

This was published 3 years ago


Australia must prepare for the return of anarchy to world affairs

The US-led retreat from Afghanistan is a reminder of the underlying condition of world affairs. Anarchy.

Afghanistan was part of the anarchy, classified as “ungoverned territory”, until the US-led invasion imposed some sort of limited order. But the moment the coalition lost its will to support that order, anarchy rushed back.

Violence in Kabul is just one part of a larger trend as the world’s natural state reasserts itself.

Violence in Kabul is just one part of a larger trend as the world’s natural state reasserts itself.Credit: The New York Times

The Taliban are making an effort to appear to be a responsible governing force. They’re angling for recognition as the legitimate government of Afghanistan so that they can qualify for the cash that would come with it.

If recognised widely, they could collect $US9 billion ($12 billion) in central bank reserves, $US4 billion in IMF special drawing rights, the $US12 billion in foreign aid over four years that was pledged at an international donor conference last year. This is an untold bounty in Taliban terms.

Last year the Taliban raised total revenues of $US1.6 billion according to a leaked report written by Mullah Yaqoob, son of the late Taliban spiritual leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, mainly through trafficking opium and heroin.

But the Taliban have not changed their nature, their ideology or their alliances. They are tribal, based on the Pashtun people. They are theocratic Islamists, recognising no universal rights. They are violent, not only in their brutality to Afghans but in harbouring a range of terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda.

In truth, there is nothing civilised about the Taliban. Their apparent conversion is merely tactical. They always were barbaric. They remain so.

The Jungle Grows Back is the title of a book by US commentator Robert Kagan. And the law of the jungle asserts itself.


But Kagan wasn’t writing about this month’s events in Afghanistan. The fall of Kabul is just one piece of the larger trend. His point is that the world since World War II has been an aberration, three-quarters of a century of relative order, now returning to its natural state. Anarchy.

“Between 1500 and 1945 scarcely a year passed when the strongest powers in the world, the great powers of Europe, were not at war, but since 1945 there have been no wars among the great powers,” Kagan writes. The Cold War ended peacefully.

The boom in prosperity has been unprecedented, 4 billion people lifted from poverty. Democracies, which numbered only a dozen at the end of World War II, proliferated to over 100. Human rights and liberties have flourished and ever expanded to include the rights of coloured races, women, children, homosexuals, transgender people.

It’s an aberration, but we’ve taken all this as the norm. “We’ve lived inside the bubble of the liberal order that we can imagine no other kind of world.” But the other kind of world is encroaching upon us.

The crisis of the US-led and US-enforced world order, the Pax Americana, came not last month in Kabul but in Washington DC in 2013. Barack Obama warned Syria’s dictator against crossing a “red line” in using chemical weapons, but then allowed him to cross it without impunity.

Russia and China understood the profundity of the moment. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping helped themselves to the territories of their neighbours. And, like Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, they got away with it. This is the world’s underlying disorder emerging when order fails. Kagan wrote his book in 2018.

Illustration: Dionne Gain

Illustration: Dionne GainCredit:

It was the failure of American willpower under Obama that was “less horrifically spectacular than the fall of Kabul, but strategically more important”, in the words of Rory Medcalf, head of the National Security College at ANU.

This week marks the 70th anniversary of the signing of the ANZUS treaty. It’s an especially pregnant moment to ask the question: how should Australia respond?

It’s shockingly clear that America is not an infallible power, but for an Australia trying to preserve order and avoid anarchy in the Indo-Pacific, America remains the indispensable power.

Medcalf doesn’t think Australia should write America off. Joe Biden has justified his Afghanistan pullout by saying the US needs to concentrate on the “competition for the 21st century” against China. This is America’s priority.

This priority suits Australia’s interests. Canberra, says Medcalf, “gave a little sigh of relief when we saw that the US under Biden was comfortable having our back and telling China to treat Australia more respectfully. We can put more confidence in Biden’s America than in Donald Trump’s America, but it’s only by degree.

“Now we’ve abruptly reached the end of Biden’s honeymoon,” Medcalf tells me. “We need to reinforce our middle power strategy while still being serious about the US alliance.”


What’s our middle power strategy? “During the Trump years we were beginning to see a mobilisation of middle powers, led by Japan and Australia, and the French and Germans and Brits in their own way.” Realising that the US was less reliable than ever, middle powers stated to get busy with each other.

Medcalf wrote in his recent book, Contest for the Indopacific: Why China Won’t Map the Future, that “the increased tempo of middle-power militaries training together is the most tangible manifestation of the diplomatic trend towards coalitions and collective self-help.

“This needs to extend now to a genuine willingness among small groups of nations to aggregate their forces, both to hold the line in the balance of power and to counter destabilising actions or outright aggression in a crisis.”

Since Medcalf wrote these words, Biden convened the first summit-level meeting of the Quad of Indo-Pacific democracies – the US, India, Japan and Australia. All of this activity represents anxious nations combining to “balance” against an aggressive China.

Medcalf urges Australia to intensify its cooperation with Japan, India, the main European powers, and the Southeast Asian nations of Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore: “Middle power mobilisation remains the main game,” he says.

The jungle is always waiting to grow back. We grew accustomed to letting the Americans do all the gardening. To preserve some order, Australia needs to marshal new energy and new partnerships to keep the jungle at bay.

Peter Hartcher is international editor.

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