

This was published 14 years ago

Behind the lines of Mr Cool

He is loved and loathed, but Israel's Mark Regev never loses control, writes Jason Koutsoukis.

The most popular Facebook page dedicated to the Australian-born spokesman for the Prime Minister of Israel is titled: ''Mark Regev, you are a lying sack of shit''.

A measure of his status as one of Israel's most recognisable loudspeakers, Regev notes with undisguised amusement that other, more flattering Facebook groups have been created in his name.

Front and centre ... as a spokesman for the Netanyahu government, Regev never mentions a two-state solution. But he will express his personal views.

Front and centre ... as a spokesman for the Netanyahu government, Regev never mentions a two-state solution. But he will express his personal views.Credit: Joe Armao

''Not everyone is against me,'' he laughs, before wolfing down a generous portion of lamb kebab. We are at Link, a popular Jerusalem eatery off King George V Avenue that specialises in all kinds of non-kosher pub nosh.

To be sure, the common interest of the Facebook group titled ''I want Mark Regev's babies'' is to ''celebrate the great work of Mark Regev and his great overall sexyness'' (sic). Its founding members declare that their devotion to the 50-year-old father of three is based in part on his eloquent manner of speaking, ''even when harrassed [sic] by the international press''.

''We love Israel, hence we love him … even his accent is really cool.''

Born Mark Freiburg, the family name of his European-born parents who migrated to Australia after the Holocaust, Regev came of age in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs. Educated at the Jewish academy Mount Scopus Memorial College, he enrolled in politics and history at the University of Melbourne. There he became an active member of the Jewish Students Society and a prominent member of the worldwide Socialist-Zionist youth movement Habonim, whose more famous graduates include the former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, British film director Mike Leigh, comedian Sacha Baron Cohen and comic actor Seth Rogen.

''I had always imagined myself moving to Israel right through my school and university years,'' Regev says. ''It was something we had discussed as a family.''

He had barely finished his undergraduate degree in 1981 when he was on a plane to Israel to take up residence on a kibbutz, eventually taking on the name of his adoptive family and becoming an Israeli citizen.

In those early years in Israel, Regev lived a kind of life exemplified by Israel's founding prime minister, David Ben-Gurion. It was not just that he was a secular kibbutznik and sentimental socialist, but his fervent belief in the right of the modern Israel to exist in the land ascribed to the Jews in the Old Testament pushed him towards a life of public service.


''I think I made that transition from being an Australian citizen to being an Israeli very early on. Of course, my bond with Australia is very strong. My parents live there, as do my brother and sister. But I have never contemplated the idea of moving back to Australia.''

After postgraduate studies in Israel and the United States, Regev chose a career in Israel's diplomatic service. His English language skills encouraged his superiors to groom him for a public face of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its missions abroad. After several stints overseas, most notably as the embassy spokesman in Washington, Regev ended up in Jerusalem as the ministry's spokesman.

After Ehud Olmert became prime minister in 2006, Regev was dragooned into the prime minister's office as the foreign media spokesman - a position he has retained ever since.

''There is something of the frustrated actor in me,'' Regev says. ''There is the thrill of performance - that moment before you look down the camera; the major difference being that in my job you have to believe passionately in what you are talking about.

''At the end of the day, it is not an act. Could I walk out and take up a job with BP talking about oil spills? The answer is no.''

Regev interrupts himself to swig from a stubby of malt liquor - a molasses-coloured brew favoured by Israeli civil servants at lunch that contains no alcohol.

''You also have to enjoy the company of journalists,'' he says with a wink. ''Which I do, of course, very much.''

The first time I met Mark Regev on Israeli soil was in June 2008. He was still working with Olmert and in two years had become one of Olmert's most trusted advisers.

Although he was the foreign media spokesman, rather than working with the local media that could make or break Olmert's political future, Regev had seniority in the prime minister's team of media advisers.

By March 2009, though, he had found himself on the losing side of an election campaign that swept Olmert's centrist Kadima party from power and put Benjamin Netanyahu back into the prime minister's office as leader of a right-wing Likud coalition.

Regev expected to find himself out of a job and be sent back to the foreign ministry. Instead he was approached by the Netanyahu team to stay on. ''Of course I said yes,'' he says. ''This is a job that I find immensely stimulating and rewarding. I also believe that I can be of some use in this role, explaining Israel's position to a foreign audience.''

