

This was published 9 years ago

Anzac Day terror plot: teenager a 'hero', court told

By Nick Miller

Manchester: The teenage terrorist from Blackburn, Lancashire, who was radicalised by an Australian Islamic State recruiter and plotted an attack on an Anzac Day Parade in Melbourne from his parents' home, was a "hero" on Twitter, a court has been told.

Manchester Crown Court heard the boy had become a smash-hit celebrity on the social media network, winning 24,000 followers, many of them fellow Islamists, within weeks of joining it in January.

The Anzac Day parade on St Kilda Road, Melbourne, on April 25.

The Anzac Day parade on St Kilda Road, Melbourne, on April 25. Credit: Paul Jeffers

This popularity filled a "void" in his troubled social life and spurred him on to organise a potential atrocity in which – if it had not been stopped with days to spare – could have seen Melbourne police beheaded at an Anzac Day parade.

His followers came from a group known as the "Baqiya family", an online subculture of IS sympathisers who offer each other mutual support and encouragement.

He adopted scores of different Twitter handles in the few months between joining Twitter and his arrest in late March, the court was told. Accounts were closed due to their radical content, but he simply created new ones named with variants of his "kunya" (name by which he is known) "Khilafa Baqiya".

In a statement tendered to the court Alexandra Bain, a Canadian expert on the radicalisation of Muslim youths, said:

"On what he refers to as Jihadi Twitter, his articulated voice, irreverent humour and young age made him widely popular, a sort of group mascot."

It was here that in early 2015 the boy found "the perfect arena to vent his frustrations with what he felt was an unfair system targeting his fellow Muslims".


The so called "Baqiya family", Professor Bain said, was a network which showed signs of becoming a real though virtual "community". She said the vast majority of Baqiya members were passive supporters of IS or "wannabe foreign fighters who for many reasons will never travel to Syria or Iraq to fight. Some no doubt are simply engaging in role play and participating in a fantasy second life online".

In a further statement, Professor Bain added "[the boy's] arrest was widely lamented on 'Jihadi Twitter', and there are literally thousands of members of the Baqiya family who are following his case. No matter what the judge decides, Khilafa Baqiya, the 14-year-old from Lancashire, is already a hero among the jihadists".

Through this Twitter network, Manchester Crown court was told, the boy was introduced to "Abu Kambozz", also known as al-Cambodi.

Cambodi, whose real name is Neil Prakash, was an IS propagandist from Australia, who at the time was operating out of Raqqa in Syria, a "well-known figure in [IS] who figures prominently in [IS] propaganda and is regarded as a major recruiter," prosecutor Paul Greaney, QC, said.

The pair messaged each other almost daily on Twitter.

Cambodi told the boy about a "brother in Australia who wished to carry out a terrorist attack but needed a guide or mentor", the court heard. The boy volunteered to act as this man's guide. The man, who appears in evidence tendered to the court under the pseudonym "Illyas", was identified in court as Melbourne man Sevdet Besim.

The pair then allegedly plotted an attack on an Anzac Day Parade in Melbourne – the boy communicating via an encrypted smartphone app from a bedroom in his parents' home.

"It is clear that the purpose of this proposed attack was to promote the ideology and agenda of IS," Mr Greaney told Manchester Crown Court.

"Their plot was developed over the internet and the intention was that police officers should be murdered by beheading."

The plot included the making of a "martyrdom video" that would be used for propaganda.

The boy, now 15, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was in court for a sentencing hearing after pleading guilty to inciting terrorism overseas.

He sat quietly in court near his family, dressed in a grey shirt, striped tie and thick glasses on his youthful face. His hair was slicked back and he sat looking curiously around the court.

Mr Greaney said the boy, a Muslim of Bangladeshi heritage, had difficult teenage years as his parents separated. At age 13 he was an intelligent, though easily distracted "clown" at school.

However, in February 2013 he moved from a small school with Islamic values to a bigger, secular school. This was a "major shock", Mr Greaney said, and the boy began behaving badly.

