

This was published 3 years ago

'Living in limbo': Australians stranded overseas set back by latest travel restrictions

By Latika Bourke

London: Australians trying to get home from overseas are urging the government to establish a reliable quarantine system after a wave of flight cancellations were triggered by new caps on arrivals due to the mutant strain of COVID-19.

Stuart Kemp, 31, and his English wife had booked flights, quit their jobs and shipped their belongings home to Melbourne at the end of six years of living and working in Britain.

Stranded Australian Stuart Kemp.

Stranded Australian Stuart Kemp. Credit:

But on Friday Mr Kemp woke up to an email from Malaysia Airlines cancelling his flight following the national cabinet's decision to halve quarantine places in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia, on top of the already halved capacity in Victoria.

The changes were triggered after Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk ordered Brisbane into a three-day lockdown on learning that a cleaner working in hotel quarantine had tested positive for the more transmissible strain of COVID-19 that is ravaging Britain.

A proposal to shut the borders completely was rejected, partly because the government needs airlines to continue flying because they will deliver Australia's supply of vaccines.


Mr Kemp said Malaysia Airlines told him that the earliest possible date for a flight home was mid-March but there could be no guarantees. Malaysia Airlines was contacted for comment.

“It's limbo now, we'll just have to wait – hopefully my employer will take back my resignation and I'll just hope to go back cap-in-hand regarding the lease, and if not we're on Airbnb, aren't we? We'll just have to wait and see,” Mr Kemp said.

But he said while his own circumstances were not a “sob story”, they underlined the need for the Australian government to take responsibility and establish a reliable and safe path for Australian citizens to re-enter their own country, with nearly 40,000 estimated to be effectively locked out.


“We need a reliable approach where you buy a ticket, it might cost a little more, I get that, but we need a system where you're not constantly waiting on an email that will throw your life into turmoil.

“Fundamentally, citizens should be able to have a reasonable ability to enter their own country.

“I fully appreciate how well Australia has handled COVID, and so many learnings should be taken from the way Australia has handled elements of the pandemic compared with the UK, but you can't have citizens who are desperate to return for months and months at a time outlaying the money they have to outlay.”

Danushka Silva, 31, and his partner, also from Melbourne, had been trying to get home before their visas and work contracts expired at the end of December.

Mr Silva said he was not surprised to see the harsh treatment of Australians abroad during the pandemic, saying it reflected the country’s approach towards asylum seekers.

“For example, the way a lot of people treat asylum seekers is that it's a problem happening to other people in another country, so why the hell should I care and why should we do anything to help them?”

Danushka Silva, 31, in London.

Danushka Silva, 31, in London.Credit:

Mr Silva and his partner have had to apply to the British government for an emergency extension to their visa because they have been bumped from their planned flight home and rebooked on a flight in February.

He said he is fearful that his February flight will also be cancelled.


“I think the most frustrating thing is that there’s no end date, you’re constantly trying to take steps to get home but then another obstacle comes up,” he said.

“I totally understand what the government is doing to keep coronavirus levels low, but what’s shameful is that unlike any other country they’re not trying at all to get their own citizens back.”

Opposition home affairs spokeswoman Kristina Keneally laid the blame for the stranded Australians on Prime Minister Scott Morrison, saying the federal government had failed to heed advice on establishing a national border security quarantine plan last year.

“Of course, the Prime Minister should act on medical advice. But, if Australia had a national border security quarantine plan last year, then all the stranded Australians would have been home already, and we would have been better equipped to adapt to new strains of COVID-19,” Senator Keneally said.

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