

This was published 5 years ago

Trump-Kim summit collapses with no agreement

By Kirsty Needham

Hanoi: The Hanoi Summit between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump has failed to produce a deal, with a planned signing ceremony and working lunch abruptly cancelled on the second day of talks.

In place of a joint signing ceremony, Trump held a solo press conference at 2pm local time (6pm AEDT) at his hotel where he said: "Sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times."

The art of no deal: Trump announces that there is a "gap" between the two countries on denuclearisation.

The art of no deal: Trump announces that there is a "gap" between the two countries on denuclearisation.Credit: AP

Trump said the North Korean leader had wanted economic sanctions lifted in their entirety, "and we couldn't do that".

The sticking point, according to Trump, was that Kim's offer to remove nuclear weapons from some parts of his country had not met America's expectations.

"With time it will be bridged ... but there is a gap.. He wants to denuke but he just wants to do areas that are less important than the areas we want," Trump said.


Trump said Kim wanted sanctions lifted in return for shutting down the Yongbyon nuclear facility, but the US believed this wasn't enough and still left missiles, warheads and weapon systems.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said: "We asked [Kim] to do more and he was just unprepared to do that".

Trump said he thought the talks were nonetheless productive. He said he believed the two sides had got to know each other better, and knew where each side's respective limits lay.


Trump also revealed at the press conference that Kim had told him he knew about the case of Otto Warmbier - an American student who was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 and died the following year. Kim said he "felt badly about it" but did not know how the American student had became comatose, Trump said.

The failure of the summit to break a deadlock in negotiations between the US and North Korea will be felt around the region. The South Korean share market fell on the news the lunch had been cancelled. South Korean President Moon Jae-in had been planning to give a major speech on Friday outlining a new future for inter Korean relations.

Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump go for a walk in the garden after their first meeting in Hanoi.

Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump go for a walk in the garden after their first meeting in Hanoi.Credit: AP

A South Korean official told CNN his government was perplexed: "The whole world was waiting for an agreement and so were we."

Georgetown University professor Victor Cha said the summit was "an outright failure", but Trump was right to push for more and "take no deal over a bad deal".

But John Delury of the South Korean Yonsei University questioned why the US could not offer partial sanctions relief in return for the closure of the Yongbyon nuclear plant.


Reporters who had earlier assembled in the dining room of the Metropole Hotel said the table was laid but the delegations failed to show up to lunch.

Talks, away from the glare of the cameras, are believed to have continued during the time that had been allocated for lunch.

Sanders said Trump and Kim had "very good and constructive meetings" and discussed "various ways to advance denuclearisation and economic driven concepts". Their teams would meet in the future, she said.

Earlier, in a major break with diplomatic protocol, Trump had allowed White House reporters to question Kim ahead of a meeting between the two sides.

Kim had told reporters he would not be in Hanoi meeting with Trump if he was not committed to denuclearisation on the Korean peninsula.

"If I had no such will, I wouldn't have come here," the North Korean leader told western reporters, the first time he has engaged with western media on live television.

However, Kim, who controls a strict regime of censorship and florid communist propaganda at home, drew the line at answering whether human rights would be discussed.

Trump cut in to answer instead, saying, "We're discussing everything".

Addressing the media before the meeting.

Addressing the media before the meeting.Credit: AP

Kim seemed to grow annoyed at the time wasted with the media at the start of a meeting with Trump and his top aides, including Pompeo and national security advisor John Bolton.

"Even one minute is more precious to us," he said to Trump. His foreign minister Ri Yong-ho urged Trump to ask the media leave the room.

Trump said he liked the media's question about whether the two countries would open liaison offices, and asked Kim to answer.

Trump said the discussions had been "very productive" but said there remained a "gap" between the two parties which would take some time to bridge.

"We will ultimately have a deal that is very good for chairman Kim and his country and for us ... It doesn't mean we are doing it in one day or two days, but that's where its all leading."


Earlier, before the two leaders met one-on-one, Trump extolled North Korea's "enormous economic potential" and expressed his gratitude for Kim halting missile and nuclear tests.

But he added: "Speed is not important." It is believed to be a reference to denuclearising the Korean peninsula.

In his public comments on Thursday, Kim appeared to be in more of a hurry. He said the Hanoi summit was the time to show an outcome, and the dialogue on Wednesday evening at dinner had been "excellent".

He added: "There are people who remain sceptical about this meeting. But I'm sure that all of them will be watching the moment we'll sit together side by side as [though] they are watching a fantasy movie."

The first meeting between the pair ended after 30 minutes, making it shorter than scheduled. The two men looked relaxed as they walked out to the pool area of the hotel to meet US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and North Korea's spy chief Kim Yong-chul. Kim's sister, Kim Yo-jong followed 10 metres behind and stood back from the group.

As the spy chief, who had delivered Kim's letter to Pompeo in Washington in January, and Pompeo had earlier talked together poolside, she watched from behind a tree.

At 9.45am local time (1.45pm AEDT), senior officials from North Korea and the US joined an expanded meeting, which was expected to break for lunch just before noon, Hanoi time.

A signing ceremony was expected in the early afternoon but it never happened.

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