

This was published 2 years ago

How China stole a march on Australia in the Pacific

By Eryk Bagshaw

Singapore: To find out what has gone wrong in Solomon Islands, you have to go back to a meeting in Townsville in November 2000.

Manasseh Sogavare, the Prime Minister who this week vowed to sign a security deal with Beijing had flown to the Queensland city to make a peace deal with four other Solomons leaders and representatives from the United Nations.

Civil war between the largest provinces, Malaita and Guadalcanal, and their different ethnic groups had ravaged the islands since 1998. The warring parties agreed that the provinces would be given more autonomy and that the constitution would be rewritten to reflect these amendments. Malaita, which was poorer than Guadalcanal, would be given infrastructure projects to pump up its economy and development funding - usually funded by international aid - would be distributed away from the central government.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, left, and Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in Beijing.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, left, and Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare in Beijing. Credit: AP

But few if any of these promises were met by Sogavare. By 2001, the government was bankrupt and the economy had collapsed. Solomon Islands had become a failed state. It took troops from the Australian-led Regional Assistance Mission to restore order. When they left in 2017, the same regional tensions exploded again.

Honiara was poor, isolated and vulnerable to corruption. China, ever alert to opportunity, swept in. Beijing convinced Honiara they could provide what Australia could not, big infrastructure projects - stadiums, roads and mining. In exchange, they needed Solomons to switch its allegiance from Taiwan to the mainland. By 2019, the deal was done. It started with kickbacks and employment but soon escalated when the same unresolved regional tensions from two decades ago resulted in attacks on Chinese businesses in November last year.

Protesters from Malaita and elsewhere were angry again at the economic divide between the regions and allegations of corruption in China’s deals. Suddenly, the Chinese investments needed protection.

The looted streets of Chinatown in Honiara, Solomon Islands on November.

The looted streets of Chinatown in Honiara, Solomon Islands on November.Credit: AP

Twenty years after the Townsville Peace Agreement, Sogavare announced on Tuesday he would sign another deal - a security agreement with Beijing.

The deal is the first for Beijing in the Pacific and for a Commonwealth country. At the very least, it will allow Chinese police to guard Chinese infrastructure assets and at the most, Chinese warships to be based in Solomon Islands. Both scenarios will strain Australian defence resources and encourage other Pacific nations to use their diplomatic leverage to get more out of both sides.


This is a fundamental shift in the region’s international order. It downgrades decades of Australian diplomacy and requires a complete re-evaluation of Australian engagement with the Pacific. There is serious concern within Defence, Department of Foreign Affairs and cabinet about the precedent it sets for countries such as Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu, which are also being courted by China.


The Morrison government has spent the week claiming that it was not surprised by the deal, but the truth is, inside the government there was shock at the speed and scale of the agreement. They were aware of China’s broad intentions but had no idea of the specifics. There was no intelligence, briefing from the Solomons or any other information that indicated this deal was about to be signed. In crucial months last year when Solomons was gripped by protest, Australia’s High Commissioner Lachlan Strahan was stuck in Australia recovering from a back operation. He met with Sogavare in Honiara hours before the draft was released, unaware of the agreement that could reshape the Pacific order.

There are active discussions underway about how to get Pacific Minister Zed Seselja or Foreign Minister Marise Payne to Solomon Islands, but more than a week after the draft deal was first released, neither has been sent there because of concerns about how it would be received by Honiara. The relationship has become so sensitive that the Australian government is urging Washington to speak up on the issue.

Australia’s careful, quiet diplomacy has for decades been predicated on giving agency to local governments while focussing on health and education programs. These are good, principled tactics, but they lack the teeth to compete with a strategic adversary. Part of this problem is structural. Beijing does not have to answer to voters about why it is spending billions on overseas infrastructure while Australian voters are unlikely to cop state-backed largesse. But this has meant that Beijing has been able to build stadiums while Australia is funding schools.

The major Australian infrastructure project - a $92 million undersea internet cable to the Solomons from Australia - is as much about giving islanders high-speed internet as it is trying to ensure China does not control the islanders’ bandwidth.

China is building a $74 million 2023 Pacific Games stadium in Honiara. In 2019, the Chinese state-owned Sam group made a bid for the 75-year lease for the entire island of Tulagi, a resource-rich hub, that it wanted to turn into a special economic zone. Then in 2021, China refurbished an entire isolation ward of the National Referral Hospital for COVID-19 patients.


China is cashed up, ambitious and getting more bang for its buck, but it is also becoming better at subtler areas of cooperation traditionally championed by Australia and New Zealand.

Last Monday 80 Solomon Islanders left for China on university scholarships sponsored by the Chinese government. Among them were relatives of government MPs and Sogavare.

The flight was mutually beneficial. On its return, the flight brought back Chinese workers to build the infrastructure projects that will now require a Chinese security force to protect them.

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