

This was published 9 years ago

Anzac terror plot: Teenage girl romantically linked to would-be terrorist escapes jail time

By Nick Miller

Manchester: A lonely 15-year-old girl from Manchester, neglected by her family and furious at racism, injustice and war, was lured into the world of radical Islam by a group of Islamic State supporters on Twitter, a court heard on Thursday.

She developed a romantic attachment to one – a teenage boy from a nearby city who revealed he was helping to plan an attack on an Anzac Day parade in Melbourne.

The girl (third from left), with her mother (first left) and support team outside the court in Manchester.

The girl (third from left), with her mother (first left) and support team outside the court in Manchester.Credit: Nick Miller

She told him she had "plans of her own".

That boy was sentenced two weeks ago for inciting a terrorist attack on this year's Anzac Day parade in Melbourne.

This image of weapons, along with others of jihadists, were found on the girl's phone by police.

This image of weapons, along with others of jihadists, were found on the girl's phone by police.

The key to police discovering the plot was when they found a screenshot of part of the plan that he had sent to the girl's phone.

The girl, now 16, escaped a possible jail sentence on Thursday, instead ordered into a year-long program of supervision, mentoring and re-education. She had not been involved in the boy's plot – instead she pleaded guilty to possessing two documents related to terrorism.

One was the Anarchist Cookbook, which she said she "vaguely" hoped would show her how to "hack into the White House", and the other a recipe for a bomb that she wrote in a sketchbook.

Sitting court next to her mother, dressed in an olive shawl and headscarf, the girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded with the judge not to send her to jail, saying she "wants to make the world a better place".

Osama bin Laden and other jihadists, in an image discovered on the girl's phone.

Osama bin Laden and other jihadists, in an image discovered on the girl's phone.

She was now being helped to "see people as people", she said. "I deeply regret what I have done and I wish to make changes. I can only make them if I get the chance to prove I am not a terrorist."

After district judge Khalid Qureshi​ handed down the sentence, the girl smiled broadly at her family and legal team, clearly delighted at being given a second chance.

Judge Qureshi said a jail term would have been a "measure of last resort". There was no evidence she had been involved in any terrorist plot, or had been seeking to radicalise anyone else, he said, and there was a "lack of any sophistication" in her offending.

"The serious issues within her domestic lifestyle led her to being particularly vulnerable and susceptible," he said. "It is clear she has spent a considerable time thinking long and hard about her behaviour.

"It must be every parent's nightmare to discover their child has been accessing material that they should not ... sadly many parents are still ignorant of the dangers that easy and unrestricted access to the internet can pose."

In most cases, he said, "a young person is likely to benefit from being given greater opportunity to learn from mistakes".

In a letter to the court the girl had said: "I admit that what I did was really bad, I admit I have made mistakes, I know I can't change the past but I hope I can change in the future."

In relation to the boy, she had quoted from the Koran, saying "Oh woe to me, I wish I had not made 'so and so' an intimate friend".

Prosecutor Rebecca Ledwidge told the court the teenage girl was arrested on April 3, as a result of investigations into the teenage boy.

Police found her Blackberry phone contained the Anarchist Cookbook, as well as images of weapons, IS symbols and flags, and radical figures including IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Osama bin Laden, and an article titled "A bomb in the kitchen of your mom".

They also found a sketch pad in which the girl had written a recipe for explosives – she initially told police it was school work inspired by a children's television program on fireworks.

The Cookbook contained sections on computer hacking as well as several viable explosive recipes, designed for someone to make a bomb without being detected, Ms Ledwidge said.

"The majority of the recipes are accurate and useful to a terrorist," she said.

At school, the girl searched on the internet for information on IS, Jihadi John and other IS-related material.

But she did not make any plans for a terrorist attack, and had not been involved in the boy's plan, Ms Ledwidge said.

They had bonded over shared views on religion and discussed travel to Syria to fight with IS. Of the more than 16,000 messages she exchanged with the boy, about 80 related to terrorism.

Defence lawyer Nasir Hafezi said this was "a unique case and a troubling one" – he was not aware of any previous terrorist case in any youth court in England or Wales.

He was confident the girl could be "punished and rehabilitated", he said.

She had downloaded the Cookbook out of curiosity but initially found it a "boring read", she told a psychiatrist.

She later downloaded it again because she was interested in hacking.

"I thought one day I might hack into the White House – I know it's a stupid idea," she said in a letter to the court.

She said she wrote out the bomb recipe because "I thought that online a lot of people were doing the same thing".

Mr Hafezi read out a school essay written by the girl, in which she complained about "thousands killed every day by drones and coalition forces [in] pointless wars", complained of atrocities in the Middle East and concluded that "action is needed".

At home she was separated from her father and older sister, and "left to her own devices", Mr Hafezi said.

She was a "very vulnerable young person" when she began seeking answers about religion.

She found a Twitter group that was advocating radical Islamism and she was "sought out on the internet and lured into an online world of violence", Mr Hafezi said.

"She became obsessed with the idea of suicide bombing and the idea of being a martyr, which she viewed as a way out.

"She readily accepts [now] that she was in a fantasy world, with fantasy ideas."

Since being arrested and charged the girl had responded well to mentoring, and "she has the potential and the intelligence to change", Mr Hafezi said.

"She accepts she has made a stupid mistake and she wants a second chance."

Outside the court, Mr Hafezi added that the case had ben a "sad milestone for the Youth Court".

Young people today need guidance and support, he said. They need to be given the space to openly air their political views, and if those views are inappropriate or naive they should be challenged.

If they are not allowed to do so, "they could be vulnerable to being misguided by sinister people and messages they come across from the unregulated and dark places [of] the virtual world."

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