

This was published 12 years ago

Bedouin face bulldozers as Israel reshapes the desert

By Ruth Pollard

THE Israeli authorities came without warning, and despite her pleas for time to pack, the house Rifa al-Oqbi shared with her two young sons was demolished last week, and with it, some of their most valued possessions.

Smashed blue and white floor tiles lie amongst the debris of broken bricks and splintered wood as her sons Ali, five, and Omar, four, play in the rubble of what was once their home in the village of al-Qrain in Israel’s southern Negev Desert.

Rifa al-Oqbi and her two sons stand amid the rubble that was their home in the village of al-Qrain, in Israel’s southern Negev Desert.

Rifa al-Oqbi and her two sons stand amid the rubble that was their home in the village of al-Qrain, in Israel’s southern Negev Desert.Credit: Ruth Pollard

The village was under a demolition order, but experts say there is rarely any warning before the bulldozers arrive.

‘‘They asked me to immediately leave my house, and I asked them for 24 hours so I could remove the furniture and my other belongings . . . and they said ‘no’,’’ Mrs Oqbi said.

‘‘They closed this entire area, and when I tried to grab one more thing, they beat me and threw me to the ground . . . and beat up a relative who came to help.’’

Israel’s long-term goal of evicting between 30,000 and 40,000 indigenous Bedouin from their lands in the Negev in order to create new Jewish settlements was cemented on September 11 with the adoption of the Prawer Plan.

Due to go before parliament in the coming days, the plan will result in the seizure of two-thirds of the Bedouin’s land, destroy all but 10 of the 45 ‘‘unrecognised’’ Bedouin villages in the Negev and extinguishing Bedouin land claims without any proper compensation, said Thabet Abu Ras, the director of the Negev Project at Adalah, the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel.

Although they make up around 30 per cent of the region’s population, the Bedouin only occupy 2.5 per cent of the Negev, said Professor Abu Ras, who teaches political geography at Ben-Gurion University and has just returned from a lobbying trip to the US to try and highlight the plight of the Bedouin.

They have already been ‘‘corralled onto the smallest amount of land possible’’, Professor Abu Ras said. ‘‘If you take the land from the Bedouin . . . you are denying their right to exist.’’


The Israeli cabinet this week gave the green light forwork to begin on 10 Jewish settlements in the area ‘‘to attract a new population to the Negev’’.

And on Thursday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with the mayors from some Bedouin villages in the lead-up to the implementation of the plan, in which the 10 villages that are allowed to remain will become eligible for government services.

All others will be razed and their residents forced to move to towns such as the Government-created Hura, which has schools, a medical clinic, paved roads, water and electricity.

Apart from the heartbreak of having their houses demolished, their olive trees uprooted and lands destroyed, to many Bedouins, Hura is overdeveloped and has no agricultural land for grazing their sheep and goats. It ‘‘feels like a prison’’, one community leader said.

Mr Netanyahu said the plan would ‘‘allow the Bedouin, for the first time, to realise their assets and turn them from dead capital into living capital to receive ownership of the land, which will allow for home construction according to law and for the development of enterprises and employment. This will jump the population forward and provide it with economic independence.’’

In a report prior to the development of the Prawer Plan, retired judge Eliezer Goldberg recommended that many Bedouin villages be recognised, acknowledging their ‘‘general historic ties’’ to the land.

Then the government asked the former deputy head of the National Security Council, Ehud Prawer, to implement Justice Goldberg’s recommendations. He instead proposed the immediate transfer to the state of 50 per cent of the land claimed by the Bedouin, with minimal compensation for the remaining land. Not a single Bedouin was consulted by the committee.

One village at the centre of this dispute, the 100-year-old al-Araqib which is home to around 300 Bedouins, has been demolished and rebuilt 29 times in the last 18 months.

Just kilometres from where Australian Light Horse Brigades fought the battle of Beersheba on October 31, 1917, the grim battle between Israeli forces and Bedouin in al-Araqib is played out with monotonous regularity. It is a process repeated throughout the region.

Khalil al-Amour, a school teacher, law student, father of seven and the leader of the village of al-Sira, knows this battle all too well. His house, along with the rest of the village of 47 homes and 500 people, is the subject of a demolition order.

‘‘It is about cramming the maximum Bedouin onto the minimum amount of land,’’ he says.

And because his village is one of the many ’’unrecognised villages’’, there is no running water, electricity, social services or schools. They are literally cut off from the rest of Israeli society, despite the fact that they serve in the army, vote, pay taxes and speak Hebrew, and some work in Beersheba and other major centres.

Many are now fighting for ownership of what land they have left through the courts.

Mr Amour has a document that he says proves his family’s ownership of the land, dated November 23, 1921, notarised by the United Kingdom. It is not recognised by Israel.

There is often a deep misunderstanding of what it means to be a Bedouin, fuelled partly by a romantic image of nomads in the desert, completely resistant to the ways of the modern world. It exasperates Mr Amour, who has fitted out his village with solar panels to provide his neighbours with electricity.

‘‘I have a washing machine, an iPhone, and wireless internet access,’’ Mr Amour says. ‘‘I am connected to the world and I am going to Geneva [this] week for a conference.’’

Meanwhile, he notes, ‘‘Israel uses a demolition order to ‘encourage’ us to move’’.

Forced to live under the constant threat of demolition — the notice on Mr Amour’s front door is dated September 7, 2006 — the people of al-Sira are deeply frustrated and depressed.

‘‘Even though they are determined to stay and fight, everything we build in this environment may not be here for the long term, so we build very rough just to survive,’’ he says.

Professor Abu Ras estimates that in 1948 there were 100,000 Bedouin in the Negev. By 1954, just six years later, there were 10,000 left — the rest had been forcibly moved to Jordan and the Sinai in Egypt.

The plan to push the Bedouin from their land has been under development since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, when they were first moved into what is known as the ‘‘siyaj [fence] triangle’’ in the Western Negev, with the promise that they could soon return to their ancestral lands. ‘‘They are still waiting,’’ Professor Abu Ras says.

He estimates that under the Prawer plan the Bedouin would receive just 100,000 dunams (10,000 hectares) of their outstanding claim of 600,000 dunams and monetary compensation will be far less than 50 per cent of the land value.

For many Bedouin — some of whom have already been forcibly relocated at least once by the Israeli government — that compensation is just not enough.

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