

This was published 16 years ago

Bush promotes Australian alliance after talks

WASHINGTON - US President George W Bush predicted America's alliance with Australia would strengthen and endure under Kevin Rudd, as he backed the Prime Minister's decision to withdraw combat troops from Iraq.

On the first full day of his working visit to the United States, Mr Rudd met Mr Bush for more than an hour of discussions in the Oval Office.

Mr Bush - a close personal friend of former prime minister John Howard - welcomed Mr Rudd as the leader of "one of America's closest allies".

"One thing is for sure, our friendship will strengthen and endure under Kevin Rudd," he told reporters.

During a press conference in the East Room of the White House, Mr Bush pre-empted questions about whether the US was disappointed by Australia's troop withdrawal, saying he appreciated Mr Rudd had made an election commitment and that he had kept his word.


"I respect somebody who does what they say they are going to do," Mr Bush said.

"But he also acted like you expect an ally to act and he has consulted closely with us."

Mr Bush dismissed suggestions Australia and the US were moving further apart on foreign policy under the new Labor government, which has highlighted its intention to pursue an independent and activist strategy on foreign affairs.

That point of view, the President suggested, depended on whether you were a pessimist or an optimist, and he saw a lot of shared positions continuing between the two countries.

Both men went to great lengths to point out the alliance between Australia and the US was bigger than the people leading the two countries.

The Howard government promoted a view that the strength of the ties in the recent past was a function of the close relationship between Mr Bush and Mr Howard.

But Mr Rudd pointed out it had survived 12 US presidents and 14 Australian prime ministers - under leaders of both political persuasions in each country.

"I'm confident that this alliance has a strong, robust future," he said.

"The reason that I'm confident of that is because it's rooted in shared values."

Mr Rudd was also forced to reveal a $A165 million assistance package to the Iraqi government to help train their farmers after Mr Bush mentioned their discussion about the initiative in his opening remarks.

"A large part of that goes to how we assist Iraqis train their people better in agriculture and the wider economy," he said.

The pair also agreed on the need for a more coherent military and political strategy in Afghanistan, with Mr Rudd reaffirming Australia's commitment to be there for the "long haul".

Ahead of the NATO summit in Bucharest next week, Mr Rudd re-emphasised the need for the Europeans to play bigger role in the more dangerous south of Afghanistan.

"We need to sign up a common script both military and civil on how we actually prosecute and succeed in this conflict," he said.

"Once (we do that) ... we then say to all Afghanistan partners let's all step up to the plate to make this work across the country of Afghanistan."

In what was often a jovial press conference, Mr Bush pegged Mr Rudd as a straight-shooter who was a strategic thinker and basically a decent guy.

And he was quick to agree that he too was befitting of the moniker "Man of Steel", a term he first bestowed on John Howard for his resolve in the war against terror.

Mr Rudd returned the favour by making the President an honorary Queenslander, but came close to overstepping the mark when he mentioned the sunshine state was bigger than the President's beloved home of Texas.

During a meeting that lasted more than an hour, the pair discussed a wide range of issues, including the stalled Doha trade talks, the global financial crisis, climate change, an open skies agreement, Iran, China and Tibet, Burma and North Korea.

Mr Bush is also hosting a lunch for Mr Rudd at the White House.


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