a president appointed by parliament.
The comments alarmed those in the worried West who were already wary that a former general with a questionable human rights record might become president, then use Suharto-era laws to gut democracy just as it was putting down roots.
Pins featuring presidential candidates Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla and Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa.Credit: AFP
“Prabowo Subianto: vote for me, but just the once,” ran the headline in a blog post at New Mandala, a forum of Australian National University academics.
“We probably need to go back to the fascist movements of 1930s Europe to find such explicitly authoritarian sentiments expressed by electoral movements that end up winning elections,” wrote authors Ed Aspinall and Marcus Mietzner — two of Australia’s most informed Indonesia experts.
International businesses, meanwhile, foreshadowed what amounts to a capital flight if the former Suharto son-in-law is elected.
Quoting Morgan Stanley, ING Group and Deutsche Bank, a front-page Jakarta Post story said 56 per cent of international investors had indicated they would sell their assets in Indonesia if Prabowo won next Wednesday.
Chinese-Indonesian business leader Sofjan Wanandi also expressed concerns, telling Fairfax Media local business leaders feared a “return to militarism and dictatorship”.
But the Prabowo campaign powered on unperturbed.
On Monday, in impeccable English, with a couple of jokes and no shortage of charm, Prabowo tried to soothe an audience of applauding ambassadors (minus the American and Australian representatives).
“Please be assured. I am a democrat,” he said.
“I was a soldier … and I swore an oath to the Indonesian constitution to protect the constitution of the Republic …That’s why I’m in politics … This is my third general election. So I do it the hard way. I don’t go assemble tanks and take over Parliament House, no!”
The last comment was a joking reference to allegedly real events. B.J. Habibie, Suharto’s successor as president in the chaos of 1998, accused Prabowo of doing precisely that, an accusation Prabowo has always denied.
Remarkably, the whole debate barely raised an eyebrow in the Indonesian media, which spent the final week focused on the lies being told in various smear campaigns, and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s decision to come out in support of Prabowo.
Prabowo’s campaign is not only hurdling every obstacle, it’s taking obstacles and turning them to his electoral favour.
Alleged human rights abuses? An example of his famous firmness. The threatened capital flight? Just another case of greedy western “neoliberal” capitalism (Prabowo’s most regular target) robbing Indonesia. Undermining democracy? Simply a return to a less complex, more Indonesian system of government.
If momentum, organisation, enthusiasm and sheer will to power are enough, Prabowo will win next Wednesday’s election and the world will simply have to deal with whatever that might mean.
His opponent, meanwhile, is barely visible. The nearer election day draws, the more Jakarta governor Joko Widodo fades into the background.
When Prabowo appears on stage he is compelling. He has a political and policy narrative. Though lacking internal consistency and riddled with ironies, it captures the attention. He takes every conceivable opportunity to spruik his vision.
When Jokowi appears before a crowd, it’s to quietly urge his supporters to vote and keep an eye out for electoral fraud. He speaks briefly and virtually without inflection. He never attacks Prabowo, nor probes his controversial past, nor points out the irony of a high-born multi-millionaire taking an anti-graft, pro-poor stance while backed by a coalition of corrupt elitists.
Perhaps, late last week, Joko’s team finally realised there was a gap at the heart of their campaign because, on Thursday — two days before the campaign officially shuts down for the pre-poll “quiet” period — he hastily arranged a press conference to outline a nine-point policy plan, focused mainly on social services.
Even then, the strongest thing he could find to say about Prabowo’s designs on direct election was, in answer to a question from this reporter, that it would be a “setback”.
A national level politician has two jobs: implementing policy and persuading the community of its value. In his previous roles as Solo mayor and Jakarta governor Jokowi has shown he is good at the former — things actually changed for the better, an exceptional experience in Indonesia. But he is proving unexpectedly bad at the latter.
The quiet, problem-solver schtick makes Jokowi look, next to the horse-riding, lectern-pounding Prabowo, a bit like a provincial mayor.
It’s hard to remember that, only a few months ago, Jokowi was the one setting Indonesian politics ablaze. Before the skinny, smiling governor was even announced as the candidate, he had a 20-plus per cent poll lead over all-comers, Prabowo included. With the election upon us, that lead has virtually, if not completely, disappeared.
Accurate polls are hard to come by and even the best lag public opinion by a week or more, but the numbers seem to show them neck-and-neck. The fact that some of the best pollsters (who largely lean towards Jokowi) are hiding their findings suggests their numbers might be even worse.
