

This was published 2 years ago


Putin fan club ascendant in three European elections: why the West should worry

What do the prominent far-right politicians Marine Le Pen of France, Viktor Orban of Hungary and Aleksandar Vucic of Serbia have in common? All three have fought elections this month, and all three have done better than they did in their previous election contests.

Two of them, the incumbent leaders Orban and Vucic, were returned to power with increased shares of the vote. The third, Le Pen, won an enlarged share of the vote in the first round of the French presidential election on the weekend compared with her first-round performance five years earlier, and now confronts Emmanuel Macron in the run-off for the presidency on April 24.

Marine Le Pen confronts Emmanuel Macron in the run-off for the presidency.

Marine Le Pen confronts Emmanuel Macron in the run-off for the presidency.Credit: Illustration by Dionne Gain

One of the world’s most notorious xenophobes, Le Pen now is closer to the presidency than she ever has been. With 96 per cent of the votes counted, she had 24 per cent and Macron 27.4. The run-off is projected to be tight. Note that this is now a contest between the French right and the far right.

One other striking factor that the trio have in common: all are long-standing admirers of Russian President Vladimir Putin. And the feeling is mutual.

In one Western European nation, one Central European and one Eastern European, political candidates this month appear to have paid no electoral price for close ties to the greatest aggressor and butcher of the 21st century to date. Even as the Russian autocrat wages a savage, unprovoked war against a European country, Putin’s people seem to be on the ascendant in those three nations, at least.

In recent weeks there’s been much commentary remarking on the new unity and purpose of the West, the European Union and NATO in opposing Putin’s war. “We are all Ukrainians now.” That cry of solidarity, first spoken by the US Senator John McCain in response to Putin’s 2014 invasion, has been revived.

But it seems we aren’t. “Maybe we were premature to celebrate the return of the West,” says the Lowy Institute’s director of research, Herve Lemahieu. “The risk is that we are living through a very transient phase of Western unity. Maybe the front line is not in the Donbas region of Ukraine but in Europe itself.”

Observing the election results in the France, Hungary and Serbia, Lemahieu tells me: “It is not a French idiosyncrasy but a pan-European problem – how do you hold onto that unity?”


The three didn’t actively campaign on their ties to Putin or actively promote Putin’s war. And it’s true that the three somewhat distanced themselves from Putin after he launched his invasion of Ukraine. Le Pen pulped a brochure featuring a photo of herself shaking hands with Putin, for instance. But in each of the countries, the candidates’ warm and longstanding relations with Putin are known universally.

“I won’t hide that, in a certain sense, I admire Vladimir Putin,” said Marine Le Pen in 2011. In 2017, she called the EU sanctions against Russia for its earlier invasion of Ukraine “completely stupid”.

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen smiles during a campaign rally in Perpignan, southern France.

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen smiles during a campaign rally in Perpignan, southern France.Credit: AP

Macron drew attention to her fondness for Putin during the election campaign: “I’m not the one who is sympathetic to Putin. I’m not the one who looks for funding from Russia.” Le Pen’s National Rally party borrowed some $US11 million from a Moscow-based bank, and is still repaying the loan.

While Macron posed as a wartime leader, trying to mediate with Putin and even dressing up in a khaki hoodie a la Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky, Le Pen skirted the war by campaigning on cost-of-living pressures and kitchen table issues.

If the war in Ukraine isn’t a decisive factor in the French elections, how can it play as a major influence in Australia’s, half a world away?

Orban, Hungary’s prime minister and the longest-ruling leader in Europe, also pulled back a little from his embrace of Putin. He declared Hungary to be “strategically calm” – meaning neutral – between Russia and Ukraine. But after winning re-election with 54 per cent of the party vote and a parliamentary super-majority, he described Zelensky as an “enemy”. Orban has met Putin 12 times; his opponents call him “Putin’s puppet”.


He’s even expressed admiration for Putin’s ludicrously distancing conference table – “in my life I have never sat at such a long table before” – during a visit to try to play peacemaker.

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic plays a balancing game between Russia and the EU. He boasted last year that his close relationship with Putin won his country an “incredible” deal on energy supply from Russia. Serbia relies on Moscow for almost all its gas needs. Also, Russia wields its UN Security Council veto in support of a Serbian priority – its refusal to recognise the independence of Kosovo.

Vucic has kept open Serbia’s bid to join the EU and voted to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, yet he refused to join the EU sanctions against Russia. After winning re-election with 58 per cent of the vote, he’s promising to continue “friendly and partnership relations” with Russia. Putin’s congratulatory telegram to Vucic last week said he expected no less, leading to “the strengthening of the strategic partnership ... between our countries”.


Apart from their specific relations with Putin, these three – Le Pen, Orban and Vucic – all share his autocratic ways. Orban and Vucic have strangled media freedom, hacked away at independent institutions and used the power of the state to persecute political allies.

Le Pen, of course, is not in power but has shown the same tendencies to intolerance. She also poses a direct threat to the European Union, says Lowy’s Herve Lemahieu: “She’s dropped her outright opposition to the EU but she sees its decline and collapse as inevitable. She says, ‘Let’s do this in an orderly way.’

“Le Pen as president of France would be far more traumatic for the European project than Brexit was. Britain was more of a peripheral player while France has always been an integral founding member. Without France, there is no functional EU. And the US can only get away with having a large footprint in Europe through having a functional EU.”

But the US could soon have problems with a pro-Putin, autocratic ruler of its own if Donald Trump is re-elected in 2024. And that is one more thing that Le Pen, Orban and Vucic have in common – they are all fans not only of Putin, but also of Trump.

The frontline assault on Western liberal democracy is not only a distant physical phenomenon threatening the West. The enemy also lies within.

Jacqueline Maley cuts through the noise of the federal election campaign with news, views and expert analysis. Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

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