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Xi Jinping defends ‘COVID zero’ and Taiwan threats in landmark speech

By Eryk Bagshaw

Singapore: Xi Jinping has vowed to continue China’s “all-out war” against COVID-19, warned that Beijing would not renounce the use of force to take over Taiwan, laid the groundwork for radical income redistribution from China’s elite, and elevated his own political theory alongside revolutionary leader Mao Zedong.

In his most important speech this year, the Chinese president locked in Beijing’s COVID-zero policy in the face of growing domestic discontent and economic stagnation as he prepares to begin a precedent-breaking third term in power.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, is applauded as he waves to senior members of the government as he arrives to the Opening Ceremony of the 20th National Congress.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, is applauded as he waves to senior members of the government as he arrives to the Opening Ceremony of the 20th National Congress.Credit: Getty Images

Xi rejected fears that the policy was cutting off China from the world, arguing the Chinese Communist Party had put “people and lives above all else and launched an all-out people’s war to stop the spread”.

The Chinese leader faced a rare public protest in Beijing on Thursday with banners unfurled on a bridge that labelled Xi a dictator and said, “[We] don’t want PCR tests, [we] want to eat”. One protester has since been arrested while others who shared the images on the Chinese social media service WeChat have been banned for life.

“We have protected people’s health and safety to the greatest extent possible and made tremendous and encouraging achievements in both epidemic response and economic and social development,” Xi said.

Xi did not acknowledge the costs of COVID-zero as even some of Beijing’s most ardent supporters note the economic effects of rolling lockdowns. “COVID zero has saved many lives but also caused huge inconveniences,” said Victor Gao, the vice president of the Beijing-based Centre for China and Globalisation.

In a warning to his critics, Xi said China must never slacken its “efforts and never allow ourselves to become weary”.

Xi said China would press ahead with its new development economic policy – which began in earnest last year with crackdowns on the profitable technology, entertainment and property industries – as he implements his vision for “common prosperity”. The policy will see the Chinese government shift from a focus on wealth generation towards dividing up the proceeds of capital as Xi pushes China towards its next stage of socialist development and positions himself as its icon.


“We have identified the principal contradiction facing Chinese society,” Xi said. “The balance between adequate development and the people’s ever-growing need for a better life. We have made it clear that closing this gap should be the focus of all our initiatives.”


Xi acknowledged the work of his predecessors through “Mao Zedong Thought” and China’s period of opening up under Deng Xiaoping, but only named Mao in his speech as the National Party Congress prepares to enshrine “Xi Jinping Thought” – his economic, social and political doctrine – into the fabric of the Party. The speech on Sunday marked the start of the National Party Congress, a week-long event held once every five years that elects China’s top political leaders. Xi is expected to be endorsed for a third term on Saturday when the Party will also reveal further adjustments to its constitution.

The man who Xi replaced as president in 2012 Hu Jintao was in the audience along with other party elders. Zhang Gaoli, the former vice president accused of sexual assault by Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai, made his first public political appearance since the claims surfaced in November last year.

Xie Chuntao, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee, said the Party Congress came at a “critical time” for China as it looks to become the world’s first advanced socialist economy by 2049 – the centenary of the founding of Mao’s People’s Republic of China.

“We are now marching towards the second centenary goals,” he said, adding that the selection of the next crop of delegates would be crucial. “I feel that of all the major parties in the world there is no other party that attaches this importance to the selection of cadres.”

The loudest cheers from the 2340 delegates in the Great Hall of the People on Sunday during the two-hour speech were for Xi’s comments on Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Xi said, “order had been restored” in Hong Kong after national security laws implemented by Beijing in 2021 crushed dissent in the city, left dozens of pro-democracy leaders in jail and wiped out the opposition. “Patriots now administer Hong Kong,” he said,

Members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) band sit during the opening session of the 20th National Congress.

Members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) band sit during the opening session of the 20th National Congress.Credit: Getty Images

The Chinese President said the future of Taiwan must be “decided by the Chinese” but did not set a deadline for unification with the democratic island which China claims as its own. Just 6.5 per cent of Taiwanese support unification with the mainland according to a September poll by the National Chengchi University in Taipei.

“The wheels of history are rolling on towards reunification and the rejuvenation of the great Chinese nation,” Xi said. “Complete reunification must be realised, and it can without a doubt be achieved.”

In August, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army encircled Taiwan and fired missiles over the democratic island in response to the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.


“We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification, but we will never promise to renounce the use of force, and we reserve the option of taking all measures necessary,” Xi said, in remarks that largely repeated previous comments on Taiwan.

Xi warned that the international economic and security outlook was grim but did not comment directly on Russia or its war in Ukraine, or China’s ongoing diplomatic disputes with the United States and the west.

“The Central Committee has brought together the entire party, and the military and led them effectively in responding to grave international developments and a series of immense risks and challenges,” he said. “Be ready to withstand high winds, choppy waters and even dangerous storms.”

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