

This was published 9 years ago

Bali nine duo receive new hope as transfer to Indonesia's 'Alcatraz' postponed

By Tom Allard

Two Australian men on death row in Indonesia have been given a sliver of hope of a stay of execution after their transfer from Bali was postponed and reports two other foreigners due to face the firing squad have received a temporary reprieve.

Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan had been slated to be moved to the island of Nusakambangan this week but have been given more time with their families in Bali, where they have been incarcerated for almost a decade.

Australian Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran  seen during the Indonesian independence day celebration inside the Kerobokan prison in Bali, Indonesia on 17 August 2011.

Australian Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran seen during the Indonesian independence day celebration inside the Kerobokan prison in Bali, Indonesia on 17 August 2011.Credit: Anta Kesuma

The transfer will now no longer take place this week.

"It's a good sign," Todung Mulya Lubis, the men's lawyer, told Fairfax Media. "But I don't know for how long."

Todung Mulya Lubis, the lawyer for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, has begged for them not to be transferred.

Todung Mulya Lubis, the lawyer for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, has begged for them not to be transferred.Credit: Reuters

On Monday, Mr Mulya pleaded with Indonesian authorities to delay the transfer to Nusakambangan, where any executions by firing squad will take place, saying two legal appeals on behalf of the duo had been lodged and must be allowed to run their course.

Amid the unremittingly grim news of late for the Australians, there was further encouragement from media reports that Serge Areski Atlaoui from France and Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso from the Philippines will be allowed to have their legal appeals heard.

Both Atlaoui and Veloso are on a list of 11 death row inmates scheduled for imminent execution that was drawn up last month by Indonesian authorities. Chan and Sukumaran are also on the list.


On Monday, an assistant secretary from the Philippines foreign ministry, Charles Jose, was quoted saying Veloso's execution had been deferred pending a judicial review.

Meanwhile, Atlaoui's lawyer Richard Sedillot said his application for a judicial review had received a formal endorsement.

"They will now proceed to an investigation of the case," he said.

Atlaoui, a father of four, was found guilty of his involvement in an ecstasy factory near Jakarta but has maintained his innocence, saying he believed he was just installing equipment in an acrylics plant.

Veloso was caught bringing 2.6 kilograms of heroin into Yogyakarta in 2010.

Like Chan and Sukumaran, both had seen their requests for presidential clemency rejected by Joko Widodo, the Indonesian president.

However, late on Tuesday Indonesia's Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said the country was facing an "emergency situation" with regard to drug trafficking.

"The issue has reached a critical stage...the government of Indonesia is committed to addressing this heinous problem," she said at a news conference in Jakarta.

"Although we understand the position of the Australian government, it should be underlined that this issue is purely a law enforcement issue ... the decision to impose the death penalty by the Indonesian court is not directed towards any country nor nationals of certain countries, but it is directed towards extraordinary crimes."

The Australians were members of the Bali nine drug smuggling ring that was intercepted at Denpasar airport in April 2005 after a tip-off from the Australian Federal Police.

In an interview with Fairfax Media, Indonesia's Attorney-General HM Prasetyo said the delay in the transfer of the men had followed requests from the Australian government and their families.

"We want the families to meet with Myuran and Andrew, to give them more time to be with the convicts on death row," he said.

"This is not delaying the executions. This is just to provide the families with more time."

But Mr Prasetyo also conceded he did not know when the executions would take place and refused to be drawn on whether they will be this month, as his office had previously indicated.

"We don't have a date," he said.

A spokesman for the Attorney-General said late Tuesday said there was still confusion about what to do with another death row inmate slated for execution, Brazilian Rodrigo Gularte, who is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.

Time was also needed to prepare the isolation rooms and execution fields on Nusakambangan, he added.

Asked about Veloso and Atlaoui, the spokesman said they remained on the execution list.

However, he was unable to say if all 11 would be killed. "More than five, to be sure," he said.

Whether the extra time will allow the legal appeals for Chan and Sukumaran to be heard remains unclear.

Mr Prasetyo remained resolute that the executions would be carried out.

"This is not something easy. This is not something fun but this is what we must do," he told Fairfax Media.

As recently as Sunday, Mr Joko has reaffirmed that all 64 drug offenders on death row in Indonesia, which includes 39 foreigners, will be killed by a firing squad.

However, the Indonesian government is coming under increasing pressure from Australia and around the world to reconsider its position.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Monday urged Indonesia to respect the rule of law, noting Chan and Sukumaran have appeals in the administrative court and judicial committee. The latter action involves sensational new allegations the judges who gave the pair the death sentence had asked for bribes for a lighter sentence.

"Let's not do this dreadful, final, irrevocable thing any time soon," Mr Abbott said.

with Amilia Rosa and Karuni Rompies

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