

This was published 7 years ago

If Donald Trump pushes on Taiwan, this is how China could push back

By Jane Perlez

US President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear that he views the central basis for diplomatic relations between Washington and Beijing - known as the "One China" policy - as ripe for review.

Under that decades-old policy, the United States severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan as part of its recognition of the People's Republic of China. But in early December, Trump stunned officials across the globe by becoming the first president or president-elect to speak to a Taiwanese leader since at least 1979.

Then on Sunday, he suggested that adhering to the One China policy could be used as a bargaining chip on contentious issues like China's currency and its activity in the South China Sea. "I don't know why we have to be bound by a One China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade," he said in an interview.

In trying to use Taiwan that way, Trump hit the most sensitive of what the Chinese Communist Party calls its "core interests." If Washington formally recognises Taiwan, the Chinese are expected to break off diplomatic relations.

President-elect Donald Trump questioned nearly four decades of US policy in an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.

President-elect Donald Trump questioned nearly four decades of US policy in an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Credit: AP

An editorial Monday in The Global Times, a Chinese state-run tabloid, said that Trump was "like a child in his ignorance of foreign policy." It added: "The One China policy cannot be bought and sold. Trump, it seems, only understands business and believes that everything has a price."

Here are five ways the Chinese could make life difficult for a Trump administration:


Chinese analysts say there is plenty of leverage to retaliate against Trump. One prominent target is Boeing, whose Seattle plant Xi Jinping, China's president, visited in September 2015.

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen.

Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen.Credit: AP

In 2016, Boeing is expected to complete plane deliveries to China worth $US11 billion, mostly 737s that have become the workhorse of China's rapidly expanding airlines. The Global Times warned that it would be easy for China to switch orders to Boeing's European competitor, Airbus.

"On economic issues, China has more and more leverage," said Wu Xinbo, director of the Centre for American Studies at Fudan University. "If we feel he is still pushing the Taiwan issue, we will take action. If he wants to keep it up on Taiwan, it will only backfire."

Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Chinese President Xi Jinping.Credit: AP

Agriculture was the most vulnerable category of US imports after Boeing airplanes, he said. General Motors and Ford Motor also look to China for big sales, and China could find ways to slow down the domestic manufacture for the Chinese market.

China could order its state-owned companies and private enterprises to slow their investments in the United States. A recent study by the Rhodium Group, a New York-based economic policy outfit, showed that since 2015, the amount of Chinese direct investment in the United States has outweighed the amount of US investment in China.

US trade officials worry that China could intensify its discrimination against US technology firms by using the country's anti-monopoly laws. Last year, the Chinese government slapped a $975 million fine on Qualcomm, a San Diego-based chip maker, for what it said were licensing infractions.

A few years ago, there were worries that China might suddenly dump a large portion of its holdings of Treasuries, pushing up interest rates in the United States. Those fears ebbed as China gradually pared its holdings. Experts say that even if the country sold more, it may not have much effect because interest rates are already at near-record lows and global demand for Treasuries has been strong.

China could also weaken its currency, as Trump has argued that it already does to make its products cheaper. But that could also result in more Chinese people taking their money out of the country, as well as inflation for a country that increasingly buys what it needs from abroad, like oil, because a weak currency means China must pay more for imported goods.


Trump said Sunday, "And frankly, they're not helping us at all with North Korea."

China has in fact cooperated with some US initiatives on curbing North Korea's nuclear program, specifically backing United Nations economic sanctions last month aimed at checking the North's foreign exchange earnings from coal, its biggest export earner.

China could switch from being a reluctant ally of North Korea to a friendly neighbour. China is already angry at Washington for the recent decision to deploy a defense shield in South Korea, the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, known as THAAD, which China argues is aimed at limiting its military capabilities.

Among the tools China could use would be improved trade, aid and investment to strengthen the North's rudimentary economy, said John Delury, a US analyst in Seoul, South Korea. As a long-standing ally, China could conduct joint military exercises with the North, he said.

In return for promises by North Korea not to proliferate, Delury said, China could go beyond improved trade, and provide substantial economic backing in a Marshall Plan-style initiative.


President Barack Obama spent much of his political capital with China ensuring that Beijing would agree to the international climate change agreement that committed the world's two biggest carbon emitters to lower greenhouse gases.

Critics of Obama say he failed to force China to open up its markets, stood by while China fortified islands in the South China Sea and remained largely silent while Xi carried out repressive human rights policies in order to save the climate change accord.

Moreover, China's agreement to the international deal was less a concession to US pressure than a restatement of its own goals.

It was relatively easy for Xi to agree to a reduction in emissions given the outcry among the Chinese public about air pollution and contaminated food. The accord calls for China's carbon emissions to reach a plateau or decline "around 2030" but without any specific target for reductions like those Obama pledged for the United States.

Xi would be unlikely to touch the climate accord because of the popularity of the prospect of cleaner air among the Chinese public.

But if he did decide to ignore it, Trump would probably not care. At one point, Trump said climate change was a "hoax" invented by China to hurt US trade. Later, he said he was joking.


If Trump supports Taiwan, China's first response may be to punish Taiwan rather than the United States, in an attempt to diminish its value to Washington.

It could begin by intensifying efforts to persuade the 22 small sovereignties around the world, including the Vatican, that still maintain diplomatic relations with Taiwan to sever them and recognise China instead.

China might then take aim at Taiwan's economy by restricting Chinese investments and limiting the number of Chinese tourists to Taiwan.

Taiwan already has de facto independence, but China has warned that it will go to war to prevent a formal separation from the mainland.

From Beijing's perspective, the fear is that Trump's moves could encourage Taiwan to declare independence or that other nations might follow the United States in recognising Taiwan.

If President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan declared independence, "and the whole world says Taiwan is independent," then China "will take military action," said Shi Yinhong, professor of international relations at Renmin University. "But I don't believe that is Tsai's intention," he added.


China was a signatory to the nuclear accord reached with Iran in 2015 that lifted sanctions in return for Iran's getting rid of 98 percent of its nuclear material. China now has unfettered access to its longtime friend's economy. Through Iran, Beijing will seek to enhance its influence in the Middle East, with the goal of weakening US prestige in the region.

But if the deal is scrapped and renegotiated, as Trump has called for, China would keep trading with Iran, isolating the United States, said Edward C. Chow, senior fellow for energy and national security at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

About one-third of Iran's oil exports go to China, and China is Iran's top importer of goods. Thus China is Iran's top trading partner, a position that would not change in the event of Trump's renouncing Washington's participation in the nuclear deal.


"If anything, China would redouble trading and investment in Iran now that Trump has started on the Taiwan front," Chow said.

The New York Times

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