The polls we do have show that the large undecided vote appears to be swinging decisively towards Prabowo, and large swaths of the middle class are resolving to stick with what they know — a rich former general from an elite family promising firm leadership and a return to a less chaotically democratic era.
“People are worried about someone who is a nobody (they do not know his background) and who could possibly become president,” tweeted Centre for Strategic and International Studies politics analyst (and Jokowi supporter) Philips J. Vermonte in frustration on Thursday.
“They don’t want to see petruk [a skinny figure representing common people in Wayang Kulit shadow puppet tradition] become king … their reaction is to insult his physical appearance, the way he speaks, his gestures.”
But it’s hard to escape the feeling that this is a key decision point for Indonesia. That’s partly because the two candidates are so different, but mainly because the cracks in this nation are getting harder to paper over.
Despite the feel-good figures — 5.5 per cent growth, a burgeoning middle class, G20 status, glitzy malls in Jakarta and Lamborghinis on the street — this is a country in need of radical repair.
It’s Prabowo, actually, who best diagnoses the problem when he talks to international audiences.
Indonesia’s population is growing fast. On one hand, this provides a potential “demographic dividend” — a high proportion of working-age Indonesians relative to total population.
But growth of 5 to 6 per cent a year will not be enough to feed everyone and avoid the middle-income trap. Indonesia must grow more like 9 to 10 per cent for the next two decades to move up in the world, and the wealth must spread outside Jakarta and Java.
That can never happen without addressing the gaping deficiencies in infrastructure — Jakarta’s rococo traffic alone knocks about 0.6 per cent off GDP.
But Indonesia cannot afford new infrastructure, because tax collection is only 11.7 per cent of GDP (only Pakistan collects less) and only 12 per cent of Indonesians pay tax. Besides, one-third of this anaemic national revenue is spent subsidising petrol prices.
The middle class might be growing but 100 million people still live in poverty, and those climbing out of it are, in reality, clinging tenuously to their income, many of them dependent on informal work.
To take advantage of the bulge in the working age population, the country needs rapid and radical overhauls in governance, education and health. At the end of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s 10th year as president, one-third of five-year-olds are either chronically hungry or malnourished, and Indonesia has among the highest infant mortality rates in the world outside Africa.
If poor health and education outcomes continue, all these young Indonesians may become a drag on productivity, not a boost.
The problems are easy to spot but solutions punishingly hard to implement. The most important is to reduce the public sector corruption that bleeds dry every institution — from the tax office to police, the courts, religion — to a mere annoyance rather than an existential threat.
Prabowo has made it one of the centrepieces of his campaign. He should have been undermined by what his brother, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, concedes are the “tactical compromises” made to secure coalition partners. One of the men behind Prabowo is under investigation for corrupting funds paid for the Haj pilgrimage; his proposed “first minister”, businessman Aburizal Bakrie has defaulted on international debts and failed to compensate poor villagers after his mine sank their entire region under a mud volcano; another party in Prabowo’s coalition was responsible for corruption of beef imports; and even his running mate, Hatta Rajasa is under a cloud over illegal oil imports.
Yet Prabowo has been allowed to seriously paint himself as the anti-corruption candidate, because he opponent will not speak against him.
Jokowi — who appears so far to be unimpeachably clean — must have been insulted on Thursday to be asked what his anti-corruption policy was. As usual, he’d failed to spell it out.
Jokowi knows the opportunity offered by the demographic dividend and the danger of missing it — his deputy Jakarta governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama spelled it out in an interview with Fairfax. Jokowi himself has hinted at it with his ideas about a “mental revolution” — the closest he’s come to articulating a philosophy. In that, he quietly attacks the pervasive “what’s-in-it-for-me”, and “near-enough-is-good-enough” attitude, particularly in the public sector, that is perhaps the downside of the otherwise wonderful Javanese forbearance.
But, unlike Prabowo, he gets few political points for his ideas because he is so bad at articulating them. He seems to be campaigning largely, if not wholly, on his good-guy persona.
Against Prabowo’s professional, well-funded operation, and his powerful, media-owning partners, it’s a risky strategy.
We’ll only have to wait a few more days to find out exactly how risky.
What all this means for Australia is hard to tell. Both candidates have say they want a good relationship, and whoever wins the election is likely to make Australia his first international port of call — the G20 countries will meet in Brisbane in November, less than a month after the new president is inaugurated.
Nevertheless, both candidates have expressed puzzlement about why Australia seems to have a “phobia” (Prabowo’s word) about Indonesia, and boats and spying have left an ongoing bad taste in Indonesian mouths.
All this suggests relations are likely to be wary for a while before there is any chance at warmth.