

This was published 2 years ago

Sue Gray report confirms what everyone suspects: Downing Street is a basket case

By Camilla Tominey

London: It may not have been a smoking gun but, in finding “failures of leadership and judgment”, Sue Gray’s report has laid bare the chaos and confusion at the heart of government.

The problem for the Prime Minister is not that the “Investigation into alleged gatherings on government premises during COVID restrictions” contains new details about previously unknown parties.

It is that its central finding, that “the leadership structures are fragmented and complicated and this has sometimes led to the blurring of lines of accountability”, comes as no surprise at all.

Under fire: Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Under fire: Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson.Credit: AP

This “update” was just a polite way of confirming what everyone already suspected: that Downing Street is a basket case.

Ordinarily, a finding of “excessive alcohol consumption” in any workplace, let alone No 10, would prompt shock and bewilderment.


Yet the knowledge that suitcases of booze were wheeled into Downing Street on the night before the Duke of Edinburgh’s funeral makes it far from flabbergasting.

Similarly, the revelation that Martin Reynolds’ job as Johnson’s principal private secretary has become too big for just one man will confound the expectations of no one.

And neither will the inference that “some of the events should not have been allowed to take place” and others “should not have been allowed to develop as they did”.


As Gray starkly put it: “At times it seems there was too little thought given to what was happening across the country in considering the appropriateness of some of these gatherings, the risks they presented to public health and how they might appear to the public.”

Again, it is the fact that the public has already drawn these conclusions that is most damaging for Johnson.

The voters knew better than those they elected to run the country.

Similarly, in finding that “some staff wanted to raise concerns about behaviours they witnessed at work but at times felt unable to do so”, Gray has helped to confirm the theory that the Prime Minister - and by association, his staff - operate in an environment in which they think they are above the law and can get away with anything. But will he get away with it this time?

Boris Johnson’s name may not have featured once in the 12-page report, while the eight references to “the Prime Minister” were purely contextual.


But the implication was clear.

Far from Johnson’s guilt or innocence being a black and white issue, what these initial findings reveal are the very grey areas surrounding his leadership, his competence, and his relationship with the truth.

A little like conflicted Tories wrestling with the idea of their leader being both a blessing and a curse on their party, the civil servant appears to have homed in on the double-edged nature of governing during the biggest national emergency in peacetime.

Yes there was a pandemic - and Downing Street staff were up against it - but so too were frontline health workers, hence why “some of the behaviour surrounding these gatherings is difficult to justify”.


Although not the “meaningful” report she intended to publish - having been stymied by the Metropolitan Police investigation - the overarching thrust is plain: that this was a No 10 operation that had spiralled out of control, with a lack of oversight - and lessons needed to be learnt now, without waiting for Dame Cressida Dick to complete her own inquiries.

While the six-week delay in reporting her initial findings may have diluted the initial anger over partygate, the reaction to this albeit flimsy document suggests that concerns over Johnson’s competence and fitness for office remain terminal.

Whatever the findings of the Met investigation - and in turn, the final Gray report - what is increasingly clear is that the minutiae of this sorry saga is starting to matter less and less.

The more allegations that surface, the less their individual impact, but the more collective harm they cause.

Indeed, the more Johnson delegates the finer details to the authorities, the more the macro issues at play here come into sharper focus.

As Sir Keir Starmer rightly identified in the chamber, this has moved to a matter of “honesty and decency”.

“Cherishing and nurturing British democracy is what it means to be patriotic,” he told the House in arguably one of his best Dispatch Box appearances as he appealed to Tory MPs not to “heap their reputations on the bonfire that is his leadership, or they can spare the country ... they know better than anyone how unsuitable he is for high office.”

He may have lived to fight another day with his sorry-not-sorry statement in the Commons, but the ashen faces of members of his own cabinet, let alone his bemused backbenchers, show that a target remains pinned on the Prime Minister’s back.

Sue Gray’s update may not have fatally wounded the Prime Minister, but there is no doubt that he is bleeding badly.

Telegraph London

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