

This was published 8 years ago

Apple's encryption refusal puts pressure on Congress to break impasse

By Chris Strohm and Kathleen Miller

Washington: Apple's refusal to help the FBI search the iPhone of a terrorist has added pressure on Congress to balance the needs of privacy and law enforcement in encrypted communications – something it has tried but failed to do for years.

"These complex issues will ultimately need to be resolved by Congress, the administration and industry, rather than the courts alone, since they involve important matters of public policy," California Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, said.

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered Apple to help the FBI gain entry into an encrypted iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook. Farook and his wife shot and killed 14 co-workers in San Bernardino, California, in December, before they were killed by police. The FBI wants to know where they had been and who helped them. Apple is refusing to co-operate.

There are two main legislative efforts taking shape in Congress to resolve the stand-off. Republican representative Michael McCaul, of Texas, chairman of the House homeland security committee, and Democratic senator Mark Warner, of Virginia, plan to introduce legislation to create a federal commission to study the issue and make recommendations.

Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, last year.

Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in a terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, last year.Credit: AP

Separately, the top Republican and Democrat on the Senate intelligence panel – Richard Burr, of North Carolina, and Dianne Feinstein, of California – are considering legislation that would compel companies to assist law enforcement. They haven't put forward a proposal yet or indicated when they will do so.

"The US attorney should be able to fully investigate the San Bernardino terrorist attack that killed 14 Californians, and that includes access to the terrorist's phone," Senator Feinstein said in a statement. "It's not unreasonable for Apple to provide technical assistance when ordered by the court."

Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas, said Apple's response means "they are unwilling to compromise and that legislation is likely the only way to resolve this issue".

Apple chief executive Tim Cook's refusal to comply with the US government's request to unlock an iPhone of one of the San Bernardino, California attackers drew strong reaction from critics and supporters this week.

Apple is refusing to help FBI investigators gain access to the contents of the iPhone of a terrorist who killed 14 people in San Bernardino last year.

Apple is refusing to help FBI investigators gain access to the contents of the iPhone of a terrorist who killed 14 people in San Bernardino last year. Credit: Ryan Osland

In an open letter to customers, Mr Cook vowed to fight a court order from a Los Angeles judge to provide "reasonable technical assistance" to investigators wanting access to the phone of Rizwan Farook, a shooter in the San Bernardino attack that killed 14. Mr Cook said complying with the government's request would set a dangerous precedent that could ultimately undermine the security of its iPhones.

Users supporting and opposing Apple's position flooded Twitter with rival hashtags #thankyouapple and #boycottapple and Facebook users wrote lengthy posts on the move.

Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey​ tweeted his support for Mr Cook on Thursday, joining groups like Amnesty International in applauding Mr Cook's stance. Conservative pundit Ann Coulter was among Mr Cook's many critics, suggesting in a social media post that Apple made the move "for PR" purposes.

Branding expert Allen Adamson, founder of Brand Simple Consulting, praised Mr Cook's forthright note to customers.

"Corporate leaders are better off having a very clear, principled view that customers can either agree or disagree with rather than having ambiguity and lack of clarity as to what the company stands for," said Mr Adamson, whose New York-based firm advises companies on volatile branding matters.

Mr Adamson and other branding experts said Mr Cook's open letter was important in getting ahead of the debate, even if its users do not necessarily support the company's decision.

Apple has come under fire from Republican legislators and presidential candidates such as Donald Trump, but the company has also rallied support among privacy advocates.

"This is a lightning rod issue in the country right now and it is hugely emotional and polarising. It is still unclear how it will connect with consumers," Mr Adamson said.

​Republican senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, criticised the White House for failing to put forward proposals of its own that addressed the balance of privacy and security in electronic communications.

"The administration's current posture appears to have encouraged at least one technology provider to go out of its way to refuse to assist law enforcement even in circumstances where it once helped to provide lawful access to encrypted devices in response to court orders," Senator Grassley wrote in a letter to FBI director James Comey.

While Apple and the US face what is likely to be prolonged legal battle, critics say the stand-off over access to encrypted data has far broader implications than just one court case and needs to be resolved.

"Despite many invitations from law enforcement groups to work collaboratively, these technology companies are spending their lobbying resources on fighting congressional efforts to make it easier for law enforcement to conduct investigations," Reynaldo Tariche, president of the FBI Agents Association, said in a statement.

The group "is encouraging Congress, the President, and other officials to demand that these companies fulfil their legal and civic obligation," Mr Tariche said.

Washington Post, Reuters

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