

This was published 4 years ago

How rebel MPs, and Trump, forced Boris Johnson into a Huawei backflip

By Latika Bourke

London: The only surprise about Boris Johnson’s Huawei backdown - his government has banned the use of new Huawei equipment in Britain's 5G rollout - is that he failed to claim it as his own victory.

Instead, he hid behind the cover of the Trump administration’s sanctions, suggesting that it is Washington and not Westminster that determines the safety of the UK’s critical infrastructure.

Masked avenger: PM Boris Johnson has U-turned on his Huawei policy, as part of a tougher stance on China.

Masked avenger: PM Boris Johnson has U-turned on his Huawei policy, as part of a tougher stance on China.Credit: Bloomberg, Getty

"I talked many countries out of using it [Huawei]," US President Donald Trump boasted at a news conference on Tuesday.

"Just today I believe that UK [sic] announced that they're not going to be using it and that was up in the air for a long time."


As Tory MPs saw it, Johnson was always going to have to make this decision, it just was up to him whether he would do it voluntarily or have his hand forced. Peculiarly, Johnson opted for the latter.

The warning signs were clear as early as March when Tory MPs mounted a mini-rebellion to his January decision that China’s Huawei could supply up to 35 per cent of Britain’s 5G networks.

Australia and the United States had privately urged Britain against it. As the decision loomed the warnings became increasingly public until the UK was considered such a lost cause that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade advised MPs and officials to stop their "counterproductive" interventions.

From Canberra to Washington, the reaction to Johnson's green light for Huawei was the same; dismay, disbelief and anger. Trump made his displeasure known in a very angry phone call with Johnson.


In Australia, Labor MP Anthony Byrne took it upon himself to rebuke the visiting Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab in Canberra.

Reports of the allies’ reactions were shared on WhatsApp among Tory rebels whose ranks were growing, with Tory heavyweights Iain Duncan Smith, a former Conservative party leader, Damian Green, a former deputy prime minister and David Davis, the former Brexit minister signing on, professionalising the putsch. The Huawei Interest Group comprising Conservative MPs on WhatsApp swelled to around 60.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.Credit: Bloomberg

But then Downing Street caved.

"I commend the British government for their decision on the 5G network today,” Byrne told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

"Today will be seen as the day that the British people were guaranteed a safer and more secure telecommunications future.

"They have also seen the commencement of the removal of a service provider whose presence provided a national security threat to Great Britain."

DFAT was proved wrong. As were the countless critics of the rebels - the fight had been far from over and was still to be won; a salient reminder that values, and not economics are the new organising principle of politics.

From the point of view of the rebels, victory is far from complete.

Between now and December, Huawei has a huge incentive to sell – at bargain prices – the equipment it has produced specifically for the UK market. And under the same proposed rules, Britain's network operators can stockpile that kit and install it for the next six years, even if they must rip it out by 2027. Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said the networks must be free of all Huawei equipment by then.


Britain's 5G network is built on top of its 4G and 3G networks and under today's announcement, Huawei equipment will remain in the core of those networks.

All this means a final advance cannot be ruled out when the bill is put to the House of Commons, anytime from September but the rebels should not underestimate the size of their victory.

In a scenario unimaginable just seven months ago, Johnson has shelved his ambitions to roll out 5G faster than rival nations, and conceded that there is a cost to ensuring national security.

This did not have to be a humiliation; voters don’t miss what they don’t have and a £2 billion ($3.6 billion) cost several years down the track is intangible in a climate where governments are shovelling tens of billions of dollars out of the door to prop up jobs ahead of the recession.

British MPs firmly believe that like in Australia, voters want the government to reduce its dependence on Chinese supply lines. This is a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic and Beijing's subsequent belligerence that galvanised MPs in a way the Trump administration's entreaties never could, as the litany of questions from MPs from all parties on Hong Kong, China's human rights abuses in Xinjiang and Huawei's own connections to the Chinese states in the Commons demonstrated.

And here lies a cautionary warning for Beijing, while its wolf-warrior diplomacy may be a good show for its state-controlled media The Global Times and Xinhua, it only enables its critics around the globe to push harder for outcomes they might otherwise have failed to achieve and in short, a disaster for the very companies China is trying so hard to market.

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