

This was published 10 years ago

Hezbollah to the US: Accept Assad has won

By Liz Sly

Beirut: The leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah movement has called on the United States to admit that President Bashar al-Assad has won the war in Syria and to accept its terms for a political settlement to the crisis.

If the United States wants to be part of the solution to the war, it will first have to stop supporting the rebels and agree to engage in dialogue with Mr Assad, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a videotaped address at a funeral ceremony in Beirut.

Support for Dr Assad and Sheikh Nasrallah at a West Bank rally.

Support for Dr Assad and Sheikh Nasrallah at a West Bank rally.Credit: AP

"Any political solution has to start and end with Assad," he said, speaking after Mr Assad claimed a landslide win in elections this week.

The comments followed a suggestion this week by US Secretary of State John Kerry that Hezbollah, which is branded a terrorist organisation by the United States, could play a part in bringing about a "legitimate" political solution in Syria, alongside Russia and Iran.

A man sits in front of his damaged house in Aleppo after surviving   an apparent  barrel bomb dropped by Syrian forces.

A man sits in front of his damaged house in Aleppo after surviving an apparent barrel bomb dropped by Syrian forces.Credit: Reuters

Hezbollah fighters dispatched from Lebanon have been instrumental in helping Mr Assad survive the revolt, and Mr Kerry's offer came as an acknowledgment of the key role they have played in ensuring his survival.

However, State Department spokesman Edgar Vasquez said Mr Kerry did not intend to suggest that the United States was about to change its policy of supporting Syria's rebels or seeking a future in Syria "that does not include Assad".

"We remain focused on supporting the moderate opposition and efforts at a real political transition," he said. "Nasrallah's comments are as meaningless as the non-election that took place in Syria this week."

Sheikh Nasrallah did not rule out talking to the United States but said that the US would first have to talk to President Assad. He did not directly mention Mr Kerry but left little doubt that he was referring to the secretary's remarks, delivering a scathing rebuke to US characterisations of the election as a meaningless facade by citing the scenes broadcast live on Syrian state television of enthusiastic voters casting ballots for Mr Assad.


"Some say the elections were zero," he said, echoing Mr Kerry's description on Wednesday of the elections as "a big fat zero" during a brief trip to Beirut. "It wasn't zero to the millions of Syrians who voted."

Instead, he said, the election confirmed that the government has the support of millions of Syrians. Mr Assad was declared the winner with 88.7 percent of the 11 million Syrians who cast ballots, and although the circumstances of the vote were less than transparent, the outcome left little doubt that he remains firmly in charge of the country and commands a significant degree of loyalty.

Sheikh Nasrallah said the poll illustrated the failure of the Geneva peace process, which is promoted by US as the best mechanism for ending the war and envisages a solution based on the eventual departure of Mr Assad.

"The result of these elections mean that no solution can be based on . . . Geneva," the sheikh said. "For a solution to be based on the departure of Assad after people re-elected him is impossible. Nor can there be negotiations that lead to the departure of Assad."

Instead, hespelt out two conditions under which the US and its allies would be permitted to join in negotiations for an end to the war. First, he said, they must accept the result of the election as legitimate. Second, the US and its allies must stop supporting the rebels.

He also called on the Syrian opposition to surrender, pointing to the retreat of rebels from the central city of Homs as a fate likely to befall them if they attempt to keep fighting.

Washington Post

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