Regev lost his status as the number one media adviser, and no doubt some of the influence he enjoyed under Olmert, but retained his role as the talking head seen most on television news bulletins around the world, in most cases explaining why Israel does what it does in the name of self-defence.

''I have close relatives in Sydney,'' he says. ''My uncle said to me on a visit last year: 'Mark, is everything OK? I haven't seen you on the television much lately'. I said to him: 'Uncle, this is a good thing'.''

Does Regev believe that Israel's reputation has suffered unduly because of its war last year against Hamas - the militant Islamic movement that controls Gaza - for which the Israel Defence Forces were accused of war crimes by the United Nations?

''Again, I think that the world understood Israel's position,'' he says. ''This was an act of self-defence against a very hostile enemy that has literally fired thousands upon thousands of rockets at Israeli citizens.''

Regev's greatest gift as a spokesman for Israel is his ability to control himself. It's difficult to imagine him losing his cool, raising his voice or displaying any kind of arrogance and zealotry, which could so easily alienate an audience.

''One thing I am meticulous about is to make sure that I am properly prepared and properly briefed on whatever position it is that I am being called upon to explain. It's never personal for me when I'm on camera.''

His boss, Netanyahu, refuses to utter the words ''two-state solution'' for fear of inflaming his political allies in the right, but Regev is unafraid to express his personal view in favour of such an outcome.

''We need to be respectful of the Palestinian narrative, and of the Arab perspective of this conflict. Palestinians want their own state. I understand that, I support that aspiration.

''Behind the headlines of this conflict lies the fact that we have been living with each other for such a long time. We, Israel and the Palestinians, know each other very well.''

Regularly in on-air conflict with representatives for the Palestinian side of the argument, Regev says he enjoys strong personal relationships with the same people off camera. ''I am strongly of the view that while Palestinian aspiration for statehood is entirely legitimate, I think the Palestinian people have been consistently betrayed by their leadership. Statehood has become a matter of choice for the Palestinian leadership.''

What of Israel's own extremists and troublemakers? The national religious settler movement, for instance, that vows to resort to violence if Israel consents to the creation of a Palestinian state? Or the tens of thousands of anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jews who are actively opposed to the modern State of Israel?

''This is a vibrant political culture,'' Regev says. ''People here have differing views, some of which I do not agree with. But am I free to express my own views here in this democratic country? Unequivocally, yes.''

Going back to those Facebook sites, including the recently established group ''I want to punch Mark Regev very hard'', does the evident hostility ever get under his skin?

''My mother says I look tired, and sometimes my wife and children get a little frustrated when the phone is welded to my ear for days at a time, but I wouldn't easily give up the adrenalin of this job. Some people like me for what I do, some people don't. But it's my job and I try to do it as well as I can.''


Born: Mark Freiburg - his European-born parents migrated to Australia after the Holocaust.

Youth: He was a prominent member of the worldwide Socialist-Zionist youth movement Habonim.

Work: After postgraduate studies, he took on a career in the Israeli foreign service.

Spin: A British newspaper noted ''if the men from Mars ever wanted to manufacture a PR man, they would model their robot on Regev … he is horribly compelling''.


Just before dawn on May 31, a team of Israeli naval commandos intercepted the Turkish-flagged ship named the Mavi Marmara that was trying to break Israel's maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Mark Regev says that when he went to bed just before midnight on May 30, the parting advice from the Prime Minister's office was ''to keep my phone on''.

''The first call came very early, I think not long after 6am. 'You'll be busy today,' said the person at the other end of the line. Something had gone wrong. There were casualties. I drove to the office immediately.''

Initial Israeli media reports had suggested that up to 20 passengers had been killed. Video footage beamed off the Marmara showed Israeli soldiers beating one passenger with a truncheon. In all, Israeli commandos killed nine activists and wounded 50. The world's media had gone into a frenzy.

''On the first day I think did more than 30 live television interviews, plus countless calls to radio and print correspondents. More than I have ever done before in a single day. The next day I did another 30 television interviews.''

As the condemnation of Israel's actions began, which included official sanction from some of Israel's most trusted friends, Regev denies feeling under siege and rejects the suggestion that Israel was losing the public relations war.

''Foreign governments, foreign media and citizens abroad began to recognise that we were dealing with an organisation that had been infiltrated by people who wanted to make themselves martyrs.''

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