

This was published 7 years ago

Donald Trump has always been hooked on recognition and he has found his outlet

By Amanda Hess

A few weeks after the election of Donald Trump, pundits with their eyes glued to Twitter believed they'd finally deciphered the master plan behind the president-elect's tweeting. Every time he detonated a culture-war bomb on Twitter, they suspected, it was a sly bid to divert the public eye from more serious news about his impending administration.

So when Trump reignited the dormant debate over flag burning one morning - tweeting that those who set fire to the flag should suffer "loss of citizenship or year in jail!"- New York magazine's Jonathan Chait quickly produced a column decoding the message. He called it a "strange fight" and a "classic right-wing nationalist distraction" that proves Trump's "dangerous and authoritarian politics is calculated, and not merely crazy."

But soon a competing theory emerged: Minutes before Trump's tweet, Fox & Friends, one of the president-elect's favourite shows, ran a segment referencing a US flag burned on a college campus to protest his victory. He wasn't carrying out some strategy. He was live-tweeting his TV.

Twitter is an impulsive medium. Log in and you're greeted immediately with a text box asking "What's happening?"- as in, right this second. Trump, who is set to become the nation's 45th president Friday, is a master of Twitter, but also in its thrall. Theories of some grand Trump Twitter plot forget that impetuous and aggressive tweeting has been a habit of Trump's for years. He famously avoids alcohol; Twitter is his vice. And after eight years of straight-as-an-arrow posts from @BarackObama, equally Twitter-obsessed journalists are transfixed by Trump's timeline, too.

Part of the peculiarity of Mr. Trump’s tweets is that he tweets like a celebrity, not a politician or a businessman.

Part of the peculiarity of Mr. Trump’s tweets is that he tweets like a celebrity, not a politician or a businessman. Credit: AP

Trump has always been hooked on recognition. He is obsessed with his television ratings. His office is festooned with decades-old magazine covers featuring himself. Even negative attention can be a win; he's thrilled to be named Time's Person of the Year even if the cover might evoke images of Hitler and Satan.

But today magazine covers and TV hits lack the cultural dominance they once held. (As Trump tweeted in 2013, Time "looks really flimsy like a free handout at a parking lot!") Now he's found a medium where recognition arrives every fraction of a second, and his reach is quantified in real time - ratings, but for every sentence you ever write.

Scroll through the list of accounts Trump follows and you'll find a tightly curated crew of Trump relatives (like Ivanka), Trump-branded properties (Trump Waikiki), Trump-adjacent celebrities (Roma Downey, wife to The Apprentice producer Mark Burnett) and reliably Trump-friendly outlets (Fox & Friends, naturally). It's a remarkable picture of social media restraint for Twitter's most uninhibited star, and it gives a glimpse at the image Trump intends to project: devoted family man, tremendous business magnate, friend to Gary Player.

But Trump's dominant posture is reactive, and his real focus is on who follows him. He almost exclusively retweets praise from fans. He tweets about all the credit he deserves ("Thank you, so many people have given me credit for winning the debate last night"), then waits for more virtual credit to roll in. He brags to journalists about the rate at which likes and retweets hit. He gets high on his own supply.

Trump has made it clear he intends to use public browbeating and threats to get companies to keep jobs in the US.

Trump has made it clear he intends to use public browbeating and threats to get companies to keep jobs in the US.Credit: AP

Part of the peculiarity of Trump's tweets is that he tweets like a celebrity, not a politician or a businessman. Even his handle, @realdonaldtrump, suggests his full immersion in the most basic of our celebrity culture. Though he's preparing to assume the presidency, he tweets like a Hollywood social climber - he fans celebrity feuds with Graydon Carter ("no talent") and Meryl Streep ("over-rated") and posts product endorsements ("Buy L.L. Bean.").

The highest office in the land has afforded Trump his most prominent celebrity perch. His account has risen from a few million followers to nearly 20 million in the past year. There was a time when some assumed that Trump's public persona would evolve as he rose in the political ranks. But there's just one Trump, and that's been key to his success. As Kim Kardashian once said, the secret to social media dominance is authenticity and consistency. Trump's projection of realness relies on him being reliably self-aggrandizing and wildly inappropriate. That may seem like a liability for the leader of the free world, but it's an asset in the low-culture celebrity roles that have led him to this moment: reality TV boss, Howard Stern guest, pro-wrestling heel.

President-elect Donald Trump has declared NATO 'obsolete'.

President-elect Donald Trump has declared NATO 'obsolete'.Credit: AP

Eight years ago, Barack Obama was the social media wonder headed to the White House, and his tech savvy was heralded as a bright light for democracy. The tweets he posts to @POTUS never seem impulsive; they seem made for posterity. Even his jokes are calculated to be minimally offensive and maximally educational. When the NASA rover Curiosity carried Obama's signature to the surface of Mars, Obama responded in the form of a dad joke: "That is out of this world."

If Obama came to power in a time of great optimism for Twitter, Trump lords over a waning platform. What was once a hopeful place for global connection and resistance has become a site for coordinating harassment campaigns, connecting with white supremacists and accelerating unverified and sometimes dangerous rumours. Its growth has slumped and its stock price has stagnated.

But the place suits Trump's purposes fine. For the guy who's all about appearances, Twitter provides the veneer of populist connection without the hassle of accountability. Sean Spicer, Trump's incoming press secretary, has suggested that Twitter town halls and Reddit forums may replace some typical presidential press interactions, where he can easily make himself available to anonymous fans instead of the scrutiny of the press. The social media platforms that were once heralded as democratic tools could also be used to undermine democratic norms.

All of this works because one group is as intoxicated by Twitter as Trump is: journalists. It's hard to explain to a normal person - one of the 79 per cent of US adults who don't use Twitter - why the platform mesmerises the news media. Its all-powerful search function means you can conjure material on any kind of news topic - or just spend your time searching for your own name. Reporters still crave the ego rush of a published byline, but that pales in comparison to the animated feedback loop that Twitter offers. The more time you spend, and the more tweets you send, the bigger your following becomes. But Twitter provides little actual reach - compared with Facebook or Google, it hardly drives any traffic to articles. It's like a video game for professional validation.

Trump expertly exploits journalists' unwavering attention to their Twitter feeds, their competitive spirit and their ingrained journalistic conventions - chiefly, that what the president says is inherently newsworthy. As a developer and reality show star, he lobbied the news media for coverage. Now journalists feel obligated to pay attention to him. Trump overwhelms the media with boatloads of what was once a rare commodity: access. He creates impressions faster than journalists can check them. By the time they turn up the facts, the news cycle has moved on to his next missive, leaving less time (and reader attention) for the stories Trump does not highlight on his feed.


Trump may not follow a deliberate distraction strategy, but he doesn't need one. He distracts instinctively. All he needs is a phone, the press and whatever thought just entered his mind.

The New York Times

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