On October 2013 he "praised Osama bin Laden and stated his own desire to become a jihadist and a martyr".

At home he spent all night on his computer, his mother told police, studying foreign affairs and talking on the internet to people he hadn't met.

A formal "intervention" failed to change his behaviour. Indeed it escalated.

The boy threatened a teaching assistant, Mr Greaney said, saying he "would stab [him] in the neck with his pencil and kill him like Halal".

Later he told another teacher he was plotting to kill someone. In class he was heard "loudly and aggressively stating that Americans were murderers".

And he told a psychologist "people think I have links to terrorism, I might go on jihad".

By late 2014 he was making open Islamist statements at school (where his nickname was now 'the terrorist'), showing propaganda videos such as beheadings to other students, talking about death and torture and his desire to be a suicide bomber.

He told a teacher "you are on my beheading list". He threatened to kill several other staff members.

He told a counsellor that he was in touch over the internet with a radical preacher.

"[That] contact was just one part of [his] extremist social networking and just one part of what led to and maintained his radicalisation," Mr Greaney said.

At the time, a psychiatrist found no evidence the boy was suffering from any psychiatric disorder.

In late March, with "overwhelming" evidence of the boy's continuing radicalisation, police decided to refer the case to its counter terrorism branch, and arrest the boy on suspicion of making threats to kill.

On the boy's phone, police found a "substantial body of evidence to demonstrate that [the boy] was committed to the cause of IS and jihad", the court heard.

His screensaver was an IS flag, and he had videos of beheadings, three editions of an IS magazine, hundreds of photos of IS fighters, and excerpts of a speech calling for "lone wolf attacks in home countries". He had searched for news items on IS, and information on explosives.

He had made several contacts via social media with fellow radicals, including a woman in the US. He told her to encourage her children to be martyrs, saying "let ur kids grow! Lols ... And then booooom". In another conversation he discussed travelling to join IS in Syria.

"A clear picture emerges of a young person who was ... thoroughly and dangerously radicalised and committed to IS and the idea of violent jihad," Mr Greaney said.

On March 16, Besim allegedly first contacted the boy, saying "I'm the brother from Australia". The contact was made over a phone messaging app that is encrypted.

Over the next nine days the two allegedly exchanged 3000 messages. The boy pretended to be a much older man.

He "wasted no time in making plans for terrorism," Mr Greaney said. He "gave Besim a choice between Hijrah ("migration" to join IS in Syria) or an attack in his own country".

"The position of the prosecution is that a major terrorist plot in its late stage, orchestrated from the north of England but to be carried out in Melbourne, had been thwarted," Mr Greaney said.

"[The boy] told [a psychiatrist] that he was convinced that if the police had not disrupted his activities, a massacre would have occurred. He thought he would become notorious."

A consultant psychologist said the boy showed "some limited remorse" and "continues to present a significant risk of continuing to engage in violent radical behaviour".

James Pickup, QC, for the defendant, said he accepted that the boy was "dangerous" for a short period, but since his arrest there had been "considerable change, substantial change" for the better.

Because of his problems at school, and the medical condition which was causing his eyesight to fail, the boy felt he "only existed on the internet, he only existed on his phone".

"The void [in his life] was filled when he went on his phone," Mr Pickup said. It was filled by IS propagandists.

One witness, who had several conversations with the boy, said in a statement, "rejected by the society he knows, more than ever he was vulnerable to indoctrination".

Justice John Saunders said most details of the terror plot appeared to have come from Besim, not the boy.

"The role [the boy] played, which may be a significant role in lone wolf attacks, was moral support, encouragement to go ahead with it, giving justification for it and giving some practical advice when needed," Justice Saunders said.

"The void in his life that at the beginning of this year was filled by the extremist dogma of the IS propagandists no longer exists," Mr Pickup said. "It has been filled by positive and constructive influences."

The boy is due to be sentenced at Manchester Crown Court on Friday.

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